9/23/23 - Donuts and Autumn


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Autumn is here which means raking leaves.

Good Fall to all.... we have a chance for dangerous weather this afternoon......

My neighbor texted early today.... even considering the time zones, as I don't live in Salem the rest of the world does have time zones....april 2023 1.jpgSaguaro down 9023 2023 1.jpg

the wait is over, the saguaro had officially died and is down.... when I lived there the house was brown it's still strange seeing it white.....

Good Saturday to all....
Yes, I lived for years and years in a house that was all brick at the bottom, third of way up, and stucco (white) to the roof. One gets so used to seeing it and remembering it like that. The new owners changed the color of the roof shingles, and then covered the entire place with grey siding, including covering the door that faced the road.....and garage. Yep, they have to make the place "their own".
Rained in the early a.m. hours, and yesterday they changed the forecast from partly cloudy to rain every day for next 5 days!! No idea if the sun might sneak in for an hour or so, as it is very overcast and humid. The trees are changing color, hard to enjoy it with no sun, but....better than snow, for sure.
Hi everyone!

kat, I wish my leaves were due to fall instead of Tropical Storm Ophelia.

robin, its always weird seeing something a different way.

Poirot, hope you get some sun soon.

rf, hope you get some cooler weather soon.

Last night was a rainy and windy night. Fortunately we didn’t lose power. The storm will be moving past us soon. The wind has picked back up. Thankfully I got my laundry done this morning.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
I'm having summer weather too. It's sunny and in the 80s this afternoon. Rain late tonight
and part of Sunday.

Today the ladies from the former Sunday school class had lunch. I wore jeans to
go shopping and I had to change to capris before going out. I turned the A/C on before
I left.

red, I didn't realize Ophelia was coming. I guess since it's not a hurricane it's not worth
talking about. I'm glad you didn't loose power.

robin, sorry to see the dead cactus. It's strange to see the yard not green.

I hope everyone has a nice evening and the rest of the weekend.
Deja vu. Anyone else have a really bad reaction to that feeling of deja vu? I find it quite scary -- to the point of feeling sick to my stomach. We tend to joke about it, but I don't find it the least bit funny. I just had it again a few minutes ago while I was putting spices away. I've often wondered if others have the same reaction I do -- so thought I would ask here. Very unsettling.
I can't catch up on reading right now. Just checking in to say I have Covid. After two days of an unbearable headache and nausea (with throwing up) I went to the doctor for relief and was surprised to find out I have Covid. This is the first time I've been online in a few days. I couldn't eat anything at all yesterday and only a little bit the day before. I've been forcing water down but it comes back up. The nausea med didn't help at all yesterday but I took some in the night and it did help, then took a migraine pill and it helped with the pain (the pain shot (Toradol} they gave me at the clinic did nothing. I thought I was sailing and ate some eggs for breakfast and a smoothie for lunch but my stomach and head have started tuning up again. It's a mercy that I've been able to doze a lot so I guess I'll get back to that.
OC, sorry to hear you're sick. Do you have Gatorade or Powerade? I usually have some at home and it helps
when you're sick.

Lil0, I don't remember having a bad reaction to deja vu. Since I'm home a lot, some days feel like repeats. I
feel trapped at times. I'm going out on every Wed for Bible study.. Maybe doing that I won't feel like my
days are reruns. Take care of yourself.