9/24/21 - Donuts and Friday


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Dec 29, 2012
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Another cool morning. The high will be in the low 80s today. Sunday it will be close to 90.

I'm doing studies this morning. I'll be going soon to do yardwork. Then it's time for Sunday
school lunch. I decided I'll wear work clothes so I can do more work when I get home.

I hope everyone has a nice day and fun weekend.
Hey.... I'm ALIVE!!!!!!!!! My left arm however feels like it's about to fall off.... I have soreness at the injection point..... slept much better last night.... Not only that BUT.... shhhhh don't speak too loudly we have thick dark clouds overhead...... we just might get some rain...... if not today maybe this weekend.....
Weather Guessers have said we've had our last 100° day for the year....I'm not sure I'll hold them to that..... but 95° will feel nice today.....
The BEAST has a doctor's appointment to get his blood drawn for a heartworm test later today.... then we can reorder his medication.... he's on a new heartworm medication so he has to be tested in order to get his next 6 month supply..... Since he LOVES everyone working at the clinic this will be a visit with friends.....

Good Friday to everyone.......
Good Afternoon,
Beautiful day here today, currently 68*F and sunny. Well my dentist appointment went well yesterday, my cavity was bigger than originally thought as it looked like a tiny pin whole on the surface, but had burrowed under an older filling and made a bigger cavity underneath. Amazingly enough I was still in and out in about 20 minutes. So I was able to deliver all the fall product fundraiser forms to the parents who had filled in the permission slip at our last Girl Scout meeting, as the sale started at 12:01 AM. Not that anyone was selling at that time of the morning, well at least I hope not.

Robin - so glad your feeling better, I hope Vinnie's appointment goes well today.
Kat - I hope you enjoyed your lunch with your Sunday School friends

Have a terrific day everyone.
Manda, in and out of a dentist appointment in 20 minutes is incredible! Fundraising sales at 12:01 am made me laugh, although in today's world who knows? Somebody could have been doing it online.

Kat, I've been known to wear my work clothes to town and I bet yours look a lot better than mine. My favorite pair of work jeans has all the tears down the front of the legs like the younger people pay to buy new. I'd never pay for something like this. I got mine the old-fashioned way through years of use.

Robin, that picture is so adorable! I glad you're feeling much better and I hope you get some rain. Hey, any temperature under 100* sounds good at the end of summer!

I spent most of the morning outside. Another mild day here though it will reach at least 90* today. I was on my way to the Farm Store (5 miles) to pick up some UPS deliveries that had been there going on 2 weeks. I was out in the pasture walking around near the county road--checking out a wire gate, since my bull is still across in the neighbor's pasture--when my niece happened to be passing by, also on her way to pick up some packages. So I got in and rode with her. When she dropped me off at my truck on the way back, I went down and checked on my water trough at the well. Cows came up, hoping to get fed. I pulled a smallish fallen tree limb out of a gate and skimmed dead grasshoppers and debris off the top of the water in the trough. The one bull was particularly interested in my presence and practically stuck his huge head in my window, then he followed me all the way back to the house. When I got out I could hear him and the bull across the fence talking to each other so I don't know if anything will come of that. Anyway, I'm tired out so I'm cooking something to eat and will stay in unless I need to get out late in the day. Just talked to my niece and her heifers and mine, kept together in a small pasture at her place, have gotten out so that may need attention when it cools off.
Good evening everyone. A beautiful cool fall day here after Mother Nature unleashed destruction on us earlier.

Today was the monthly unch with my friends. When they wanted to schedule for October, I told them to pick a day that worked for the rest of them since I work every Friday. Instead they insisted on having dinner on Columbus Day since it will be my only weekday off next month.
I stopped at Ollie's before coming home to do a few things outside. I cleaned out my raised garden bed, and have it ready to scrub out tomorrow. The begonias are also goners as they were dumped in he woods so those pots can also get a good washing. The plant hangers were pulled out of the ground, and put away.

Had hoped to get all of the thermal drapes hung, but quit after doing the hall window. My arms didn't want to lift the rods that high any more. Shooting to get the rest put up tomorrow after getting home from doing laundry.

OC, I laughed out loud when I read about the bull almost putting his head in your window. I pictured you in one of those commercials on tv where ostriches and llamas stick their heads in to steal food while the families are driving through the animal parks.
Hi all....sort of a bummer of day, started with some sun, which vanished, then rain for some time, but a nice gentle one. However, our temp never even reached 60....stayed in 50s. Sun returned around 4, but......... yes, we get darker earlier, for sure now. The leg does better, only because of the Aspercream & Tylenol, but using somewhat less. Plus, then I can walk quite a bit without the cane around the house. But, that is because of the Tylenol. LOL
I have no idea why I was thinking of this, and laughing, but...my daughter lived for several years in Calif., in the L.A. area, and would tell me of running into, or seeing celebrities at times. So one year, it was in Feb./March, I finally got to fly out there, visit for a couple of weeks. We went sight seeing a lot, I visited Rodeo Drive, (all the "name" shops, etc.), couple restaurants owned by "names", yep, name it, went there, gawked, toured, the whole 9 yards. Even visited the NBC studios in Burbank, where I definitely expected to at least catch a glimpse of a Days actor. No such luck. Saw Wheel of fortune studio, all closed up. Yep, you probably have guessed, not a single celebrity ANYWHERE! LOL. Did get to be audience member of the Smother Bros. Show. way up high, right in front of the cameras, so on TV, the back of my head & my daughter's head appeared at start of show. Stop laughing. I know you are. Cause I sure did when I watched that show. Ha.
We are going to stay cool for a bit, then get warmer the next week, hitting 80 one day, if we are to believe the forecasts. Who does that? Have a good evening my friends. TV over the weekend, for me is always lousy, as I am NOT a watcher of sports. And that is all that is on. Hallmark is very reruns & Turner Classics not my interest. ^YOU enjoy whatever.......God Bless........
Squirrel, I'm glad you finally got a day of relief from the storms. I wish there was someone like you that I could hire to clean for me like you do at your place. I've been trying to get the floor of my one closet cleaned up for two weeks!

Poirot, maybe you could grab your husband's wheelchair to scoot around through the house when your leg gets to hurting (if he's not in it). That's what I did when I fell and got a stress fracture in my foot a few years ago. Lol. It would be disappointing to go visit the movie/tv studios and not get to see the celebrities. But lucky you got to see the back of your head on tv! Haha. I, for one, do not believe the forecasts or much of anything else I hear on tv!
Poirot your celebrity non sighting is a great story.... because of my brother and my work in theatre I've seen and worked with several celebrities..... but I vividly remember going to see Cirque de Soleil with my young boys and in the row behind us as in sitting behind us were the Schwarzenegger family. My kids were so excited..... he was not yet the Governor of California, still an actor, at intermission his kids and he chatted with others sitting around us.....

The BEASTS heartworm test was negative as planned.... he is relaxing as I type.....

Happy to hear you are moving a bit better Poirot....
Poirot, I'm glad you're feeling a little better today.

robin, I'm glad the heartworm test was negative.

rs, I hope you'll get to put your feet up part of the weekend.

OC, I hope you didn't have to go out and check on the cows.

manda, that was a fast filling. How's Gina doing with her cello?