9-18-18 - Donuts and Creepy Fog


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone.

I had a spooky walk out to my car, and an even creepier drive to work in the very thick damp fog. This was like something out of a horror movie where a crazed killer or vampire swoops out. I could hear the rain still dripping off of the trees, and animals moving through my yard. Then I came face to face with a doe. I think she was even more startled than I was. Boy was I shaking when I got in my car.

Leaving for a northern school in a bit. I hope the fog isn't bad over a long causeway that I must cross.

Sending wishes that everyone has a good day.

Prayers continue for A.Guy.
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Morning, RS and others to join. Thinking about all those who have been affected by the hurricane.

Drive safe, RS.

Funny you mention horror movies, RS. While reading the news this morning, being a fan of Friday the 13th series I googled news on this franchise and came across a news article where scuba divers set up a statue of Jason Vorhees at the bottom of a lake, complete with his mask and machete. Apparently there is also a group of skeletons having a game of poker at the bottom of the lake too. Park officials will be removing these items at some point in the near future as this is considered litter. LOL! Still pretty funny though.

Our fall, which technically is still summer has been craptastic to date. What fall???? we've had a bit of snow already, which melted. We typically do not turn the heat on until Thanksgiving (Canadian one is in October) but we've had the heat on for a bout a little over a week now. We've even had a few fires, which prompted us to have a cord of wood delivered yesterday. Out in Ontario and Quebec though, they've been having a beautiful weather. I did read a few weeks back that we were in for a cold winter on the Prairies but yesterday I read that temperatures will become more seasonal and warmer in the next few weeks. Fingers crossed.

I still have one more night of outdoor beach volleyball for ranking but it has been cancelled twice due to weather. I say they just cancel the last two games and wherever everyone has placed, is where they placed. I am super excited for the new indoor beach volleyball facility to open up. One of the guys I play with on my summer league and two of the people that subbed for us a few times have made a team and registered at this new place so looking forward to it.

Last week we saw Prozzak, Whigfield and Aqua at a casino in the city. I'm sure you'll all know Aqua by the Barbie Girl song. I preferred the first two but knew all of the Aqua songs. We got a room for the night so we wouldn't have to drive or catch an Uber and will definitely do that again. It felt like a bit of a holiday even though you we were in our own city.

Friday night we went downtown and went out for dinner with a few friends. It's funny, now that we don't live downtown, we are trying all of the restaurants that we wanted to try when we actually lived there.

Saturday was spent with my husbands cousin and her family. They came down to spend the night so we cooked dinner, played some games and watched the movie Tag. What a good movie and would recommend it to everyone on here. It is based on a true story about 5 guys who have played tag for over 30 years and in the month of May. These guys have gone as far as dressing up as a mascot at a baseball game that one of they're buddies were attending so he could sneak up and tag him.

I emailed the hiring manager of that job I applied on in January 2017 and finally had the interview on May 1, 2018 to ask what is going with that position. The response I got was it is in HR's hands to create the pools of successful candidates and letters to the candidates will be coming soon. HR is backed up. So in other words, sit tight, we'll let you know when we let you know. If I didn't make it into a pool the letter advising me so would have gone out right away so this is a good thing that points in the direction that I'm actually in a pool but no official word on it yet.

This weekend we were going to camp but with the weather the way it is, camping will have to wait til next year. Thoughts are now turning to cleaning up the yard, trimming and pruning bushes and trees, yanking out the annuals, etc.

Wow, I apologize for the long post. Hope everyone is doing well.

Noel - I read you're family is feeling better so that's great.

Shanrick, I saw you were doing one last camping trip and then putting all the summer stuff away. I feel your pain!! LOL!
morning all.... love the long post Muzz..... isn't Jason submerged here in AZ? I saw that story sort of skimmed it....... should you want to scuba to see him I'll provide lodging for you if this is where he is.....

Squirrel I hope the fog wasn't bad on your drive to the school......

Prayers to all of those involved on the east coast..... the flooding looks terrible.... it is so very hard to imagine the amount of rain that has fallen.....

according to the weather guessers this is the last day of triple digits for the work week.... tomorrow will be in the high 90's with a chance of rain..... should return to the triples just in time for the weekend.... we are so lucky.....

Happy Tuesday..... to all......
Happy Tuesday Morning!

Squirrel: what a morning experience to awaken your senses. Hope your drive is clear-skyed and you can enjoy the day.

Muzza: wow, your life is so far from boring! Keep on spurring that adventurous spirit of yours and have more fun.

Robin: I saw the triple forecast for this weekend just in time to ruin my midweek too. I look at all that water in the Carolinas and wish there was a way to transport it here to the drought-ravaged southwestern deserts. Hope your work day is a sweet one.

AGuy: thinking of you -- always.

