9/9/22 - Donuts & Rain!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good dreary morn to you all. Lightning was lighting up the skies here at 5 a.m. Around 6:30 came the thunder, not much, tho. Then a bit of rain. That stopped around 7 but started again around 9:30, still raining. Looks so dreary out.
Daughter was leaving this a.m. We said our good-byes last evening.....Yesterday was a bad one for them. They were out fishing in the a.m. , Last time, were coming into shore, and hit a sand & rock bar that they did not know was there. The propeller on the boat is damaged. See, it is her brother's brand new boat, and for some reason, the lake is being taken down by DNR, so as careful as they were trying to be.......well, she & her hubby were very, very upset, needless to say. My son got someone to put the boat on trailer and take to dealer where he bought it. Amazing what my son can do long distance. (Son lives mid-state, but brought the boat here just for his sister!)
Was hard saying good=bye to daughter, she lives so far away, so who know when she can manage another visit? Was greatful for this one. She now is going to her class reunion in Chicago area (that is tomorrow, catch up with a few friends...then heading back to GA on Sunday.
Wind is kicking up again here, I guess perhaps I should get dressed.....ya think? LOLOL
74 degrees in NY and 47% humidity...good drop. Sunny. Weather will be good most of the weekend until rain sets in Sunday evening.

Poirot - More storms for you! Sorry about your weather and the boat. Nice that you spent time with your daughter and, hopefully, will see her again sooner vs later. If only you were in possession of Salem's teleportation device!

Everyone have a great Friday!

Another foggy morning for walking.

I'm making poke salad now so I didn't go outside morning. I was studying in my kitchen when I heard, beep, beep, beep.
I looked outside and the neighbor next to me (not the house where woman died) is getting roofing materials. I told my
neighbor I was getting a new roof and he should check on his. He told he can check on that himself since he works in
construction. I guess he decided to get it looked at. This is either the 9th or 10th house to get one. It makes sense since
my house and most of the others are almost or over 20 years old.

Poirot, sorry to hear about your son's boat. Enjoy the rain. None in my forecast. I watered last night.

Wilde Woman, enjoy the cool weather.

Wishing everyone a good rest of the day and fantastic weekend.
That beaming up would sure be nice, Wilde Woman, if only.... I'm glad you finally got a drop in humidity. Enjoy your weekend before the rain arrives.

Poirot, I know your daughter and son-in-law must feel awful about the mishap with the boat, even though it probably couldn't have been avoided. It was such a nice thing for your son to make the boat available for his sister. Since he's so good at taking care of things like that, getting it fixed may not seem like as big a deal to him as it would to us. Anyway, it's good he can handle it from afar. By the way, what is DNR--did not rain?? Haha.

Kat, I didn't know 20 years was old for a roof. Are the ones there shingles? We had shingles for awhile but went back to sheet metal, which is popular in Texas and seems to hold up better in our weather. Enjoy your poke salad.

I woke up at 4:00 and tossed and turned for a long while but couldn't sleep. I almost took a nap after breakfast but made myself get dressed and drive over to the hunters' camp and check out the water meter that I just had installed. I now have to hire someone to lay a line from the meter to the camp. Trying to figure out the logistics. I also saw my niece and gave her some food stuff.

Now I think I may take that nap before lunch! I can tell a world of difference in my energy/endurance level when I get a good night's sleep.
I spoke too soon. The house next to the neighbor house is getting roofing tiles too. I just took Fenix out
and saw them back up their truck to the other house. I started laughing

OC, the roofs in my area have shingles. We had hail twice in my subdivision this year. That's why a lot of
people are getting new roofs.
Good Friday morning to all..... we are in the outer just cloud bands of hurricane Kay..... tonight we will be in rain bands if the hurricane does what it's supposed to..... but I've taken a wait and see attitude......
I was awakened this morning at 7 with a text wishing me a happy birthday..... which is nice but my birthday is actually the 10th or tomorrow.... my older sister called me last night in a panic a plane crashed in Santa Monica and she couldn't reach my other sister.... now Santa Monica isn't exactly a tiny place..... and had the plane crashed on a house you'd think the new media might have mentioned that.... anyway she'd been trying for 30 minutes to get my younger sister and no answer.... I sent a text to my younger sister and guess what... she was fine... she and my niece had dinner to celebrate birthdays and they had turned their phones off!! because my text message explained why I was texting they responded to me, I told my older sister they were fine....... we had a plane crash in Scottsdale a couple of years ago, where the plane crashed on a golf course and she called to make sure I was okay..... I live 4 miles from the private airport and no where near the golf course.... I was fine....

Ah it's Friday..... and I don't have Stepmother duties on Saturday..... temps today will be under 100 per the weather guessers.... whoo hooo.....
@O.C. .....DNR is Dept. of Natural Resources.
And I just learned that the lake has been going down because we've been in a severe DROUGHT! They had to close the dam, .....complicated but I am surprised this wasn't in the paper. Evidently some big wig mtg. is at end of month to figure out what to do.......isn't that a big late??? (The town clerk called me as she wanted to know how to get Peacock to her TV. She had attempted to subscribe to that 1.99 offer, but when they asked for credit card #, she wondered how would they know how to get to her TV. Told her I did not have slightest idea, but perhaps go online, ask the question of how to get Peacock to her TV......maybe it will help.
See, she has no IPad, laptop, smart phone....so no device to download to. SO..........that is where the extra costs come into play.
Hello Ladies,
Gosh, I've been away a long time, but life went all topsy turvy over the summer, with a crazy work schedule, coupled with some serious personal life changes too much to get into for one post. I've missed you all terribly.

Gena started 7th grade last week, crazy how time flies and how fast she's grown (see picture - she hates that shirt.)

Sorry I can't reply to you all as work calls me away, but I think of you often and pray for you all. I'll try not to be such a stranger. Gena 1st day of school 2022.jpg
Great seeing you, manda. We've missed you.

robin, I'm glad you get a stepmom free day.

Poirot, it's interesting someone contacted you about watching Days on Peacock. You need to keep the toll free
number I posted handy so people can call them.
Amanda, it's so good to see you here. Gena looks like such a sweetheart! Can't believe she's in 7th grade.

Ah yeah, Kat, that hail is bad news for roofs (we used to say "rooves").

Robin, I sure hope you get some rain. I know you don't get many chances. Your sister's concerns may have been out of proportion but still, it's great to have family who cares and thinks about one another.

Poirot, thanks for the clarification. I'm no good at figuring out abbreviations. Let's hope those people in charge do a better job of managing what water they have than some others. Your clerk friend must have known you are a Days fan. I hope she figures out how to do what she wants.

I felt a little sad watching Days for the last time today. It's been a skimpy week for me, with my station not showing it on Monday, then the news about the Queen replacing it yesterday. Oh well, it doesn't matter now and such is life.
Still raining here. Gloomy day. I know I have been a pest about the Elvis movie.......but I get a kick out of how when you watch a clip of something else, Days in particular, when the clip ends, there is some clip from that move. I think Butler did such a fab job of portraying Presley......and just now, saw a clip of the end of the movie. Real Elvis, interspersed with Austin Butler's portrayal ........the song is Unchained Melody. Take a look...just for fun..........
