8/18/21 - Donuts and Mud!

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. More rain overnight. I kept waking and hearing it but would drift back off to sleep so I thought none of the showers were amounting to much. What a surprise to find 2.6" in the gauge this morning, bringing it to a total of over 4" for the past two days! Glad I went ahead to town yesterday, when it was only moderately muddy.

Dachsie, I hope the infusion helps you on the way to a faster recovery. My daughter and 18 yr. old granddaughter are recovering from Covid now.
We woke up to rain but it’s been more of an off and on drizzle.

OC - glad you got your errands done. I hope your family gets better soon. I’m so afraid for one of my girls to catch it. Especially with being back to school.

Dachsie - I too hope the infusion helps.
Good morning.... off to get my COVID test..... due to my exposure, no symptoms..... I was unable to find a quick test so this one will take days to get the results but hey what else am I supposed to be doing?
WE have another monsoon day..... which means hot and a 60% chance of rain..... yippee..... I'd rather just have hot...... but that's just me......
Dachsie add me to the list of folks that hope you are feeling better......

have a great day...
Good Very Late Morning/Early Afternoon,
I'll be taking a mid-day work break for a doctor appointment shortly. Nothing serious, just a med check to follow up on my lab work a few weeks ago. Nothing planned for this evening either, so it will be a pretty lo key day today. Yippee

OC - oh dear, that's a lot of rain for you. I hope the mud dries up soon
Kris - I love hearing light rain in the morning.
Robin - I sure hope your test comes back negative for you
Dachsie - I sure hope the infusion works for you and you are feeling better soon.

I'll check back later.
Afternoon all. I woke up not feeling well and some of my symptoms go with the
dreaded sickness. I went ahead and got tested. I'm negative. I told the man who
came out and gave me the result my neck hurt like it did after my shots. He felt
my neck and looked in my throat. It looked fine. I think I have a cold.

dachsie, I hope you're feeling better today.

OC, I'm glad you got some rain.

Kris10, I hope you get more than drizzle today.

robin, I hope your test is negative.

manda, enjoy your afternoon off and have a nice evening.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
Kat - I wish it was an afternoon off, just a long lunch for the appointment. I'm back at work now. The good news is my doctor is very pleased with my newest test results and is very hopeful that within the next 6 months if I keep working hard I may be able to stop taking one of my medications. Sorry you aren't feeling well, I'm glad your test came back negative.
Good late afternoon / early evening everyone. Heavy rains here all day. It was horrible to drive in and at times traffic couldn't go over 20 mph on the interstate.

I had to be at my cousin's before sunrise to take her to a huge surgery place in Ohio for pain management. They're doing tests now to see which nerve block drug will work on her back. The 6 injections done this morning worked for less than 2 hours. I have to take her back next week for another round of injections with a different drug...that'll be the 3rd one so far. The doctor said when they land on the right drug or combinations, the pain will be gone for approximately 2 years.

I'm going to eat a very late lunch or very early dinner now before I fall asleep.
That cracks me up Robin.

funny story on the first day of school Siege came home and told me the schools K9 attacked her in the office. She quickly followed it up with the full story — the dog licked her mask off her face.
You know, today I was talking to a friend, about helping others, and I think you all reminded me of the "be kind, help one another" I try to live by.......and something from back several years ago. I was walking down our Main St., probably to wherever my car was parked, and this woman, an elderly one, was standing at the corner, just standing there. As I came up to the corner, and she had not moved, I asked if I could help her. She wanted to cross the street, and was afraid. (mind you, small town, no traffic in sight). So crooked my arm into hers, and said o.k. we can go together. Off we went, just across that small street crossing. I don't know where she was going, but she was immobile standing there, stranded. She thanked me, began walking towards wherever she was headed.
I am not out & about often, so don't run into situations, but I still think of that small moment in my life that meant a lot to someone else. You never know.
And....I smile at strangers all the time....been difficult of late since wearing mask all the time. And then, the other day, I am entering the local supermarket, a few steps behind some man, I have put on my mask, come thru the door, he is standing there, with a cart,smiling and asking if I want one that size (small). Grateful, thanked him profusely. And he got another cart and off her went. Yep, people ARE kind.