8/1/21 - Donuts and rain


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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The rain forecast for the past few days had rain early in the AM. I woke up around 5 and
no rain yet. I went out before 6 and got in part of my walk in. I heard thunder, but no rain.
I was able to put papers by the doors this week before the rain. It started raining around 7.
It's a slow and steady rain. If it hadn't started to rain, I would have to water the flowerbeds.

I'm washing clothes this morning. Sunday school and church at home. No big plans
for this afternoon.

I hope everyone has a restful day.
Good morning. Glad your flowerbeds got watered for you, Kat.

I woke up at 6:00 to lightning and thunder but the rain stayed a little bit east of me. There are more chances though. It's overcast and 80*, humid but there's a nice north breeze. I'm getting ready for church.

The only noise I've heard this morning is thunder. No bovines in sight, and no sounds from them so far.

Have a good day, everyone.
Blue skies this a.m. Up since 5. Hate that I can't get back to sleep then. Will be off to church in an hour or so. While nice to be so much closer now, tis weird that it is no longer 1/2 hr or more to get there. LOL. Yesterday's rain was a little tiny cloud about 10 miles south of here, probably rained for 15 minutes there and it was over. Never got to town. Ha.
Kat, tis nice Mother Nature helped you out with the watering. And O.C. ...maybe those noisy bovines decided to take their quarrel to your neighbor's area. Ha. Enjoy the day, folks. After church, I have to pick up a few things at the store.......If it wasn't so hot, I'd go there first, but.......they wouldn't take to being cooped up in hot car.
Store parking lots have warning signs about leaving pets, yet twice I have seen police at cars with a dog inside, one stAying with the car, the other inside the store, finding the owner.
Good afternoon everyone. A beautiful day in the 70s here. Birdbath has been cleaned, and feeders filled. I had redwing blackbirds and grackles among the visitors at the feeders yesterday. Haven't seen any of those near my house for a long time. I guess having less people out in their yards enabled them to come in closer from the woods and farmers' fields.

Nothing big today. Just getting everything ready to go back to work tomorrow. I have no desire to go, but I have training all week on the new 3 year state contract. I hope we're allowed to have our cameras turned off during the sessions so I can at least drink tea or in case I yawn.

kat, slow steady rain is good as long as it doesn't turn into a heavy downpour.

Poirot, I just don't understand how people can leave pets or children in a locked car while they shop.

OC, Hopefully the bulls gave up arguing once they saw the girls didn't give a darn about either one's showing off.
Horrendous storms have now moved in with lightning and heavy rain. :cry: The gutters can't handle how much water is coming down this fast. (Reds and purples on the radar scan.)

I hope my little garden survives this monsoon. On the bright side, I won't have to water the plants for a few days.

Now sirens are going off, and an alert came over the phone. Guess I better get to the basement with my weather radio.
I think I had maybe 30 minutes of rain this morning. I'll probably water the flowers Thurs since
rain isn't in forecast again until next week.

rs, I hope your basement doesn't flood. It freaks me out when my gutters overflow when it
rains. Take care.
So it was lovely, just lovely out when I went to church. Coming out was a huge change. Temp drop, clouds, wind, brrr. Went to the store, did a fast trek thru, for the paper, and a few other things, into the long checkout line, where you wait longer than you spent shopping. Hurried home, just got in, friend called, but I had to bring in groceries, called her back, we chatted. Tried to read Sunday paper, so tired, went to sit in recliner, to doze a bit. Our friends arrived...visited for about an hour or so, they will be here tomorrow to take hubby to Duluth. I read the paper, and now, yep, time to fix dinner. I know this sounds terrible, but I think I am looking forward to some rest time alone for a couple days.
Hope you all are relaxing today.......The sun returned around 2:30, but is already clouding up again. No idea if this is weather, smoke, or the weird front that is bopping up and down across the country. It barely reached 70 today, and by Tuesday we are to be 85!
vinnie cabin chair.jpg
That's how we are feeling these days.... very smokey but fire under control. I've driven to town to access the cell tower's hotspot...
We are headed to Lassen Park tomorrow for the day.
My son picked up his puppy Friday so we have a German Shepard puppy in the family now.... Theodore or Theo for short..... he is 13 weeks old and already bigger than the BEAST.....
Squirrel, I hope you came out of your basement to find no damage. I can't get over how much stormy weather you've had this spring/summer.

Robin, it's so good to hear from you. I was wondering about you and the fires this afternoon. The smoke smell must be hard to cope with but it's such a relief to know the fire is under control. Maybe both the dogs will spend time doing what Vinnie's doing in this picture. Otherwise, things could get lively in your cabin.

Poirot, it doesn't sound terrible at all to me for you look forward to some time alone to rest, though I know there's a natural tendency to feel that way. I hope you can view it as a respite and a blessing, and make a conscious decision to just be thankful for it and rest the best you can.