8/11/21 - Donuts and Hay Delivery

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. Another hot and sunny one here, with humidity rising. Possible rain beginning over the weekend. We'll get the first of our hay delivered late today. My niece is bringing the tractor over now to rearrange the bales we had leftover from last winter, to make space for the new ones. I'll have to take her home in a bit and later I may need to help keep the cows out of the hay lot when the delivery and unloading is happening. She stores her hay here too because I have a more secure lot in which to keep them, and we usually start out from my place anyway so it's more convenient.

I have a number of projects for things that must get done on the ranch so I'm going to be preoccupied and busier than usual for a while. My truck probably won't be ready to pick up until the first of next week. They are fixing the a/c--multiple wires, etc. chewed by rodents. (A costly fix with no good solutions for prevention). The transmission problem is a puzzlement. They can't find anything at all wrong with it. This is the 3rd mechanic shop to check it out and basically say the same thing. This time I took it to the Ford Dealership! So why does it sound/feel like it's in overdrive or trying to pull a heavy load at highway speed, and why does it use 3 quarts of transmission fluid with some frequency? It seems there's nothing left to do but drive it and keep a close check on the fluid level.

Poirot, I'd like to think you got some rest last night but that would probably be too optimistic. Wishing you the best day possible. Wishing that for all of you out there.
Good afternoon everyone. Boy, I thought I was late checking in. Looks like everyone is busy today.

We're having a storm with 60 mph winds, monsoon rain, and hail. I'm hoping it stops by 2:00 so I can load the car up. Will be working at the back to school bash at the mall a block away, but I don't want my equipment to get soaked. My local school district sponsors a backpack and school supplies give away for all children in our area no matter which school district they attend. We provide vision screenings, and students from a local cosmetology school give free haircuts. There are usually bands playing dance music for the kids, and several restaurants supply pizza, hot dogs, and drinks.

OC - Wow! It sounds like you have a busy day going on. I haven't told you in a while, but I admire how you and your niece work your ranches. You two are amazing.
Good Late Morning/Early Afternoon,
Busy morning here, started with a meeting right at 8AM. Sounds like the storms we had yesterday are hitting RS today, we had at least 1 confirmed tornado about 30 miles or so north of me last night. Thankfully we just had rain and wind at my apartment. Right now we're at 78* and really humid, although not quite as humid as yesterday. Leaving work last night felt like I walked into a wall of hot water as I left the building, the air was just think with humidity.

RS - I hope the storms mellow out for you very soon.
OC - stay safe in the humidity, that's the worst.

Enjoy the day everyone!
Morning all..... it's another under 100 with high humidity and a strong chance of rain..... yippee..... we need the rain..... but the wall of hot water as Manda described it is unpleasant.
so much to do so little desire to get it done.... then I come here and read about OC moving hay bales.... and my inner self says girl get your act together and get it done!!! we shall see if inner self has any control over anything......
Good Wednesday to all....
This morning, I went to the church library. We had things to do today.

I'll be inside this afternoon since I'm still under the heat advisory. There's a
cool down coming next week.

OC, good luck keeping the cows out of the hay. Take time to rest in between
your projects.

rs, enjoy the rain. I hope it stopped before you had to go out.

manda, I hope the humidity isn't too bad this evening when you have to go home.

robin, I hope you get some rain.

I hope everyone can be inside this afternoon with the awful heat.
I'm a wuss compared to her.
My thought exactly! I get tired just reading about O.C's day!
Sorry for all the extreme weather issues some of you are dealing with. So stressful!
Clear, sunny day here, but we are expecting another heatwave over the next few days. Ugh.
I just happened to see my neighbor at the grocery store. Poor guy. He is really struggling. He said she knew it was coming and she was so, so tired. She told him that the cats were sleeping with her because they knew she was dying. :cry: His brother is visiting with him for a while. He didn't say how long. So sad.
So much for sunshine, more storms are rolling in with another tornado watch for this evening. I sure hope all of this clears out before Saturday, it's Girl Scout day at our local baseball team, and it would be so sad if we got rained out.

Lil0 - how tragic for your neighbor, so very very sad.

Robin - yuck sounds like you have the humidity wall today too.

Poirot - I finally read your post from yesterday. I sure hope today is a better day for you. Sending hugs and extra prayers.

Kat - glad you're staying safe from the heat advisory.