9/22/17 - Donuts & Under attack


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Egads, we are having a jim dandy storm, complete with hail bouncing off the roofs, the windows, sounds like someone throwing rocks on the roof. Thunder galore, heavy rain. Already lost power once, but gosh it is so DARK, you would think it was 9 p.m. at night. There was a big wind, it has lessened, but still have lightning, thunder, heavy rain. This was all supposed to be north of us, but the storm is moving, it split.......Be on the lookout those of you east of here. A friend called from International Falls in MN, and it is storming there as well.

Take care all. It was 72 at 6 a.m. here, no wonder we got hail. High 80s later. Set a record yesterday with 82 at 4 p.m. in town. !!!
Happy Friday!

The weather here is beautiful this morning! Yes, bright sunshine but 75F right now! It has been over 6 months since we had this temperature range. I am delighted but of course we will most likely raise that temp for our high today. Still. :):)

This should be a very busy weekend with family usual activities and not much to cook, clean or do laundry. Awww that breaks my heart. :sarcasm: Just the joys of a happy family together.

Poirot: sorry to hear you are having destructive storms. By the time you read this I hope they have passed your area. Your home sounds very sturdy to receive no damage from such a storm.

Wishing everyone a relaxing Friday. The weekend is here, at last. Let's enjoy every moment!
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Good Morning,

Ugh so hot & humid, right now, I think I'd happily trade the heat and humidity for Poirot's storms. Supposed to get into the 90's today and tomorrow, so much for the 1st day of Fall.

We had an excellent Girl Scout meeting last night. The girls decorated foam pumpkins with paint and fake fall flowers to donate to the local Salvation Army soup kitchen to decorate the tables for October. We planned ahead this year and each girl also go to make one to take home. Tomorrow our troop is going for a hike in the scorching heat to finish our hiking and bug badges. We're planning ahead with mini boxes of cereal for a snack and plenty of water too, plus sunscreen and bug spray.

The bugs are officially evicted. The exterminator didn't find 1 bug upstairs (he sprayed anyway just to be sure) and only found 11 sneaky bugs downstairs in Gena's room. But they have all been squished and the whole downstairs sprayed and fogged again for good measure. This time he even sprayed the bathroom, just to be sure. And he gave us 25% off so that was a wonderful break for us and very kind of the exterminator. I guess he's seen us enough that he's taken pity on us or something.

Poirot - I hope your storms are done, and you didn't get any damage.

Noel - yay, cooler temps for you, even if they are only temporary. I sure hope your heat doesn't double, as that would put you at 150* degrees today.
Manda: Congrats on having such a great Girl Scout's meeting last night! And your exploration hike planned sounds like great fun despite the sticky weather. How lovely to help Salvation Army decorate for the homeless and hungry. Does the troop meet all through the year now?

Thumbs up to your exterminator for a generous heart and nice discount! The vampires are gone, and not too soon! Glad to know Gena's room no longer has uninvited squatters in her room too.

As for the temp: yeah it will be 95+ compared to our 75F at 8:30am.
Noel - Our troop has always met all year. Our summer meetings are usually a little more fun with more messy crafts and play time (since we meet at a park in the summer). But it helps our girls stay connected since we have girls from 2 different schools in our troop. We usually have a slightly smaller group in the summer because of vacations. But it's fun for all of us to get together and be outside.
Manda: I was wondering, do you have holiday crafts near Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years? And do the girls go Christmas caroling? Make gifts for Salvation Army families? Just dreaming of what fun they may have!
Hello everyone. There hasn't been much going on today. There was one incident, though. The trash can in my bathroom was too full and an empty toilet paper roll fell out. Remmy must have thought it was an alien invader, lol. Those things just aren't supposed to be on our floor!

As Manda said, it's the autumn equinox (or first day of spring for our friends in the southern hemisphere), so welcome to fall, whether you like it or not. LOL
Morning all.

Procedure went fine. 10 years til I have to go through this again. Yippee!!!! But a night of making dashes to the bathroom and then to either the chair, or depending on the time, the bed, a broken night's sleep, but it's over and done with.

I'm not working today so I think I'll go catch up on some sleep.

Manda - glad to hear the vampire bugs have been evicted. Enjoy the night hike.
Manda: I was wondering, do you have holiday crafts near Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years? And do the girls go Christmas caroling? Make gifts for Salvation Army families? Just dreaming of what fun they may have!

This November we're planning either a trip to a local glass museum to make glass craft projects (probably ornaments) or Jeweler's Mutual Insurance company to see their gem and rock collection and then we'd get to make necklaces out of semi-precious stones.

December we usually make some kind of Christmas craft project, ornaments or snowmen or something. Last year we made cinnamon salt dough ornaments and little snowman lights out of those battery operated tealight candles. I tried to get the girls to go caroling with my church, but the only one who went was Gena. We visited our shut-in members, a nursing home, and a senior apartment complex. One of our members is the manager for a school bus company he he gets us a school bus to ride for caroling.

