8/27/17 - Donuts & Rain


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Nov 23, 2006
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Yesterday we go over 2" of rain, and I thought it would never end.......but then this a.m., around 6, my Houston daughter posted this...

13" of rain here in last 24 hrs. 11" overnight. Ankle deep water in back and side yard. Hoping it will drain. This is bad. I'm under the red band right now. Over 150 roads are under water. National Weather Serice warning that I've never seen: FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY FOR CATASTROPHIC LIFE THREATENING FLOODING. Stay inside everyone.

Yep, I was just reading about Houston too, and immediately thought of Poirot's daughter. Came to this site to check in. I hope she stays safe!!

Still no rain at all here! My garden is suffering. We had the wettest April ever, and I wish we could have spread some of that water out over the summer. I need to get a few rain barrels!!!!

Wishing you all a SAFE day.
Morning all.

WOW, that is a lot of water. I've heard on the radio that the ground can't soak anymore up. Here in the desert, the ground is so baked it can't soak in. It just runs off, taking all the good top soil. But then again, the idea of 11 inches in a few hours is just difficult for me to imagine. I am so glad your daughter checked in and is okay.

And who in the world ever thought tying a dog to a pole was a good idea in a flood??????? I am glad the dog was saved. And I'm glad after Katrina, shelters have changed their ideas on allowing pets. Many people stayed home because the shelter wouldn't allow their pet. I'd stay home if a danger situation made me move and I couldn't bring Mr. Gus.

Good Sunday to all. It was 92 at 6 am this morning. So I believe we will have another warm day. And yet the pool is cooling off. Weird.
Pictures of Hurricane Harvey's destruction could never show all the destruction and loss to the people who live there. It's not over yet, either. In my adult life, I've lived through a major flood and a major hurricane, both while working for the health department as an emergency responder (on a limited level dealing with public health laws, not rescues). This is the worst I have ever seen and I pray for all in the path of this.
Daughter still good.....but here is video clip......you can see this is right by Downtown Houston...she lives about a mile away, can see this.......


Buffalo Bayou, about a mile north of my house. A lot of the water from outlying areas makes its way to this bayou and out to the Gulf.


This is amazingly sad and frightening to watch people's lives destroyed by such massive flooding, wind and rain! My heart goes out to each and every one. Samaritan's Purse is sending volunteers to rescue, clothe, feed and shelter displaced people and are working with ASPCA to shelter animals found lost in the flooding. How I wish I could volunteer right now but hubby is on phone doing that right now.

Poirot: your daughter remains in our thoughts & prayers

OC: your cousin, I believe, and children in Texas also remain in our prayers

Please, everyone, be extra cautious if you live in the path of this storm. And if you see a stray pet, please consider picking it up and taking it to a local shelter. They are traumatized too. Back to the news for updates and footage all day.
Good evening. Had a good visit with son's family yesterday, but yes, I was very tired when they left. The two-year-old is very sweet natured but he is one of the busiest I've seen. Outside, he'd be out of sight if you turned your head for a couple of seconds. Climbs on things, high and low, inside and out. In the bedroom he found a bottle of black craft paint and a bottle of white-out and had a grand time with both before anyone noticed. It was all over him, his stuffed toys, the floor.

He was sitting there in it, smiling so sweetly, as though he were proud of his accomplishment. Then last night, with company long gone, I was awakened again at 2:00, to attend to some needs. Back to bed at 3:00, and another hour to get back to sleep. Today I'm recovering and doing cleanup and laundry. Grateful to my niece for bringing over some pork chops, corn on the cob, and rolls.

Poirot, that map helps me to see where people I know are located. Houston and all of that area is like a foreign land to me. Only went there once, when I was about 20. I haven't heard from my cousin In Sugarland. He's not on Facebook and we only talk occasionally. But he's very much an experienced outdoors/nature person, has done volunteer work for ages, so I think he would have done whatever was necessary to take precautions.

I also have cousins in Corpus, I think I already said, and I have friends in and around Houston. It seems nearly everybody knows someone in that area. So many people living there. I'm hoping and praying all will remain safe. My husband has had his tv on the weather channel all day so I've been seeing coverage.

Dry as my part of Texas usually is, I have been in a couple of situations, decades ago, where we got rain amounts into the teens in a matter of hours, once in the Dallas area, and once here. Still, this present disaster on the coast seems to be something beyond what anybody can remember--with much more rain still on the way.
OC: thanks for your update too on loved ones in the storms aftermath and path. Your niece us such a doll to bring you such a great supper. Smiled at the sweet grandson covered in black and white paint. Now that is an easy to remember memory to share with him years from now. Rest up friend.
Ah, OC, sorry you had a disturbed night, and yes, so glad your niece brought food. Yayyya. I thought maybe you might like to see this pic, my ex-son-in law has a ranch just north of Houston....He of the 19 in. of rain in 24 hrs......posted this pic of the pasture...


he now has another 5 " to add, he says, making 24" in 36 hrs. Guess that water has to be closer to the fence now. Cows must be in the barn.

Let me explain something. In high school, he was Capt. of football team, & wrestling team, my daughter was cheerleader. So I know him from when he was 16-17. they married while in college, and when he graduated, moved to Texas. Eventually they divorced, but he would bring the kids up, is a good guy. The ranch is something he started while still working regular job, but something he always wanted. So, we keep in touch, tho have not seen him in some time.

Hope you all get a good sleep tonight.

We have been cloudy and threatening rain all day, with occasional glimpses of the sun, but it has not rained, at least not yet. :)
Oh, my gosh, Kat, every one of those vehicles is trailing a boat. That is just fabulous. I think perhaps this just might be returning the favor......as Louisiana was hit so hard by Katrina, and so many reached out to help. Houston's 911 system was overwhelmed, answering and rescuing over 2000 people, and so many still marooned, in dire need of help. thank you for the pic.
Kat, your twitter link has been blocked but thanks to the comments here, I get an idea of it.

Poirot, it's interesting to hear about your ex-son-in-law. In my sister's family there is an ex who's been like part of the family even after the divorce. It looks like your ex son-in-law has a beautiful place. That area has a much gentler landscape than here--except when there is a hurricane like this, there is nothing gentle about it! I hope his cows will be all right. I was visiting with my niece this afternoon and she was disturbed after hearing that many cattle down in the hurricane/flood were left to fend for themselves. No doubt all kinds of animals have been caught in such a disaster.

Noel, I wish I'd thought to take a picture of the grandson before they got him cleaned up. But anyway, yes, it's good to have the memory.
Thanks for the pictures, Poirot. Interesting to see what's going on where
your ex son in law lives.

There are a lot of people going to Houston with boats to help others. The
difficult part is where they will launch their boats.