9/6/21 - Donuts and Labor Day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's sunny and cool this morning. I was going to work outside in the flowerbed, but decided to wait
until tomorrow. I'll do my studies and inside chores today.

I'm heating up a rotisserie chicken for dinner. I'm making potato salad and corn on the cob.
I read a hint you can use canned potatoes instead of cooking them for the salad. Next time, I'll
get two cans.

I hope everyone will have a good day.
MMMMMM, sounds delicious , Kat. Yummmy for the tummy!

Well, a nice, crispy 44° this a.m. at 6. Now is close to 10, and 6l°. 70s is the target. LOL. Hubby wanted the heater on in the bedroom, he felt so cold, (it was 71 in the house). Sun is out, but seems to vanish for a bit, then return. Got to do some laundry today....so off I go.
Good morning everyone. A cool crisp fall morning here.

I cooked chicken in the oven this morning, and now have a pan of cut up vegetables roasting. Potatoes, zucchini, onions, peppers, carrots, and tomatoes...yum! My house smells heavenly.

I stayed up later than usual last night. When I went to bed about midnight, I heard critter type noises outside my bedroom window ( faces the front yard.) I opened the blind to see a deer family. 3 were drinking out of the bird bath, and 4 were eating acorns about 3 feet away from the window. I stayed up to watch them for another hour. (I have a flood light that lights up my entire front yard. )

At least now I know why my bird bath has been empty every single morning for months.

kat, thanks for the hint about the potatoes.

Poirot, laundry seems to multiply every time we look away.
Can't get over you guys cooking supper so early in the a.m.!
I discovered, the other day, that my TV has a mike in the remote, & so I talked into it, first time ever, and said "Peacock Streaming", & it went to Peacock. ! So, later, I am going to see if I can watch the Beyond thing that way.......mayb e I can get CC on the TV, as I do have it set for that all the time. I have a couple of errands today, but will save those for the warmer afternoon. Ha.
Sure are losing light fast, it seems. Barely light out at 6 a.m., Sun doesn't show up til aaround 7:15-7:30, and then by 4:30 we are losing light already. Just seems early for this, just like the leaves changing color in Aug. and falling already off some trees.
Poirot, that's great news. On your computer, when you go to the Beyond Salem place
you can add to your watchlist. There's a plus sign on the left side next to yellow icon.
When you watch on TV, there is a column for the watchlist. When you miss Days,
you should try to watch on Peacock too. You can add it to watch list.
Poirot, if it got to 71* inside my house, I'd be thinking about turning on the heat for the whole house! 44* outside is December weather for here. I'm never ready for cold but the week is lined up to be too hot for comfort. 95* today and warming up to 100* and above for the rest of the week, beginning Thursday.

Kat, your dinner does sound good. I love potato salad but mine never turns out good so I rarely make it. I'd never thought of using canned potatoes. That would surely simplify it. I'll keep that in mind if I ever get an urge to make some.

Squirrel, your food sounds good too but I'd have to leave the house while it is cooking, even though it would smell so good. Baking/roasting (or simmering or whatever method) food is what often gives me migraines. I love hearing about your deer. If you're going to lose sleep, that's not a bad way to pass the time.

My cows have worn out their welcome in my yard. I've been getting horn flies inside my house. They are terrible. They bite viciously and are as relentless as gnats or mosquitoes. I was going to move the cows early this morning but my niece is making a day trip out of town today and she talked me into waiting until tomorrow. I don't mind moving them by myself but I try not to do things like that when she's not at home. If I got off in the pasture and had a breakdown, there would be no one to call for help and it's too far for me to walk anymore, especially in the heat.

I'm pretty sure the raccoon that hangs out in my old garage/shop has had babies. I heard them yesterday. I've probably expressed more than once how much I don't like raccoons.

Poirot, good for you, figuring out how to get Peacock! I remember when I was living in PA, I couldn't believe how early in the evening it would start to get dark. There were mountains all around so the sun got behind them in a hurry.
Dinner sounds good Kat.

I have some laundry and dishes to do today. But other than that it’s a lazy day with some tv and reading.

poirot - glad you figured out peacock
Hmmm, So I say Peacock streaming, and Peacock comes up, but all the options are reviews of Beyond, trailers, spoilers, but no episodes, and it goes to You Tube. Guess there is a lot more to it, than I thought. I mean, this Peacock is supposed to be free, but maybe only free on computer or phone. My TV is hooked to internet, but ....guess there is a lot more to it than I have found so far.
Poirot, you should try saying Peacock and see if you get the home page of Peacock.
Good late morning... making the most of my day off and sleeping in. I stayed up late to watch Beyond Salem but gave up at 12:30 as I couldn't find it.... got this this morning to find out that it wasn't posted yet despite all the promises.....
If I had gotten up earlier I'd have cooked.... it's expected to be 107 F again here 41.6 C ...... So we aren't quite ready to dump Summer in the desert... we are feeding about 20 quail these days those little birds are fun to watch..... we put a seed feeder out.... now we have water out for them too.....

Good Monday to all.....
Me, too. Miss him.

Well, tried to just say Peacock to my TV, that resulted in complete zero. Guess my computer will have to suffice for Beyond if I watch it all.
2nd clothes load in dryer. Had to go to bank today, but skuttled my errands as I remembered they are all closed today. Our friend left early this a.m. and got home safely, will be back next week, to take hubby to Duluth again, two appts.
Robin, I miss the sounds of the Bob White Quail. There are still some in the area but I rarely see or hear them anymore. I think I've asked you before and you may have even shown pictures, but I forget--yours are not Bob Whites, are they?

Kris, I hope you've enjoyed your semi-lazy day.

Poirot, you mentioned people cooking so early for supper. You probably are right but I was thinking some of them could have meant their noon meal. That's what I call dinner. I've been doing laundry today too, bedding in particular. Several loads because this time I'm washing mattress pads and covers, in addition to sheets.

Has anybody else had the lip movement and the speech sound on Days out of sync lately? I don't know if something is wrong with my tv or if it's their transmission or Dish or what. I'm not noticing it on any other channels. Days is the only thing I watch on NBC.
Hey, happens to me often on Days......picture stops completely, but audio continues, then all is well, and bingo, happens again. I don't watch TV programs on computer, except now.........but, yes, happens on the TV on other programs.......did not pa y attention to which network, but isn't you, usually is in the transmission lines.
Squirrel, there is still a hunting season for them here but I don't understand why, since there are not so many of them in a lot of places.

Robin, thanks for the picture. Now I remember what your quails look like. I would be so excited to see something like that!

Poirot, that's interesting. I hadn't noticed having the out of sync problem until recently.