9/30/21 - Donuts and September Ends

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. It's hard to believe we're saying goodbye to another month. My son called a couple of nights ago and asked if I had any plans for Christmas or Thanksgiving. :eek:

I got another tenth or so of rain late yesterday but supposedly there is more on the way, beginning mid-afternoon. The sky, which was clear at sunup, has now been mostly filled with clouds and I'm enjoying having all of my curtains opened. I got out early and drove around, just checking on things. The cows are shut off from the tanks so if something were to happen to the well pump, they'd be in trouble and so would I. No sign of the wandering bull so I might as well open up the gates we'd closed in hopes of trapping him. I also checked under my car hood. Already there was one little twig of mesquite leaves and one piece of the furry stuffing used in the last nest. I'm going to have to try to check it everyday, which is hard for me to remember, since there are days I don't even go out of the house. Oh, and with the ground being a bit muddy, I also saw that the resident raccoon has been walking on top of my car!
And here I thougtht I had problems with pigeons at my quail block..... you've got mice making homes in your car and a trash panda walking all over your car.... Vinnie wouldn't know how to handle himself........
Not much happening here today.....trying to reorganize the house a bit so I can sweep, mop and vaccum this upcoming week. Have to break down and dust too..... I have a top shelf that I need to be on a step stool/ladder to get to so it's been a while....Gonna see if this year I can manage....Thank goodness I have masks I fear they will be needed.

Happy Thursday to the group.
Good afternoon,
It was very foggy this morning, but now the sun is shining and we're supposed to get temps into the 80's today. My mom will be picking Gena up from school today for quilting and we'll have dinner with my folks tonight. Slow day at work today, mostly because or computer programs are running slow, which makes for a very boring day.

OC - oh dear, those darn mice and raccoons on the car are no good, we have a few feral cats in my neighborhood, occasionally I find paw prints on my car from the kitties.
Robin - good luck with the cleaning, never fun, but oh so necessary.

Have a wonderful afternoon!
I'm still waiting on the rain that's suppose to come today. Hopefully, it will.

Another busy day at the library. The library got a big donation of DVDs and books from a woman.
I put some of the items up today. I'm sure I have more next week because I think she gave the
library over 100 books. I'm not sure where they will go. The woman moved her from Dallas. I
can't believe she brought everything with her.

Today I finished a projected I started sometime in July. I promised myself and all of you I wouldn't
do that again. But circumstances made it impossible for me not to. I know you all know what
project I did. I was helping the older neighbor since the neighbor by him promised he would do it
and he didn't. I waited two months for him to go out there. I did something a couple of days a week.

OC, sorry to hear about the bull and that you have critters in your car again.

robin, I hope you got some reorganizing done today.

manda, enjoy your dinner with your family.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
Did you clean out the ditch behind the neighbor's house, Kat? So far, today's rain has stayed east of here so maybe it is on the way to you. We still have more chances. It's very overcast.

Manda, kitties do like to walk on cars--and everything else. I wish I had cats in my yard instead of raccoons. Enjoy your evening with your folks.

Robin, I laughed at "trash panda." I'd never heard that before but I love it! Dusting, ugh! My mother always gave me that job and to this day it's something I'll avoid as long as I can. Didn't like it then, don't like it now.
OC, you guessed it. There is no prize. It ticks me off the man told us he would do the job and
then he didn't. He saw me yesterday working when he was home. I heard thunder when I was
almost after 12 today. So far, no rain here. The forecast keeps changing the time when it will start.