8/2/21 - Donuts and a Summer Breeze

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. The rain is moving away. It missed us altogether. But there is still a nice north breeze and it's only 71* at the moment. It will reach 90* and then begin to rise again after today. It's pleasant out, though the air feels heavy, even with the breeze and cooler temperature. The humidity is in the 90s%. It's light enough to see but no sign of the sun yet.

Poirot, you and your husband and friends are in my thoughts this morning.
Took a while, but finally, around 7 a.m. the sun decided to appear. It was certainly light enough, (rose at quarter to 6) but just was reluctant to shine down. Hower, skies are hazy, so might not last long. Glad you are getting a nice breeeze, at least for a while. Today is supposed to be a high 70s day, then the next few back up to mid 80s. Got a bit of a tummy problem today......Guess all that lack of sleep and stress is catching up with me.
Enjoy you day, even if a Monday.....:)
It's going to be cloudy here today. Highs will be in the low 80s. It won't get back
to 90 until Friday.

I got my hair cut this morning. I need to make calls and start my Sunday school
lesson before lunch. I plan to work outside after lunch today. Hopefully, I can get
the project done.

OC, enjoy your breeze.

Poirot, enjoy your cooler weather and feel better soon.

I hope everyone will have a pleasant day.

Update: I've been looking for my tax refund since I'll have to mail it right back for estimate.
I called the IRS. My refund is suppose to be deposited today :)

I forgot to mention the clock I have in the living room started working yesterday. So far,
it's still going. I wound it last year and it only went about two hours. I couldn't believe
it started on it's own. I need to find a place to repair it.
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Good Late Morning,
It's a lovely morning here with sunshine, blue skies, and temperatures in the 60's still. We're supposed to have temperatures similar to Poirot today. We made it to the garden briefly yesterday, pulled just a couple weeds as it started to rain and got muddy to fast. We'll have to make it out again tonight or tomorrow depending upon how long it takes Gena and I to plan the Girl Scout meeting for this week.

OC - sorry the rain missed you, I'm sure a little of it would have been helpful. 90% humidity is miserable, please be safe as the temperatures go back up.
Poirot - I'm behind on the weekend posts, but I hope you stress levels out sooner than later and that you're able to start sleeping better soon
Kat - I'm glad to hear you are finally getting your refund, it's a shame you have to send it back. How strange that your clock would just start working again.

Have a terrific Monday everyone!
Good evening everyone. Work was crazy today. Got a lot done, and lost track of time. My friend had to knock on my door to tell me to go home.

Going to eat dinner and relax. Well relax as much as I can since opening my school property tax bill that came today. Even with the homestead discount, the amount is horrible. I jokingly told my neighbor that the school board is probably now charging us by the number of trees on our properties instead of the usual millage.

Poirot, I hope you can get some rest while hubby is away for his medical issues.
yOU KNOW what is going to be nice? For a couple of days, there will be no one coming in and out of the house, I can actually stay in my robe after 7:30 a.m. and not have to be all dressed, etc. before 8. It's only a couple days, but yes, hope I get some rest and "time off".
This a.m. I called my car dealer/repair, as when I got the oil change, they said rear brakes needed rotors, were worn. So I paid for parts up front, they were to call me in a day or two, when the parts came in, ...............and never did. Been nearly 2 weeks, so called, oh, they had everything, first appt. is Thursday.
Poirot, the care repair place not calling you as agreed sounds all too familiar. Good thing you followed up. I hope your stomach is feeling better by now.

Ouch, Squirrel, your property tax increase sounds painful. I found out today that the cattle auction place we use has gone waayyy up on their commission so that will bite the next time I have calves to sell. It seems there's no escaping expenses like these.

Robin, I hope you were able to enjoy the National Park, in spite of the smoke. It was hazy here again today and my niece told me we are getting some of the smoke from the fires. I don't know which fires but at least it's not strong enough to smell it here.

Manda, I hope you had a chance to enjoy your nice weather this morning.

Kat, it seems like no time since you got a hair cut. I'm shocked almost daily by how fast the time is passing. I hope you are pleased with the cut you got.

My day took a completely different turn from what I was expecting today. I got so sleepy after my breakfast, I lay down and was dozing some, when my niece called. She was on her way to town and wondered if I wanted to go. I about had to quirt myself to get going--get dressed, etc.--but I've been needing to go and I couldn't pass up this chance to go without having to drive myself. We went to the smaller town, 20 miles west, where we ate and stopped at the hardware store, then we went east 40 miles to Wal-mart and a supermarket. We got home around 6:00, a long day, but it was good to get out. I think I need to get out more, even though I don't have much motivation.
Poirot Wanna bet they have put the parts in someone else's car and you will have to wait till they come in???
Fire has picked up steam again....before we knew that we were on a picnic lunch where we were "protected " from ducks... by the beast....they basically ignored him as he growled and woofed at them
I know some of you have Netflix. Last week, they put the movie "2012" on. It's over 2 hour 30 minute
movie. If you want to see a hair raising movie, with non stop excitement. This movie is for you. I
usually watch "Days" in the evenings. I've been watching movies on Netflix during this time.
Oh no, Robin, I was afraid that fire would pop out again. On the funny note, I can just see Vinnie and the ducks. Watching animals is the most fun thing for me.

Kat, I don't get Netflix anyway but if I did, that movie would seem too scary for me.