I found a cute idea for making painted snowmen on old pots and pans, that I just might have the girls try this year. Someone gave me a bunch of old pots that they weren't using anymore for either the snowmen or bird houses, but I think we'll probably make the snowmen. :)

KT - Remmy is too funny. :)

Robin - glad everything went ok with your procedure today.
Another summer day here. It will be close to 90 today and all weekend.

Since I'm going to a church meeting tomorrow, I did my Sat errands today.
I even got to
the public library and shelved items.

Today, I was going to clean under the refrigerator, but it's not made so I
can. I was able to vacuum under it some, but I can't clean floor. I can't
it by myself. Tomorrow is the big day to bomb the house. I'm not seeing as
many bugs since I started cleaning/spraying on Mon, but I'm going to do it
anyway. Better safe than sorry.

manda, I'm glad the bugs are gone. I wonder why they were only in Gena's room?
Is her room directly under the tenant? I'm glad you got a discount.

robin, I'm glad your procedure went well.

Poirot, I hope the thunderstorms are over now.

Noel, enjoy your weekend.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of today and tonight.
Kat - Gena's room is under the empty bedroom upstairs, but her room, by far, has the most stuff in it, with all the toys and books and whatnot. Plus, her paneling (the 2 bedrooms downstairs and most of the upstairs have wood paneling on the walls, which I've painted) doesn't seem to be secured to the wall quite as well, so I think maybe they were hiding in the paneling.

Her room, by far, had the most bed bugs in it of the rooms downstairs when we started. So many places for those nasty things to hide with all of her stuffed animals and dolls and everything. She's the youngest grandchild on my husband's side, and the only grandchild on my side, so she gets spoiled.

Sorry you aren't able to move the fridge. Ours never gets moved either, it's such a tight fit that it will stay put until we replace it. I hope the bombs take care of your bugs.
Good Friday Morning everyone,

I know I've been MIA for quite a while but have been keeping up with all of you, reading, just not posting. Just been in a funk for a little while, but all is well now. Part of it was my glucose got very low, due to my missing a couple of pills for my diabetes, clear down to a +1 reading. That makes you very tired and the brain function slows too! I just felt exhausted all the time. Will be more careful now!!

We had some super heavy rains and hail also thunder that the chihuahuas hate and bark at every time there's a big clap. They feel the same way about the military helicopters, the really big ones, that patrol our river and sound like they're coming through the roof! :) The rain was greatly appreciated and lasted off and on for several days and nights.

Everything looked refreshed and so clean after being washed off!!

I hope you all have a great weekend and will be keeping up with you all here.

Big Hugs to you all.
Manda, are you and the girls going to eat the mini cereal right out of the box? I think they used to be marked on the back, with perforations to show you where to cut them open. The milk was then poured into the box. The girls could get a star for learning how. :)

Robin, you deserve a good rest after undergoing your procedure!

The microwave was installed today. A couple of good workmen. They took the old oven, but left the carton, etc., on the driveway. :rolleyes: Now, I have to figure out how to get the antique one back down the stairs. :eek: I might borrow a dolly.

Going to have to pull Wednesday's bandage off, soon. It will be a very slow process! :eek:

Have a nice Friday, all!

PS to Sweetie, is this spaghetti day? Enjoy!
Newt - glad you're feeling better, and that you got some rain.

Kat - me too!!

A.Guy - I wasn't planning to bring milk, it's going to be too hot. I'd be worried about it spoiling in the car (even in a cooler with ice). We're just going to eat it like dry, like chips. We're looking for Froot Loops and similar options so they'll taste good dry. Good luck with getting rid of the microwave
Hey, I'm back. How terrible to go o sleep watching re-runs of CSI and wake up to Sharknado 5. What a nightmare :rolleyes:

I'm now awake and feeling better, and ready to start the day. Late, but it is going to work for me.

Nice to see you, Newt.

Off to the fun things like dusting. Whooo-hooo!!!
Wow, what a morning here. Such a hard and heavy rain in such a short time. In town some areas got over 4", streets & parking lots flooded, 18" on a major state highway. The ditches filled up, as did low lying areas. Around 11, it started clearing out, and by noon or so, the sun began to come out. I had to go to town today, It was closing for the house, it was 69 when I left home. Got into town, went to WalMart to pick up a few things, and it was ghastly hot. 80. Going home an hour later, it was around 84. Amazing the temp rose so fast...and yep, tis humid. Lots of puddles around here, just surprising the various amounts of rain within short spaces.

Glad Robin is o.k. for another 10 years, Good to see you, Newt!! Mandy, your tales of the gals always make my think of MY girls when they were in scouts. Ahhh, kt, that Remmy is such a beat cop, definitely very smart. Noel, trust me, get the sleep tonight, unless you start to toss & turn. Then you may as well get up, and watch today's show. :)

Kat, my frig is on wheels, I think. Makes it easier to push, pull it out if need be. It definitely IS a problem tho. If you are bug bombing the house, you might want to put any kind of counter food items (bread, sugar, salt & Pepper shakers) are put in the oven, microwave, or frig, those doors have seals
Poirot. thanks for the suggestions. I didn't think about the oven. I was
going to put some things in the dishwasher. I hope you have a
cooler weekend.