For all to post later, make it a great day!
Good morning all......tis cloudy & overcast, and no idea if this is how it will go, if it will rain, since this has happened before and then the sun appears. Tis a chilly 54, I woke at 5, must have fallen back asleep around 6 (it was still dark!) and woke up at 7:45. Shocked myself. But tis good, as not sleeping well of late. Long day yesterday while tending to important appointment. Trees are starting to turn, some are full red, some only a branch of yellow or orange...I know this means a fast turnover...at least it will seem fast. So many pine trees, which stay green, so it is deceiving as to the changing......and suddenly.......Bingo!
What is it about fog that makes it so eerie. I know all the Sherlock Holmes movies always had fog, and a raincoated figured walking the street, scary music, lolol. Hey, squirrel, you should have been humming Sinatra singing A Foggy Day In London Town........
Does look like rain here........
Morning Everyone,
Quiet morning here, after a wicked storm rolled through last night. Tons of rain and wind, some flooding up in Green Bay, but nothing in my city (we're about 30 miles from Green Bay). Much cooler today than yesterday, only supposed to get to about 70 today and yesterday we got up to 90. I'm doing the happy dance about the cooler temperatures.
Gena is feeling better today and is back at school, such a difference after one double dose of antibiotics, she'll take regular doses the rest of the week.

RS - what a way to start the day, creepy fog and a run in with a deer. I hope the fog cleared for your drive.
Muzz - I thought my schedule was busy, yours sounds wonderful, but crazy.
Robin & Noel - hurray temps below 100*, if only they would last for you both
Poirot - glad you were able to sleep in a little extra.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Another day of the same - which I will take as the sun is out and the wind is gone. Only 40 degrees but it is suppose to get to 70! Lows this weekend where we are camping will be in the low 30's! I asked if we could just stay home --- I got the look! LOL

RS - I feel for you, I hate fog! It's just plan eery! I hope it was cleared when you headed out.

Muzz - I can't believe you applied for a job in January of 2017 and had an interview in May 2018 and they still haven't chosen anyone? Is this normal? You have patients of a Saint.

Robin - Do you ever have to close your pool or can you use it all year long?

Noel - so glad you are better I bet your day back to work was awful. Still trying to gain your strength back.

Manda - so glad Gena is better. Thank God for antibiotics.

Have a great day
Shan: if only we could exchange temperatures this weekend. You would love 98F and I would jump for joy for 30-70F!! Oh, and 'the look' -- Hubs says its worse than a verbal disagreement. Warm up and enjoy today.
morning all.... love the long post Muzz..... isn't Jason submerged here in AZ? I saw that story sort of skimmed it....... should you want to scuba to see him I'll provide lodging for you if this is where he is.....

Yes, that's right. I couldn't recall which state. Here is alink to the news article.

Trees are starting to turn, some are full red, some only a branch of yellow or orange...I know this means a fast turnover...at least it will seem fast. So many pine trees, which stay green, so it is deceiving as to the changing......and suddenly.......Bingo!

It's amazing how fast they turn and fall. We've seen some very vibrant yellow leaves that have turned early this year. Did you receive that article I sent you on the shipwreck that was recently found? Thought it might be of interest to you.

Manada - I would gladly take your temperatures in exchange for ours. Our high today is going to reach a balmy 7*C (44.6*C). Definitely not normal for this time of year in Calgary.

Muzz - I can't believe you applied for a job in January of 2017 and had an interview in May 2018 and they still haven't chosen anyone? Is this normal? You have patients of a Saint.

Oh I'm definitely impatient and ready for a change but it's government. Nothing moves fast however I've never seen a job competition go on this long. Oh, your weekend of camping sounds colder than ours coming up that we planned. We decided not to go so sending you and your family some serious respect for going. LOL! Good on ya!
Hello. I don't have time to read all of the posts right now. Will check them out later. Things keep getting changed around for me. I was supposed to get a haircut this afternoon, new (to me) place, in the town of the nursing home. Hairdresser called this morning. She has a sick little one at home so rescheduled me for tomorrow. So I called the mechanic to see if he can get to my truck today. He says yes, so I need to get it on over there. Also got a letter in the mail saying my stress test has been rescheduled for Monday (I think I told how I went in for it last Thursday and the lady who does it was out sick but nobody bothered to let me know). I can't say how much I crave a whole week at home--not from a migraine or other bad thing, but just to not have to go anywhere unless I wanted to. I don't see that happening though, so I'll keep pushing forward.

