Actor out


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Good; the character was such a dud. Why ReRon thought such an unmemorable character from a short storyline in 1988 warranted such a hyped-up big return is beyond me. (nothing against the actor, whom I greatly enjoyed on Y&R)
Yay. :) But now, who is Ava gonna go be in love with? Because it better not be Steve. And it better not be Rafe. And it better not be anybody else currently on the show. Eww. Can she maybe leave with him? I liked her with certain people, but those certain people are now with other people that I like better. "New Gabi" is probably going to step in eventually and whoop her tail for this mess with Stefan. Now THAT is something to look forward to.
I just had to

I really hope Harris gets to leave town above ground, he's not someone I'd like Dr. Rolf to resurrect at some future time. I really don't want a poorly written who done it murder mystery surrounding his leaving, where in the end like Li no one knows or cares who did it. Just a "I got a better job offer in North Dakota, I took it" would work.
I think sometimes, an actor shines in portraying a character, but just isn't able to "get" another character. We see it when an actor who portrayed a character so well on a show, leaves, and eventually another actor is cast ........who just seems unable to exhibit the same traits, personality, etc. the character had before.

Daily TV is a lot different from movies, for sure.