8/19/21 - Donuts and a Late Beginning

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. Looks like everybody is late getting around today. I think our rain is gone for the foreseeable future but for now it's still cloudy and breezy. I welcome the breeze to dry out the roads. I hope all of you are having an okay day.

Dachsie, I hope you are feeling better. Kat, you too.
Good Almost Afternoon,
We must be a very busy bunch today, as it's 11:18 here and I'm just getting our donuts thread started.
It's hot & humid here today, I had a very sticky walk this morning. Our Girl Scout meeting should be great fun tonight in this heat. I had the joy of scrambling for a new guest speaker today as the original backed out at the last second. Thankfully I found one in about 5 minutes and it's one of our troop moms so that's even better.

I hope all of you who are under the weather are feeling better.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Good afternoon.........doc's appt. this a.m. plus caregiver & a nurse here for hubby, so am finally able to get on here, tho now have to go fix lunch for hubby. I barely get to eat. Was going to go to store after appt. but with the nurse coming, etc. I went home instead. My time is seemingly no longer my own.
Sorry, just got around to the merge.
Hope Dachsie is on the upswing.....we are already over 80......were s upposed to be only in the 70s this week, lol. Nope, not even once. Enjoy your day!
Good morning. It's been a rough one. Last night one of our night blooming cactus' went wild and bloomed. I went out to take pictures and was attacked by nasty bugs. I saw the growing welts on my feet so those got benadryl gell alas I wasn't aware of the bits on my hands and back of my legs so took the pill and went to bed. Now today is fuzzy. We got a ton of rain yesterday, it's amazing how quickly mosquito's become alive after a rain.
Thanks for merging.

I just now watched our local weather. It's only going to get to 90* today but the heat index is going to feel like 103*. Humidity.

Robin, I feel for you on the mosquito bites. Even worse for me are gnats. Hope you get out of the Benadryl fog soon. You have a pretty view out back though.

Poirot, indeed your time is not your own and that is both exhausting and stressful. You are in my thoughts daily.
It's been cloudy here all day. Rain was in forecast, but now it's gone. Rain might be off and on through Sunday.
My mower is going to have to figure out when to come.

A busy day at the library. I finally finished going through the adult fiction books. I had to move some around since
the books so tight on the shelves. I see how long that will last. There are 40 to 50 new books that will one day get
on the regular shelves.

I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday. I guess I needed some rest.

Poirot, you need to get more help with hubby at home. Can you get some people at church make you
meals? My church has a group that cooks casseroles for members when needed. You need to eat too. I wish
your family was closer to help you out.

manda, I'm glad you found a replacement for your Girl Scout meeting. I hope it won't be too hot and humid.

OC, I hope you can stay home today.

robin, sorry to hear about the bugs. I sprayed my bedroom the other day because I keep finding bites on me.
I'm still getting some. I don't know where they are coming from.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.
We had some nice rain this morning but it left quick with extra humidity left behind.

I got to do quite a bit of work today so that was nice. I’m looking forward to tomorrow being Friday though.

I have an email sent to the photographer about scheduling senior pictures, which I still can’t believe it’s time for.

OC those heat indexes are miserable we spent two weeks fluctuating between 105 and 110 heat indexes and I barely felt like moving. Stay as cool as you can.

Poirot - I hope you can get some more help to get a little time to yourself.

Robin - mosquitoes are of the devil
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Forgot to mention, early this a.m. I see TWO geese walking around the grounds. Not in a hurry, no idea where they came from, they strutted here, there, eventually were gone, no idea. There ARE a couple of ponds out back, no idea if they were residents deciding to take a walk, or visitors taking a rest stop on their way south. Tho pretty early for the trip south.
And got the physical therapist here for hubby, then hospital calls him to see how he is faring, & they want him to see his primary doc to ascertain meds since he cannot take the penicillin. Sigghhhh.
flower hand for size.jpg
So this is the picture I took last night when the bugs decided to feast. That is Hunny Bunny's hand for size. These flowers ONLY bloom at night and only for one night. Bats are their main pollinator I believe. Under the big blossom you can see a stalk for a flower to come in a day or two. This cactus blossomed for the first time last year. This year it's going to town, we had 5 blossoms on it last night. Our bigger cactus in the back yard has tons of blossoms but none I can get a picture of as it's huge and the flowers all face the road.