9/9/21 - Donuts & Apple Cider Donuts


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. I have apple cider donuts for breakfast. Help yourselves.

Will be off to school in a few minutes.

Nothing new with Cindy's son. The doctors are still waiting for the swelling and pressure on his brain to stabilize before they can do surgery on the many fractured parts of his body.
Thanks for the update, Squirrel. What a hard time of waiting for his mother and family.

It's sunny here and will be hot again but the nights are now getting down to the mid-upper 60s* so that makes the early mornings cooler. I noticed this morning how far the sun has moved to the south as it is rising. It seems like it made a leap overnight.

I was supposed to take my niece somewhere today but that got cancelled. Now I have a day with nothing scheduled so I'm at loose ends. There's always paperwork and housework but I haven't yet got into the frame of mind for either of those. I must go to town today or tomorrow. Still debating on that.
Hi all.........have been so up and down, back & forth, unreal! Hubby is getting weaker, had a dr. appt. this a.m. It was a struggle, tho he dressed, he then claimed he cou ld not move. Managed to get him in wheel chair, out to car, caregiver drove him there....5 min. away. Grrrr. He is so adamant about not going to hospital again, but refuses to realize he cannot get the care he should have here. Plus he is not eating, constantly is taking one bite, if that, or one spoonful...........leaving all the rest. I have to pick up prescription for him, get to the store, do some bookwork, including paying some bills. Ugh.
RS, I am putting Cindy & her son on daily prayers for recovery. So horrible. I know broken ribs have to heal on their own, but sure makes it hard to breathe. Elastic bandage around the area is a help, at least it was to me.
OC, take advantage of your day off, and do nothing......watch TV, nap, take a walk outside, or a short drive to no where......lol.
Apple cider donuts sound soooooo good. Never heard of them, am gonna look. If I ever get out to the store. :)
Good morning.... went to the first meeting of the stone club a sub set of the Bonsai club.... our last meeting was February 12, 2020. It was neat to go and get together it's a small group. 4 non mask wearing men (they say they've been vaccinated) and 3 mask wearing women.... I have to go to the Bonsai meeting next week to pick up the "membership" book. The club is taking a new direction this year.... might have happened earlier but well COVID.
PT today then to work. I decided to not go to work for 90 minutes then PT then back to work. I'll go to PT and then to work. I've told them that I had these appointments before I got the job, I waited a month for the PT appointments and as painful as they are, I need to continue.

Prayers for Cindy and her family that is so very sad. I hope the gentleman who caused this pain and suffering understands what he did, and well was insured by a decent company that will make payments needed.

CONGRATULATIONS to our new trainer on the board!!!!!! way to GO MANDA!!!!! You DID IT!!!!!!!

off to a thrilling Thursday......
A cool morning for my walk. It was in the 50s. I wore long pants and shirt plus a jacket. I need
to figure out another time for walking since summer weather is over and it's dark at 6:00. It's
better to walk before eating. I walk early because I have so many things I need to do during the day.

Another busy morning at the library. I got a book off the shelf. It will help a little when new books
get on the shelves.

robin, why can't men wear masks? When I was at the library, an older man wore one. Another older
man didn't.

rs, I need to look for apple donuts in the store. I haven't seen apple cider. Thanks for the update on
Cindy's son. I hope they get good news soon.

OC, I hope you figured out what you're doing today.

Poirot, sorry to hear about your hubby. He sounds like my next door neighbor from last year.

I hope everyone will have a good rest of the day.
Good Late Morning,
I hope there are some virtual donuts left, they sound amazing. I haven't had a donut in ages. Not too much new today, my brother is taking us out to dinner tonight (my mom too, and some friends) for his birthday which was Monday. We'll be going out for Hibachi, I haven't had it in ages, so I'm looking forward to it. I haven't started my new role yet, I officially make the change Sept 27, I'm so excited as I'll be specializing in training people for doing the exact thing I've been doing for 6 years. My boss said I basically train everyone on the gaps that get missed during the initial training, so I might was well do it officially, finally.

RS - good luck at the school today, continued prayers for Cindy and her son and his girlfriend.
OC - a day with no plans sounds wonderful. I wish I could squeeze a few more of those into my schedule.
Poirot - I'm so sorry your husband is deteriorating so fast. Praying for you both.
Robin - Thank you!! I hope PT goes well today and that you aren't too sore for work.
Kat - I hope you can figure out a good time to walk. I know I really enjoy my mid morning walk between breakfast and lunch, but we all have different schedules.
Congrats Manda!
RS I hope there’s news soon, the waiting is always the worst
Poirot - I’m so very sorry your husband isn’t doing well and is being difficult.

the donuts sound very yummy.

it feels like this short work week has been packed extra full for me — even though I haven’t really done a lot of actual work. Mostly scheduling things and adjusting calend
Kat, back when I was taking my walks out in the pasture (more than 10 years ago), I went out early, before breakfast, and walked for an hour. That worked best for me. Now that you've mentioned walking before breakfast, I'm thinking of trying to do my elliptical walk before breakfast. Lately I've been having trouble stopping during the day to do it.
OC, did you walk all year early in the AM? It's gotten cooler and it's darker here now. There are
street lights in my neighborhood, but it's seems different. I'm going out around 6:15 now. I'm
walking just four times around. I'm back home at 7. I eat breakfast and start my day.
Dark here at 6, tho starting to get light. but tho the records say sunrise at 6:40 a.m., we really do not see any sun til nearly 8 a.m. Yes, it is getting light out, but.....heck, have to turn lights on at 6:15-6:30 to just make coffee, as opening the blinds doesn't do a thing. Sure is losing light more quickly each day, it seems. By end of Sept. sunrise will be after 7 a.m. and sunset around 6:45 p.m. We are losing 3-4 minutes of light each day. Sheesh, don't remember it going so quickly, but then, I was always out more during summer & fall, so probably not paying attention. Now, since I am so housebound, I note turning lights on in evening, closing the blinds, etc.
OH boy.... I was wondering what the 30RockTree had been up too.... I'm so happy to know that he's just been busy.

PT was okay.... my knee is upset but getting somewhat better....

I found a job to do today while waiting for the phone to ring.... I have filled two, yes TWO large grey trash cans with the documents that were in the shred pile.
I have more to shred but alas no more space in the cans.... so tomorrow I'll finish the shredding. I hope the cleaning crew empties the cans. They are heavy. It looks like they are dumping financial records for school year 2014, where the school snack sale made $7.50 yet generated 9 sheets of paper including the deposit slip. Most of the stuff I didn't bother reading as it wasn't for me.

Enjoy the evening..... HB and the BEAST are rough housing in the bedroom.... occasionally the Zoomies come to the living room.... The BEAST is zooming... not HB.... :rotfl:
Kat, it's been awhile but I'm thinking I always walked before breakfast but I know I never walked before it was light out. There are too many wild critters in my pastures and no lights of any kind. I decided to quit, after meeting up with wild hogs a couple of times.

it was a mere 111° F (43.8 C) and this is tonight's weather guesser's for the next week.....

FYI today we were supposed to be 108 F (42 C) and "normal" whatever that is is 103 F (39 C)

Guess I'll wait till actual Fall for cooler temps.....
OC, I didn't think about all the critters walking in the dark where you live.