Wishing all of you a good day.
@Muzz..........Oh, yes, I read the piece about that shipwreck...it must be facinating for divers to find these ships that went down eons ago. Amazing that they now have cameras that work underwater, so we get to see these ghost ships, covered in barnacles, but still more or less intact.
Talking of closing pools.......when we had ours when living in IL. we would empty it half way in Nov. or end of Oct. We had metal walls, and they would buckle if not held it. The remaining water would freeze, and so we could ice skate on our own pond come winter. Needless to say, come spring, we would drain the whole thing, and then have to get down and scrub/clean it all, since it accumulated a lot of yuk over winter. LOL.
We told the people who bought our house, showed them how, etc. Well, was told by neighbors that after they lived there a couple years, they decided they really could drain the whole pool before winter. Yes, a whole wall collapsed, and they had a huge re do come Spring.
Muzz, I know government is slow moving at times, but that is really slow...........Their HR needs an overhaul to make it......well, a bit more efficient.
@OC.......it definitely is hard when one lives rural, and has to rely on small town America. I don't even know where to go for a haircut anymore, lost 4 or 5 (retired, moved, etc.) and really need one bad. Chopping at my hair myself is fine for just a bit.
Mandy, glad Gena is better. Am also allergic to Amoxicyllin so sympathize. Hubby had to admit he was wrong. Holy cow. I know only too well how hard that is for some men......mine knows everything and is always right. Then comes that moment......uh, oh...Mine will just shrug. It is nice to hear, "you were right".
My daughter called, home safe from that Utah trip, no, went on their own, no tour guide trip. Guarantee I would not have survived, as their excursions would have given me 10 heart attacks. Fortunately, so far, no big rains where she is in GA, but she used to live in North Caroline, and the lake she was on has never overflowed, until now. It is all quite bad, so her friends there have reported. This is where several PGA tournaments have been held over the years.
Hello everyone! Today is my hubby and I's 14th wedding anniversary. We share our anniversary with my maternal grandparents, and this year our hearts are hurting because it's the first anniversary without my Grandpa Bob here with us. I spoke with my Grandma Arlene last night on the phone and though it was hard for my heart to hear, her voice was filled with joy talking about how anxious she is to get to go be in Heaven with him, how ready she is and longing for that day. My heart just wants to hold on to her forever, I didn't want to think about her not being here, but I know how much joy the heavens will be filled with when she and my sweet Grandpa reunite. Grandma is 92 years young and quite an amazing lady, I want to be just like her when I am her age.

There is a song that I swear was written about us (all 4 of us)... every word is directly related to our story. Here is "our song" below, I hope you will enjoy it. My Grandparents would have celebrated 69 years today, and oh how our family is missing my Grandpa so very much today. What a legacy of love that my hubby and I get to walk in the footsteps of.

Another warm Sept day here. It was close to 90 at 11 when I left the school.

The label project that we were doing is done. My friend wants to get more books
over time, but the ones she has are labeled. My other friend and I stayed and
redid the
book list. The list we used had so markings and we renumbered
several books as we labeled. I was afraid we weren't going to get it done today
because their was a fire drill. Everyone knows it wasn't planned today because
is was picture day. The drill planned for next week has been cancelled.

DaysLady, happy anniversary.

rs, I had spooky fog last week. I hope you were able to get around this morning
with it. Too many people don't turn on their headlights when they need to.

Poirot, I'm glad your daughter got home ok. I hope her home will be ok.

manda, I'm glad Gena got to school. Has she missed many days this year?

Muzzaman, you already got white stuff. Is that early for you? Enjoy the rest
of your summer.

Noel and robin, I hope your area gets cooler weather this week.

Shan, do you sleep in a tent or camper when you go camping? Maybe it be
too cold.

I hope everyone enjoys their afternoon and evening.
Happy Anniversary DaysLady, I'm sure today feel bitter sweet as you miss your grandpa, but what a wonderful long marriage your grandparents shared. My grandpa died when I was in 9, I asked my grandma when I was 16 or 17 why she never dated again after grandpa died, she said she could never love another man the way she loved my grandpa, followed by and why on earth would I want to have to train a new one. :rotfl:

Bless you all on this day.

Kat - you snuck in while I was typing, glad you were able to finish the book project. Gena has only missed 1 full day (yesterday), and was a few hours late last week for a dentist appointment otherwise, so far so good. The secretary was telling me that they've had a lot of students out sick already as there's a yucky virus going around.
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I'm back in the office again. The fog lifted up north where I was at school long before it was gone here. Give me a heavy snow storm over rain and / or fog any day.

I was just in time to get my flu shot. (Rite-Aid pharmacist came to the office) It was nice to get it at work instead of making an appointment and paying a co-pay to get it at my doctor's office. I know it seems a mite early, but the flu has already made an appearance in all of the schools here. Some classes that I worked in only had 50% attendance.

I'm glad Gena is feeling better. I never appreciated the pain and suffering that goes along with an inner ear infection until I got one at the end of August. It still isn't completely cleared up, and the vertigo continues to hit when i have to pick something up from the floor or lean my head back. My doc is making me take the meclizine before I go to bed so my stomache doesn't go from the "spinning"..