8/7/21 - Donuts and a Setback

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I got excited too soon over my well pump fix. This morning I went down to see if the water trough had filled up. It was less than half full and over at the pump there was water seeping out from under the concrete slab upon which the pressure tank sits. (The pump itself is submersible). I'm going to have to call the guy to come back out. He broke away from another job to come out here on Thursday so I don't know if he can do that again or not. Also, he's located 65 miles from here so he can't just take half and hour and come look at it.

It's going to reach 100* each day for the next several days, and the wind is gradually picking up out of the south. It will be running around 25 to 30 mph in the coming days. That kind of heat and wind is not a good combination. We haven't had any rain in weeks so things are already dry.

Wishing everyone a pleasant weekend.
It's sunny and in the 90s today.

Busy morning at Walmart since it's tax free weekend. A lot of people
buying school supplies and other things for kids. Walmart didn't have
enough checkers for the crowd.

OC, sorry to hear about the pump. I hope it won't take too long to fix.

Wishing everyone a good afternoon.
Back to touch base and bring you up to date. On June 30, my precious husband of 55 years and 11 months passed peacefully in his sleep at home on hospice with all the family around here. He lived a week. Our sons and their wives literally (sp) moved into the house and were 24/7. Their bosses let them off the whole time tho some did work from home some. I awoke just before he took his last breath at 2:04 a.m. He was buried on July 5th with the church full. All three military grandsons were able to be pallbearers in full uniform. It was a beautiful passing and an upbeate funeral.

On July 12th, I started with "gut" problems. On the 14th, They fixed a strangulated hernia, removed my gallbladder and about 10 large stones, foxed some some other lesions from 2017 surgery and removed my appendix that I thought was removed in 1985. Went to nursing home for 2 days (didn't work out), back to the hospital and home with my kids helping out again so I was never alone. Gotten sicker ad went back to where I had original surgery and had an endoscopy (sp) where they removed 8 more 2+ centimenter stones and several slightly smaller ones. I returned home yesterday for what is a 4-6 week recovery.

Now I'm working on husband's funeral thank yous, financials, etc that all go along with death of a sponse and a month in the hospital. At least I have you guys to give me the encouragement to go on. Thank you so much for being there. Sorry for all the mistakes. Just feeling too weak to correct.
Nanahl, sorry to hear you've been so sick since your husband died. Are any of your children still with you now?
I hope you have someone there with you while you feel better. I hope the surgeries have helped you feel
better. Take care.
Oh, nanahl.......What a sad & difficult time for you!. Am so sorry for your loss, and prayers that you recover from all the medical problems, surgeries, etc., regain your strength. Am glad your family was there to pitch in, hope they are still around to continue some help. God Bless.
(P. S. we don't have spelling or grammar police here, just not to worry about anything. Take care of yourself, that is most important.)
Kate's Family's Cabin 2019.jpg
Good morning.... as far as I can tell this is still standing today. It all depends on the wind.
The BEAST is again white and grey/silver not grey and darker grey......we were going to bathe him but the groomer had an opening at 9:30 this morning so why should I struggle with him when she does a better job?? he is now resting from the ordeal.

Nanahl you have been through the wringer.... take your time and recover. visit here as you can......you've had double shocks to the system..... very happy to see you here today.....

OC I hope your pump gets fixed.....

kat tax free days.... not something I'm familiar with..... as in California and Arizona don't do that sort of thing.... more like tax gouging day....

Poirot I hope everything falls into a routine you can work with at home..... prayers that the stress level is maintainable..... and not over the top....

and as an FYI gas in California is over $4 and in most places on the highway over $4.50......
robin, tax free weekend is done in August for parents to get school supplies, clothing and other items.
Anything under $100 is not taxable. I think other states do it as well before school starts. I hope Vinnie
feels better after his bath today.
Robin, your cabin is beautiful. I so hope it is spared. Sounds like Vinnie was due a bath. White and gray/silver is much prettier than gray and darker gray!

Nana, thank you for giving us an update. I've continued to remember you in my prayers but I had no idea you'd gotten sick yourself, following the loss of your husband. You have a remarkable family so I'm guessing they're giving you all the help you can. Just knowing they care so much must be a big comfort and encouragement for you. Hoping for a good, complete recovery for you, and ongoing peace.

Kat, you are a brave soul to go to Walmart, even on regular Saturdays, let alone on the tax-free weekend. You couldn't pay me enough to go there or to any other store on special sale/discount days! I enjoy going to Walmart but only on weekday mornings, when there are no crowds. Or at least I used to like going there, before they did the complete overhaul of the store. Now it's a chore because I can't find anything.
Nanahl ~ so sorry for all the health issues you have been dealing with. I hope you are well on the mend now and that you are getting all the care and support you need!
OC ~ sorry about the pump problems!!! I'm sure there is never a "good" time for something like that, but this seems like a particularly bad time for it!!!!!

RAIN! We finally have rain -- what I believe will actually be measurable rain. [A couple of days ago we had a wee bit during the night, but I'm quite sure it didn't amount to anything measurable.] My grass is all brown and many of the plants are seriously suffering. Such a joy to hear it hitting my roof right now!
We also got some rain today, just about .2 is all, but the overcast skies remain, along with the forecast for more. Who knows? Am glad the skies finally opened up for you, Lil0, the lack of rain everywhere has not been good for flowers, for sure. My brown grass finally has become green, but there are lots of "dead" patches here and there. I mean grass never grew at all.
My younger son drove up for his best friend's memorial service earlier this afternoon. (I think I mentioned how his friend was just found dead on his living room floor by his significant other when she came from work. Sudden, & he was only 52 - last Feb.) but I did not get to see him, as he went straight back home. He did call, said he drove thru hard rain all the way up, was raining here during the service, & was raining as he drove back (central WI) Wasn't raining any longer here but probably still to come. Maybe.
Want to laugh? I had such a taste for popcorn about 2 mos. ago, but movie theatre butter popcorn. (Love our local movie theater popcorn). I don't eat it much, but, I bought a box of Orville's movie theatre popcorn. Gosh, tasted so good, 12 small bags, just enough for one person , even tho I always wished there was just a tiny bit more. LOL. So, it was all gone........and at the store, I decided to get another box, they did not have the small box, but a larger one, & I assumed (you know what they say about "assume") that it was more bags. Alas, it was BIGGER bags. That really doesn't work for me. I am only one who can eat it, and too much, so "save for later"....nahhh, doesn't taste as good. Oh, there were 12 bags, of them, lol, so gave 4 to the caregiver, will share with other caregivers as well. Or some friends. And now that I have you all rolling your eyes, LOL, (by the way, it says 1.5 to 2.5 minutes in the microwave, I did 2 - was perfect. ) have a good evening my friends. Smile, nod your head, I have to go eat something for dinner.
Thank you OC, yes we've been going there for decades. It is such a nice little place....

Poirot we had popcorn for dinner last night.....just didn't feel like fixing anything. popped two bags and added shredded cheese and ate while watching Olympics.....

Today my sister met her grandson Lorenzo for the first time!!! His birthday October 6, 2020 but in Vancouver, Canada so COVID made it very difficult to get there. I'll be going to met him next weekend. Yeah!! another 7 hour drive!!! Looking forward to it. But I've made my hotel reservations so I'm set.