8/12/21 - Donuts and Storms


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone.

Yesterday's storms were horrendous yet Amanda is sending me another few rounds of them today. I didn't get home from work yesterday until 6:30, and I only had a few minutes before the next storm to brace / tie up my tomato and pepper plants that the wind, hail, and rain had beaten down during the day. One of my zucchini plants was hanging out over the edge of the planter only being held in by the tap root that was mostly pulled out of the soil.

We're currently under severe storm warning, high heat warning, and very poor air quality warning. Storms are on the way now with the sky looking very very dark looking west over the state line to Ohio. The heat index is supposed to reach 100* by noon, and the humidity is already at 90%. I don't know how those of you who live in the hot and humid areas of our country can take this every day.
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Morning Everyone,
Be safe RS, yesterday's storm went all around me, but a town about 45 miles northeast of me got hit by another tornado yesterday. We didn't even get rain.
Robin - oh dear, flooding is dangerous, I hope everyone is safe by you too.

The good news for RS is that today is cooler and only partly cloudy, the best part is that the humidity level has gone way down. So hopefully the weather stays nice as it travels her direction. Gena is spending most of the day with my mom, they'll be going for haircuts later this morning, and then working on their quilts until I get out of work early to take Gena to the doctor. Afterwards my mom invited us back for dinner, so we'll head back over for bratwurst and whatever she makes with it.

Thinking of you all and sending prayers for whatever you need most.
Good morning.....well, it was dark & dreary , a few sprinkles, including evidently 1 during the night, but really, just sprinkles. Sun is out now, blue skies, guess it will be nice day. Just a few degrees cooler they say.....we will see. Have to pay bills today, kept putting it off, and cannot any longer, no matter the calls, etc.
Also have to run to store, not much, but impt. Yesterday learned about 4 golfers injured by a lightning strike on Monday, at the golf course here. All family members from southern WI, up on vacation. Two were treated & released, but two were kept at the hospital. Evidently the bolt hit nearby, but they all were injured, must have traveled thru ground or something.
Hope all goes well today for you all. God Bless.
Another heat advisory here today. Tomorrow night and Sat there might be rain.
I hope so.

An interesting morning at the library. I'm still working on the adult fiction books.
I got to the M's and I knew something was wrong. At one time, the head librarian
wanted the Mc books at the beginning of the Ms. Somewhere along the way, things
got mixed up. I took some books to the librarian that was there and told her to
alphabetize them. I told her the Ms were out of whack. I fixed six shelves. One author
that was on top is now at the bottom.

I'll be in this afternoon catching up on my studies. I'm always behind.

rs, the way I brave the heat and humidity is I do things in the morning and stay inside all
afternoon. People who work can't do that.

robin, I hope you don't get flooding where you are. I saw pictures yesterday of an area
in Arizona that was flooded.

manda, I hope Gena's doctor appt goes well. Enjoy your dinner with your family.

Poirot, I hope you got your errands done before the heat.

I hope everyone's afternoon is a good one.