A big Welcome to you!

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Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
We are so happy you decided to join us here. Yep, we talk about Days, we diss it, enjoy it, we complain and we praise. We contemplate about spoilers, and talk off topic.

Please, wander around......and mostly, just jump in wherever, and post. We are new, so everyone is new....and diverse.And the more, the merrier. We come from all over. We like and dislike different things. Heck, everyone does not like pizza or Chinese food.(tho it is hard to imagine anyone not liking Italian......I have met a few.... LOLOL )
We all want to have fun, to talk about Days, agree or disagree.
And hey, if you want to just read, be our guest.
If you have news, please submit it. If you have spoilers not heretofore posted........please.....post away. If you want to contact either of us.....just click on our names.

Both Wayne and I sincerely hope you enjoy the site. We appeciate any suggestions, or feedback. Honest.
Thank you, truly, for deciding to become a part of this board. We both really look forward to interacting with everyone, and mostly, the shared community. Bless you all.
New Memeber! I'm so excited that I joined. I've been watching Days since I was 5. Don't get to watch as often as I would like. I try to catch up on SoapNet on Sunday evenings and watch all 5 in a row. My fav characters are John and Marlena. Even though they drive me nuts sometimes I always watch when they're on.
I'm a newbie here too. My name is Mamaspam. I am a big Steve and Kayla fan,and a Bo and Hope fan. EJ is hot!!! I'm not a Patrick, Bonnie or Mimi fan though. I do like the new head writer. He seems to move the storyline along faster. I'm glad to be here.
I'm new here also and enjoying the "community" of Days fans. I came back for Steve and Kayla but am now watching the whole show. More STeve and Kayla!

Brand new here. Love the look of the website. Really nice. I've been a Days fan since 1975. But wandered away in the late 90s. Came back for Steve and Kayla! But I'm starting to really love Sami and EJ. Thanks for the Salem Spectator!
I just wanted to say Hello to the newbies. I am one too. Like most of you, I came back for Steve and Kayla.
I only watch one soap opera and this is it. I just want to say...anywhere Steve and Kayla will go on this journey, I'm going right with them.
Hello everybody, I just found this forum, so I thought I'd join and say hello. I've been a Days for for.....well along time and I'm really enjoying it these days.
:uhoh: Apologies to everyone. I was experimenting with a new administration area I saw, and clicked on, and ended up having tons of intro and welcoming posts deleted, and I definitely did not mean to do so. I do not know how it even happened.

:cry: :duh: :shocked:
Here....hope this helps......
Then again, maybe this would be better
Okay, looks like my intro was one that was deleted.

I'm Angel, and Days is the only soap I watch. (Except for a few scenes out of Passions, and only for laughs) I'm in the Houston area, am a mom to twins who turn 2 on the 18th of August (just over a week from now). I started watching Days right after Sami was thrown out of the window by Tony Dimera, and she was unable to talk for the longest time.

So yes, I identify with Sami the most. She's my FAVE female character, and Steve (Patch) is my FAVE male character. My hubby showed me old tapes of long-ago episodes featuring a younger Bo, Hope, Patch and Kayla. I wasn't sure if I liked the younger Patch, but damn....I sure LOVE him now! LOL When he was playing his harmonica a few months back - with every ounce of his passion - I just lost it and started bawling.

He is such a breath of fresh air on this show. I'd love to meet ALL the actors one day....
Hi everyone, I am so glad I found this site. It seems real cool here. And I already got my self an avatar thanks to P.Allison. I love all the pics and stuff.
Hi! I've been reading Day Ahead for a while now, but I have never posted. I just want to say I really look forward to reading each episode. I don't have time to watch the show, besides commericals drive me crazy, but I love reading them. Thanks!!!!
Welcome aboard to you all. We are happy you joined us, and just jump in anywhere you feel like. The water is just fine. LOL
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