9/1/2021 - Donuts and September


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
So it is going to get cooler the day's light is going to be less harsh and more magical, tress will put on a show of colors...... it will be amazing.....

Nora wasn't as bad as it could have been less than an inch of rain for us... the mountains received more but I'm not sure it was as bad as it could have been. Our cabin still stands but we have no water, the fire fighters drained the tanks so if anyone goes up for the rest of the week and into next week they will need to pack in their own water and boil the water that does come from the tap...

Happy Wednesday to all who come....
Good Morning,
Gena is settled in for her first day of 6th grade, sniff sniff, where did my tiny baby go?
It's a beautiful day here, with high temps only supposed to get to the mid 70's today. I got some great news this morning (well it would have been last night if I'd have checked my email), the group that was working on getting Gena a cello finally found one to gift to her. I reached out to the lady to set up a time for the gifting. My heart is so happy for my little girl, she'll be able to play whenever she wants forever. :love:
More good news, Gena's best friend finally convinced her dad to let her join Girl Scouts, he was hung up on all the problems the Boy Scouts are dealing with and was worried Girl Scouts would be the same. I told him I wish he had talked to me sooner, I could have explained how the 2 are not affiliated with each other in the slightest. Her mom said it also helped when he found out I'm the troop leader. What a great start for Gena for the new school year.

Robin - I'm so glad that your cabin survived the fires and that you got some rain, but not so much to cause flooding. I truly hope that your weather really does start to improve.
Good morning everyone. Cool and rainy here.

Had to make a stop at the Chevy dealer this morning. The battery in my remote went kaput, and I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to open it to put in a new one. Before I even told the parts guy my name, car, etc., he said "Oh, you must have a Trax!" Um, yep. He said it was the one remote that people keep bringing to him for a new battery because the remote doesn't open like the manual shows. SO DUMB...you have to take the hidden key out. Then stick the tip of a little teeny tiny screwdriver into a teeny tiny hole that is hidden inside the remote at a strange angle. Then the remote pops in 2 pieces. GRRRR! When I told him my extra remote has been in a lockbox for the past 3 years, he said to bring it in after work to have the battery tested. He only charged me $5 for the battery. When I checked the Walmart app after getting back to the office, the price there was $10. Guess I'll just go to the dealership, and let the parts guy do the work at half the price instead of me possibly breaking the extra remote.

Assisting casework as needed today since the 1 caseworker and I are the only ones working today. He already called twice for me to pick up clients from their appointments because he was stuck with someone else who needed more assistance.

In between helping him, I'm packing for next week's schools.

Lots of good news this morning!!

robinsnest - Great news that your cabin is ok.

Amanda - WOOHOOHOO! Good news about 2 of my favorite things while growing up... the cello and Girl Scouts. Fantastic that Gena is getting her very own cello. Plus having her best friend joining Girl Scouts is wonderful. Participating in Girl Scouts is such a great learning experience and character builder for girls. I think I told you before that my Girl Scout leader for 9 years became a volunteer in my screening programs. It was so much fun working with her though it took me a long time before I could call her by her first name.
It's sunny and in the high 80s today.

Another busy morning for me. After breakfast, I picked up the petals from under the rose of Sharon. Then I
watered it. I worked in the front bed awhile, but it got too warm from the sun. I'm washing clothes now
then I'll do studying.

When I was picking up petals, a hummingbird flew close to me. I was surprised since it was low to the ground.
He got within 12 inches of me. Then when I was in the flowerbed two hummingbirds were catching each other
by the hummingbird feeder. When they were chasing, another hummingbird came by.

