8/6/17 - Donuts & getting soaked


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Dec 29, 2012
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Guess what it's doing at my house? :)

Morning all. Since there are thunderstorms in my area this morning, I had to walk Goldie
in the pouring rain. I thought she would hurry and do her thing, but no we had to get to
area where we walk first. I'm glad I have two rain jackets. I'll be wearing the other
going to church.

We might take a walk in between the rain, but I have other things I need to get done today.
I'm cleaning house today because I'll be helping my friend at school Monday AM. Forecast
rain most of week. I'll probably have to pay for mowing now since grass will be wet for awhile.

Time to get ready for church.

I hope everyone has a good Sunday.
I used to like to dog-walk with an umbrella, especially at night. :) Hope you get a rainless day, soon, so you can mow the lawn before it gets too long. Lawns don't grow much here, this time of year. Have a peaceful Sunday!

All due care and caution, everyone!
Morning all, the sun is out, but seems a weak sun, lol, we do have a "possible" rain chance, thunderstorms as well. Am out of the shower, and will also be off to church in a few minutes. Wishing everyone a lovely day.........
Happy Sunday!

My living room is so quiet now that the front door has a sweep and reset in the frame, It is lovely to have a more peaceful Sunday morning again! So grateful to my brother-in-law and nephew for an awesome job! Our visit was too short but very sweet. They were treated to a huge BBQ dinner at their favorite restaurant last night.

It is sunny -- what else?! -- here and already 86F at 7am. No dust storms predicted which makes me very happy. A relative hot week forecast leading up to 108F or higher. Where is Autumn? I am so over summer.

Kat: sure hope the rain stops as you go in/out of church today. Goldie makes me giggle with her 'one spot' to do her business. I have a dog that does the same routine. They definitely are creatures of habit aren't they? Hope no dangerous storms come your way!

AGuy: hope your Sunday is quiet, relaxing and rejuvenating today. Stay warm and dry out there.

Poirot: your weather pattern seems to always have rain this time of year. Hope you are dry going and leaving church and have a nice Sunday with your hubby.

Everyone enjoy your day and try to stay dry!
Good morning. It sure is strange weather here. We got about an inch of rain yesterday on a 20% chance. Today we're up to 40%, then we'll have 70% chance for a couple of days followed by varying percentages at least through next Saturday. This is most unusual for August here! Our grass is already turning green again. I had planned to have some ground leveling work done and had hoped for it last week (got rain), but I will not complain about or be unthankful for rain in August! At least I hope I won't. All of you can cyber slap me if I do.

Kat, Goldie's ritual made me laugh too. I hope your rain didn't include lightning. We rarely get rain without it so it always makes me nervous to go outside when it is raining.

A. Guy, I didn't realize you have dry summers too. Wishing you a good day.

Poirot, safe travels to church and back. Have a blessed day. I hope your husband is feeling better.

Noel, I smiled at your description of your quiet living room, thanks to your kind relatives and a proper frame and door sweep. Until recently I had lived for so many years with a lot of things in disrepair, so I know how satisfying it can feel to get little or big things fixed. Do your brother-in-law and nephew live in the area or did they come from afar? What a great way to show your appreciation. BBQ is hard to beat!

I was up for a few hours in the middle of the night so I'm dragging this morning. I'm not planning on doing much and will nap when and if the sleep will come.
Good afternoon everyone. It is another cooler day here since we're having our October weather in August.

I'm sorry that I haven't been posting in Donuts, but I've been in a funk since having my eye exam late Thursday afternoon. This is one case where having knowledge is not a good thing.

I knew something was wrong when doc kept going back to my right eye while using the slit lamp and prism magnifier. He found an anomaly in my retina that wasn't there last year. (Thankfully, it isn't interfering with my vision.) As soon as he told me what he was looking at, I knew what was coming... an emergency appointment with a vitreo-retinal specialist. Doc called me Friday with the date, and they can't get me in for two weeks since so many of the partners are on vacation. Two weeks is actually very quick since our clients usually have to wait four months to get in.
Good Sunday to all.

The meeting went well, the day moved along and I got some internal house stuff done. We watched Girl on the Train last night. I started the book 3 times and never was able to get into it. I did not like the main character Rachel. My sister, who read the book for book club, said stick with it, but I couldn't. Almost gave up on the movie but did stick with it. I will say that I am not a fan of books or movies that tell the story from 3 different points of view that bounce back and forth in time. And I don't like it in movies either.

Today will be spent doing some more stuff around the house and maybe some out and about things. I, too like Noel, am looking for what passes for Autumn on AZ. I'd love to be able to open up the house and get some fresh, non air-conditioned air flowing through.

I hope you have a restful and peaceful Sunday.
Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fantastic day. Today has been an okay day. I had a really nice sleep last night, woke up and did a few chores around the house. After I did a few of them, I relaxed and read some. Then I had some lunch, which was pancakes. After lunch I took a nap and after I woke up I did a few more chores around the house and right now I'm relaxing. I have also been keeping a close eye on my cat's health and it seems to be getting a bit better considering the diagnosis. I'm truly grateful.

The weather has been fair today. Right now it's a little sunny and 77 F, a nice summer day here. We are supposed to get rain later today and tomorrow. Ick. We've had enough rain here.

Wishing all of you a super Sunday. Sending each one of you so much happiness.
Hi folks....a bit hectic here. Church was nice, did readings today. On the lst Sunday of the month, all who have a birthday during the month get honored. Prayer said as they stand, and we sing Happy Birthday. Today was that day, next Sunday is anniversaries.

Had coffee & donuts after, (home baked goodies) and while standing in line, lady in front of me said she just got up here from Indiana. My ears perked up, Noel.....lol.....& she said it was soooo hot there, ghastly. But then she comes here and it was just toooo cool. She isn't sure she brought "warm" things with her, or enough for how long she will be here. Told her about the lady I know in AZ who is from Indiana, and the 85° when she wakes up, and 106° during day. She was shaking her head, nope, will take the cooler weather right now. LOL

Went to store for the paper, and a few things, but phone calls keep coming. Hubby is not doing better, so friends and family are calling to see how he is doing. He should not have come home from hospital, but he is so ornery he insisted, just created havoc there, I am thinking, wanted the IV disconnected, tired of taking the stand with him to the bathroom, which was 3 steps from his bed. He is a terrible patient, for sure.

Oh, Squirrelly, Sure hope all goes well, in fact I am sure it will. A shame for the wait, but just talked to my son, who has been trying to get into a dentist, and either they are not taking new patients, or there is a one to two year wait!!! That is unreal.
Poirot: laughed at your story of the Indiana lady. No she would definitely melt here. Sounds like Hawaii might be her only ambient temperature in summer. So sorry about your hubby health recovery. I used to tell my Dad he earned the right to be ornery once in his 80s. Sounds like your hubby is earning his early. But not feeling well is aggravating to us all. Prayers for you both.