8/24/21 - Donuts and taking it easy


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Dec 29, 2012
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This morning at 1, I woke up with my neck hurting. It was awful. I turned my pillow over since it's made to help with
neck pain. I got up and heated my bed buddy. That helped. I'm not sure when I finally went back to sleep.

This morning, I woke up with shoulder pain. When I walked, I wondered if I'm getting pain because I'm doing exercises
with weights (3 lbs each). I'm doing more repetitions plus I started going faster. I'm not going to exercise with weights again
this week. Next week, I'll do less repetitions and do slower.

I picked up the rose of Sharon petals this morning, but I didn't do anything else outside. I'll be in the rest of today.

I hope everyone has a terrific day.
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Kat, I hope you feel better soon. Probably a good idea to back off the exercise as you are doing. With all the hard work you do, you could have pulled something. Lots of possibilities but sounds like you are doing what you can to help it heal.

Last night I went from waking at 4 to waking at 3:30. Took me a long time to get back to sleep. Then I got up at 8. Really slow getting started with anything. Going to be around 100*, give or take so not a day for spending any time outside.
Raining here, thunder, too, tho have not seen lightning so far. Started around 7:30, guess it will go all day. Agree on taking it easy, Kat. Hot shower??? Heating pads do help. My neck has been hurting for several days, not bad, but ....
Hubby very cranky. Our friend is still here, I thought he would be leaving today, but guessing the rain is keeping him, definitely don't like driving in rain, tho short distance is o.k. But not the long hauls. LOL.
Have a good one, my friends.l
Good Morning,
Poirot's rain is heading in my direction. It was sunny when I came to work, but the sky is becoming dark and ominous. Gena had a fairly good day at home yesterday, she cleaned the bathroom, today she'll be washing dishes. She called me in a panic as the refrigerator is dark, she checked the breaker and it isn't flipped, so either the lightbulb is burnt out or the refrigerator died. I'm hoping it's the light bulb, but I told her to keep an eye on it and try to not open the door too much. I'm not sure what I'd do with all my food if it died. I know the landlord would replace it, but I also know appliances are hard to come by, and I only have 1 soft sided cooler.

Kat - I hope your pain eases, sounds like you're muscles need a break
OC - Try to take it easy in the heat.
Poirot - sorry your hubby is cranky, hopefully your friend can help keep him distracted until it's time for him to leave.
Mandy, my frig died last spring, fortunately it was still "cold" outside, so I put everything into bags out side on the patio, but was lucky enough that I was able to get another frig at local store, & it was delivered & installed next day. Yes, it's smaller & without all the bells & whistles that the one in here had, but....works. Only complaint I have, I hear the motor running.....not quiet. Good luck. Hope it is just the light bulb for you. (with me, I took something out, and it was NOT as cold as it should have been. (probably milk) I checked freezer, things were not frozen hard. Ooops.

Right now, yes, way too hot for that. Wishing you the best......
manda, hopefully, you just need a new light for the refrigerator.

OC, I hope you're sleep longer tonight.

Poirot, I'm glad hubby's friend is there to keep him company.
Good morning...... hoping for a burnt out light bulb too....... I have another COVID test today..... today is the end of my quarantine so if it comes back negative, and I really hope it does, I'm okay..... I feel fine, I was tired right after I got home but then I drove alone for 6 hours so I guess that makes sense. Sister's husband goes in for an infusion today to help with his COVID. WHY he waited so long to call is beyond me. MEN.....

HB went to the grocery store as we were out of food.... he spent lots of money and purchased 3 pounds of ground round...... ta da..... that's it for the next two weeks...... okay...... this should be fun...... MEN

Okay time to go to get tested......

Good Tuesday to all......
Gena checked again about an hour ago everything was still cold, so fingers crossed.

Robin - praying that your test is negative.

Poirot - I remember when your fridge went out, such a mess, but you're right winter would be better than 90* summer days for finding a place to store the items. I'm sure my landlord would get a replacement as fast as possible, as he always is great about that, but I also know how hard it can be to get appliances in a hurry. My mom ordered a dishwasher in February, old one was leaking and they updated the kitchen, and didn't get the new one until late July.
Yay, Robin! I just got back from getting a COVID test. I hope I get the same results as Robin got! My symptoms could very well be attributed to other causes, but when they gang up on me, I get concerned. Headaches, cough, scratchy throat, nausea, and tiredness. I should know within 48 hours. I have house guests coming later this week and then again in mid-September, so I want to rule out any possibility of spreading bad stuff! The nurse said we are experiencing a huge up-tic in both testing requests and positive results.
Got to say, as much as I appreciate him being here, get annoyed more than I should. And I just cannot go into it all. He has been a good friend for years, started out as a guest at the resort....which he never fails to mention. Too much history to share now......but I do tire of hearing over and over all that he has done for a cousin of his........& his vacations here. Sorry.......am not in good mood. Caregiver here morning & afternoon, Nurse, Physical therapist, as well. A lot to deal with.
Poirot, that's just about how I had it figured but didn't want to say it. Not that there's anything wrong with the friend. He has been helpful, it seems, but you've just had too many people in your home constantly, you don't get enough sleep, you're tired and your nerves are frayed. It's all understandable--and exhausting. Wishing better sleep than usual for you tonight.
Manda — hopefully it’s just a light bulb.

poirot - I hope the friend leaves soon.
Robin - Yay for negative

Lil0 hoping for a negative for you as well

my day was chaotic- my mom came by to drop off birthday gifts. Then as she was leaving the school nurse called to tell me Calleigh was complaining of an ear ache and it looked like a bug had gotten in to her ear during recess and I had to pick up Calleigh to take her to urgent care where we waited in the most likely germ filled waiting room for two hours only for the doctor to tell me the school nurse was wrong and there was no bug but instead dried blood in her ear. So I don’t know what exactly was making her ear hurt or caused the blood but at least they didn’t find a bug I guess and I can only hope that we didn’t leave with anything we didn’t come in with