My cat isn't happy with the new doors. He's not sure what's going on with one door opening a different
way. And now front way has two doors now. He came in front way this morning.

manda, I'm so happy Gena got her cello. You need to post a picture when she gets it. I'm happy her
best friend can join Girl Scouts too. What a great way to start off the school year.

robin, I'm glad the cabin is still standing.

rs, I'm glad the dealer was able to help you with your remote for your car. I hope your day isn't too tiring with
your extra work.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday.
RS - wow, crazy that the dealership has cheaper batteries and installation than Walmart. My troop calls me Miss Amanda, it was easier than my married last name when they were little. I however completely understand, I still call Gena's teachers Mr. or Mrs. so and so. It was funny I was on a committee with the school district for a while for a Match tutoring program and my softball coach from 8th & 9th grade was also on the committee, as he was by then an elementary school principal, at one meeting when I was talking to him directly , I called him Coach Kubisch instead of his first name, which was how I addressed all the others, everyone just looked at me weird. Eventually he remembered me, it took a bit considering that he had been my coach about 20 years prior.

Kat - how fun that the hummingbird trusted you enough to get that close.
I finally got back to the computer to catch up a little. Still only have strength for a short update.

I do want to say something about the Boy Scouts, if I may: My husband was Scoutmaster for 10 years in the 80s and I was his assistant (unofficially). We were both on the district and council training teams. We were the first couple to receive the District Award of Merit as a Couple. All of our 3 boys are Eagle Scouts. One has 7 palms past Eagle, one has 6 and one has 5. All I am trying to say is that not ALL Boy Scouts were involved in the scandal. Most troops and Volunteers are SCANDAL FREE. I am one of those who feels you can look into ANY organization close enough, you will find some rotten apples. PLEASE DO NOT JUDGE ALL FOR THE POOR CHOICES OF A FEW.

I am still very weak, not allowed to drive and have to have someone here while showering. I have to have the wound packed twice a day. I do my own most evenings. It's getting old. I hate being dependent on everyone else. I return to the surgeon for a checkup tomorrow. Hopefully some restrictions will be lifted. The problem with the driving is that is Home Health finds out I am driving, they won't come any more and that would be worse at this time.

I have caught up with DOOL, I think but WHO IS CALISTA (?)
Calista evidently was married to Bonnie's husband's brother, who is dead, she claims Bonnie killed him. This is all new to everyone, so we are all along for the buggy ride ReRon has in store with this new character he invented. (He sure does seem to invent unlikeable characters, for sure. )
Nanahl - I was in no way accusing anyone of being a bad Scoutmaster, I know plenty of great Scoutmasters and den mothers, my dad and aunt's & uncles all went through scouting and my Grandmother was a den mother and Girl Scout leader. I was just saying that my daughter's best friend's dad was worried about scouting in general for his kids because of all the news stories about the tragic bad apples that Boy Scouts has had, I'm sure it's very different now, as even as a Girl Scout Leader, I have to go through a background and credit check every other year to continue being a leader, I'm sure Boy Scouts does the same. I'm also sure that there have probably been bad apples in Girl Scouts. I meant no disrespect to anyone. - I sincerely hope that you are feeling better soon, I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to not just take a shower whenever you want
It does seem, Nanahl, the older we get, the longer it takes to heal/recover. Heck, when my gallbladder was removed, years ago, guarantee you, took longer than just a couple weeks to recoup. Took me nearly a year after the auto accident. It is no wonder there is such worry and care about older folks, masks, vaccinations, etc. Am so glad you have help around to aid you. God Bless!
I got on briefly this morning but didn't have time to post. Robin, I wanted to thank you for the laugh you gave me with your opening statement. I'm also glad to hear the good news about the cabin.

Manda, it was great to hear of all your good news!

Squirrel, good find on the battery replacement!

Kat, what fun, with the hummingbirds, during your petal picking adventure! I hope kitty gets over the double door confusion soon.

Nana, it's so good to have you check in but I'm sorry you are still so very weak. You definitely don't want to do anything to lose your home health! Congratulations on all the Eagle Scouts in your family. My oldest grandson is one too.

The work in my bathroom finally got finished today. It's been a long day and I've been tired all day. Got a headache after lunch. Just want to go to bed but must wait a few more hours. I think I'll take a hot shower and see if that helps. It will probably put me to sleep for sure.