9/21/2016 - Donuts & the end of summer


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Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning all. Guess today is officially the last day of summer, since tomorrow is first day of fall. We have more and more leaves turning now. The birch & popple are gold, the maples red, the pines stay green, lol. Very windy today, making it seem cooler than the 61 of the thermometer. At least it is out of the east, rather than the north. LOL The days are shorter, the nights are longer.

Watched a couple of new shows last night....Bull, (good, but not as good as I expected) and This is US, which was really very good.

Have a great one, folks....
Morning all~

Having a piece of peach bread this morning. Sharing if anyone is interested (think banana bread but with peaches).

We figured the total pounds off my tree this year was about 175 pounds, the little thing was loaded! I've been busy freezing, baking and more freezing peaches.

I'm making a few things today to take to Alex this weekend.

We watched Bull last night too. It's better than I expected but not as great as some of the others from last season that I wish were back on. I am waiting to see how the new ones are tonight.

Have a great day all
Good morning everyone!

It's still raining here. It's rained so much in the past couple of days that the roads in the cities closer to the coast are flooded so kids got their first day off this year. The local news is all excited about the flooded roads. You'd think Norfolk and Virginia Beach had never had flooding before.

I haven't watched any new shows yet either. This Is Us looks interesting though.

Peach bread sounds yummy, tropical breeze,

I'm not working today so I'm just doing laundry and being lazy. I might take a nap. The pressure of this never ending storm has my sinuses acting up so after I finish my hot tea I think a dose (or 2) of Benadryl is in order.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Good morning everyone,

End of summer always makes me sad--it's my favorite season. And it's overcast--no way to end the summer in my opinion, though it is supposed to be in the 80sF today.

Peach bread does sound good! Never heard of someone making it before--I just may have to try.

I have a Spanish test in a few minutes, so I'm getting back to my last few minutes of studying. Hope all of you enjoy this last summer day. I know Noel must be happy!
I'm with you Days, my favorite time of year is summer and every year as it comes to an end, I seem to get in a funk.

Today is supposed to be 70. Then rain tomorrow and then back up in the 70's for the weekend. Then if you're trusting the weather people it is supposed to get in the 80's next week!! We'll see??

Last night we started the process of closing down the pool. Now that the nights are in the 40's, it just doesn't heat up enough during the day to swim. We heat for awhile, but it's about done for the season - sad!

About the only time I watch TV is when I go to bed. That lasts about 20 minutes and I'm out. Some of the commercials I have been seeing have been a little much for me. Something like Coming Home???

Have a great day.
Good morning. It's about time for the Treat Wagon, so I may have to dash outside with Remmy, lol. I wanted to give an update on Mama's puppy, Baxter. He is now old enough to figure out a lot of things, so opens the garbage container in the kitchen for her, closes the pantry door, etc. My mother can't take him outside, so she has piddle pads for him. He has gotten so good about using the pads and leads her to the pad after he has done his business to show her of his proud achievement (and get his reward), lol.

Guess today is officially the last day of summer, since tomorrow is first day of fall.

Yep, the September equinox is tomorrow. The length of day and night will be about equal over the whole world. Then, the days will start getting shorter, nights longer. At least that is good for stargazing, lol.

Take care everyone.
It's a sad morning for our small town. Yesterday, a baby who was in the care of a foster family died after being left in a car all day. It's a sad situation all around and the circumstances are very close to us because the foster dad works night shift and he was the one who left the baby in the car before going home to sleep. With my hubby working night shift, that's just always an extra worry for us because tiredness and that weird schedule can mean more likely to forget, more likely to fall asleep at the wheel, those kinds of things. So many are reacting on social media about it in anger; I can't help but just feel sadness. So please, say a prayer for our town, the family of the baby, and our first responders (all of whom are volunteers) who had to handle that scene yesterday.

It's hard to transition from that to more positive stuff, but I'll try. The girls had a great time at dance yesterday. Today, I have to take care of some maintenance of the pig pens. A few of their feed barrels have been knocked over and around, so I get to climb in with them to reattach the barrels to the fences. So I should be quite dirty by the time it's all done.
Another summer day here. Cooler this weekend.

A busy day at the school library. I should be done with the non fiction books next week.
Here's a book some of you might be interested in. "Two Bobbies" by Kirby Larson. It's
about a dog and cat who survived after Hurricane Katrina. I'm sure you can Google
them too.

There needs to be something done in cars to remind people about babies and dogs left
behind. They have back up cameras, internet, TVs. It's past time to save children
and pets that are left in cars.

I hope everyone will have a nice afternoon and evening.
Afternoon all.

It was a crazy busy morning with work and Mr. Gus' beauty appointment. He has since returned and of course, is very handsome.

I used to think that Summer was my favorite season. But after a decade in the desert, I'm turning to Fall as my favorite season. There is a lot to love about Summer, but I spend most of it in a dark air-conditioned room with fans blowing, and rarely get out to enjoy because, well, it's just too darn hot.

Prayers for Rocky and the community. That is rough.

Happy Wednesday.
Good afternoon everyone. I'm beat, and ready to go home.

I spent 7 hours in a hot, hot, hot classroom. There was a ceiling fan, but it didn't do much good. This used to be a storage room so there was no air conditioning. I shouldn't complain. At least the elementary school gave me a huge room to work in for the day. Other schools usually give me closets or make me sit on the floor in a hallway.

I watched NCIS, Bull, and NCIS New Orleans last night. So far, I'm not liking the new added characters on NCIS. Bull was ok, but I hope it gets better. (I seem to recall a similar show years ago about a man who helped with jury selection.) NCIS New Orleans was the best show of the night.

Thank you for all of the posts about your furry children.

Rocky, prayers are going up for the foster child and the family. I can't imagine what the poor man is going through.
Just had a friend tell me about a mutual friend who now lives in northern Idaho who wants to move to AZ to get away from the cold. I warned about the 3 digit temps in summer.......guess, though they only want to do so in winter. LOL

Actually the program "Bull" is based on Dr. Phil. That is what he used to do, and how Oprah Winfrey originally met him, thought highly, brought him onto her show (as she has done with Dr. Oz) and eventually he got his own show.