8/22/21 - Donuts and Sunday


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I'm having the typical summer day with sun and high humidity. Last night, I let my cat
out and I saw the full moon. It was between two trees. I wish I could have taken a
picture of it. When I walked this morning, I saw the moon behind clouds.

This morning, I watered the front bed and picked up petals. I'll be cleaning this afternoon.

I hope everyone has a relaxing day.
Good Sunday Morning!!!!
From listening to the morning briefing it looks pretty good for the cabin for yet again another day. My sister is supposed to be there this week but well with her husband coming down with COVID and the Hwy patrol closing the road she's still in Santa Monica. If her husband feels better next weekend and they roads are open she will drive up.
I'll head out to the pool this afternoon. Beyond that my plans include finishing my book.

Poirot prayers for you
Dachsie I hope you are feeling better...

Good Sunday to all who come......
Looks like a quiet day. I hope everyone up in the northeast is okay. The storm doesn't seem quite as bad as it could have been, from what I see on the news. My husband's nephew in the Boston area said they only got about an inch of rain.

It has certainly been quiet at my place, which is fine with me. I haven't been outside at all. I've been trying to clean up the floor of my closet and I also cleaned out a couple of dresser drawers. Even making tiny bits of progress is encouraging to me. I've neglected things like this for such a long time.

Robin, I hope your brother-in-law will be well enough to go check out the cabin soon. Having the cabin last for this long seems hopeful. My son's family moved out of northern CA yesterday and spent the night in Nevada. This afternoon they are making their way to Idaho. Daughter-in-law said there was smoke in Nevada but not as bad as CA. They're hoping it will be much better in Idaho.

Kat, I hope I remember to look for the moon tonight. I did see it last night but it was later and it was already way up in the sky. There was a planet not too far from it. I never remember if it's Venus or Mars.
Good afternoon, went to church this a.m., was nice cuz the Knights of Columbus had a pancake breakfast after, with Strawberries, syrup, biscuits & gravy, sausage patties. Folks really enjoyed it, was nice to relax a bit. See familiar faces. Tried to get Sunday paper after, but Store had 1/2 the paper, half the sections were not there. So to WalMart, none there. Came home, Decided to go to big gas station with a convenience store. They were out, WalGreens next door, went there, Oh, yes, the fatter paper. Got home. Two comic sections, two fist fulls of store ads (Target, K Mart, etc) but no Home, TV, Local, Business, Auto sections....My friend called me, (this a a St. Paul news paper) She said she got the same kind, and her son bought it from a gas station 10 miles away. So........looks like this newspaper has changed drastically. Have to find another. Sunday paper costs more, but used to have a lot of extras from daily.
Oh, well.
Nice day, 75 & sun. Feels warmer inside than it is.
Good evening everyone one. Another hot humid day here with not much accomplished other than house cleaning early this morning.

My oxygen saturation is dropping to around 90 if I try anything too strenuous.

Monday's day trip to western New York ( the little corner that nestles in to the northwestern tip of Pennsylvania) has been put on hold. My friend's daughter isn't feeling well, but tested negative for COVID-19. With her not doing well and my asthma in over drive, we thought it was better to cancel for now.

I'd like to take a drive south to the newly completed Flight 93 Memorial, but temps are to get in the 90s with feel -like temps in the 100s. The memorial is on top of a mountain with no shade and a lot of walking.
I was there years ago when only the Memorial Wall was completed, and would like to pay my respects again.

Time for another breathing treatment before I find something for dinner.
tHAT is just so wonderful that there is a memorial for Flight 93. I often think of those on that flight, how scared, but how they must have been praying. So many brave souls aboard. I think maybe Sept. might work better, squirrelly, and when you do, I hope you have a picture for us. God Bless.