8/25/21 - Donuts and Change of Plans

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I had planned to go to town for a prescription this morning but they don't have it ready yet. I called it in Sunday, knowing it needed a renewal from the doctor. The pharmacy said they faxed it to the doctor on Monday but haven't heard back. They said they would fax it again. Same thyroid medicine I've taken for many years. Time passes so fast, seems like every time I turn around it has to be renewed again.

Dachsie, I've been wondering about you. Are you getting well yet?

Kris, it's good there was no bug in your daughter's ear but seems like the doctor could have wondered why the blood? A funny story about what happened to my husband years ago. He was in mid-stages of dementia, wore hearing aids, was constantly having trouble with them. They were good, high-tech, ones but I was continually having to take them for repairs because he'd fool around with them, doing who knows what? (He was very tech savvy before the dementia so still tried to "fix" things but only made them worse). When his hearing got much worse, in spite of the hearing aids working fine, I took him to the Ear/Nose/Throat specialist. The doctor took a long time and had to dig really deep in the ear and finally pulled out a hearing aid battery! Somehow, at some point, my husband had stuck the battery in there (probably thinking he was inserting the hearing aid) and it had gotten pushed further in over time. The doctor's jaw dropped, he'd never seen anything like that before. We all had a good laugh!
OC that’s crazy! And definitely worthy of a laugh by all. The doctor said it looked to her like she maybe scratched it and that’s why it bled a little. She said she didn’t see any bugs or anything abnormal other than the little bit of dried blood, but told me to watch her for signs of an ear infection in case the blood was signs of one starting but this morning Calleigh told me her ear was fine and she went to school as normal. Guess we will wait and see if I get another phone call from the nurse that she’s complaining of ear pain again.
Good Morning,
Update - the fridge is fine, so is the lightbulb. Somehow when Gena reset the breaker switch for the microwave (which blows every time she uses the microwave when the air conditioner is running), she turned off the breaker for the fridge. So when she went to check it she turned it on and back off again. Thankfully the only items to thaw out were the fish sticks which we ate for supper, the ice cubes, and the ice cream, which as of this morning is back to being completely frozen.

Nothing exciting going on today for us.

OC - I hope you get your medication soon.
Kris - I'm glad there wasn't a bug in your daughter's ear, that would be scary and gross.
Poirot - I'm sorry your friend was more of a drain that a help. I hope today is better for you.
Life doesn't seem to get easier. I had bad night's sleep, finally was up and around 6 a.m. Gave up trying to sleep. Hubby goes to bathroom around 7:45, Caregiver arrives 7:50. Hubby still in bathroom 8:10. I thought probably washing up, etc. However, I peeked in, he was sitting on the john, moving a bit, so, thought well, he's trying to go (he gets constipated at times. 15 min later, both caregiver & I getting conconcerned, he still sitting, head in chest. We call his name, does he need some help. No reply. Finally just go in, he still does not reply, seems to be unable to even grasp sides of toilet seat. Yep, 911, they get here in about 10-15 min. Have terrible time getting him up, he just keeps repeating my name, and very loudly saying "please, please". He wants to be in a bed, let him die. They got him into his wheel chair, then finally onto the gurney. And into the ambulance, where they had some difficulty getting an IV in, but finally did, and off to the ER. I think my BP by then was sky high, heart racing. Our friend arrived just before the ambulance left, managed to say goodbye to him. He stayed with me about an hour (caregiver left) and then he left for home. And I am trying to calm myself down back to normal.
Getting worried about Dachsie, am afraid she perhaps had a bit of a setback. We all might say a prayer for her.
So glad that frig is o.k. Mandy...Are your breakers all marked with what they control? Gena will have to remember to shut the A/C off before she uses the microwave. LOL
O.C. that is quite the story about your hubby's ear hiding a battery for ages. LOL
It was supposed to be sunny today and 80, but it is really rather cloudy. Humid. Ugh. Have a good day, one and all.
Oh Poirot - what a terrible start to your day, sending virtual hugs and saying extra prayers for you. I have tears in my eyes after reading about your morning.
keep telling Gena to turn off the air conditioner before she starts the microwave, but she forgets. I think I'll tape a note to the microwave door tonight when I get home. The breakers a marked with which room they are for, but not specifically what they run, better than nothing, and we only usually have the one flip, which we can tell because when they blow there's an orange square that turns back to black when you reset it.
Today was church library day. I'm going out every morning to pick up petals. I'm not seeing many
beetles this year. Maybe the bad winter killed them off.

I'm doing studies this afternoon. I'm so far behind.

Poirot, sorry to hear about your husband. I hope the hospital can figure out what's going on with him.

manda, great news about the refrigerator. Putting a note on the microwave sounds like a good idea.
Maybe you can put colored dots on certain breakers to show which ones are which.

OC, I hope your doctor approves your medicine. That was an interesting story with your husband.

Prayers for everyone today.
Good morning....
Sorry to be late. Our landlord showed up to help with a leak in the pool filter. He hasn't had our tree's trimmed because he can't find anyone to trim them. We get two to three folks stopping by each week asking to do it. I'll forward his number to them. We have to trim the palm tree's yearly to keep the roof rat population down and general tree trash, those fronds are heavy suckers should they get blown out of a tree they can hurt.
Summary is up.
Poirot, if this keeps up you are going to need a vacation away from your life for at least two days. I hope the hospital figures out the issue. I bet you know what the issue is, but not how to fix it.
OC, I loved that story.
Manda how great to know what caused the fridge outage. We have the same issue A/C-TV and Microwave equals snapped breaker. I told the landlord when he replaced the Microwave they changed it's circuit. Haven't had the problem again. Why in AZ you have the A/C share a breaker with anything is beyond me....
Kris I hope ears stay good today....

Hope today is a good day for everyone.....

PS my youngest grandson, who had longish hair went in to get it cut yesterday, my son is in tears.... his son now has a shaved head with a little mohawk (a true case of the mother's curse, he had long hair down to his waist as a child) I told him to not worry, hair grows and who knows what the next wacky hair style his son will want.
Robin, I had to look up "frond," and I was surprised. I was expecting it to be the fruit. Funny I wouldn't know. I spent a good bit of time in California, off and on, in my teens. Guess my mind was on other things at the time. You're right about the hair. My family endured my oldest grandson's man bun for longer than I had hoped it would last. His dad told me, "We have to pick our battles. Hair can change." And it did.

Manda, what a relief, with the refrigerator! Good learning experience for Gena too. Back when we had only a window unit a/c, I had to turn it off whenever I used the vacuum cleaner. Not a good combination during the summer.

Kat, it's interesting to me how different insects are prevalent each year. I always wonder about what makes some worse some years than others but I never figure it out. I hope you get caught up on your studies.

Poirot, what a stressful ordeal for you and for your husband. I'm so sorry. Such a hard time for both of you, with all the back and forth.
Oh Poirot, that sounds awful. I’m sorry you both are going through so much.

I’ve been wondering about Dachsie too, will definitely say a prayer.

manda so glad the fridge is fine. We had to sharpie what each breaker was for on the breaker panel for the girls.

Calleigh made it through the day without complaint so hopefully whatever it was stays gone. We are off to pick her up some take out for her birthday dinner in a little bit. Our feels like temp is 109 and I don’t want to cook so this worked out