SPOILER !! Another return confirmed


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2006
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As has been rumored in recent months, Robert Scott Wilson will be returning to "Days of Our Lives" as Ben Weston later in the year. Viewers have not yet seen the last of Salem's notorious serial killer yet.
I may be in the minority but what I like about serial type shows is the return of characters regardless of who they are. In this case I particularly enjoy watching wacky characters. At least he is not returning from the dead. If he doesn't show up until May, Abby might already be gone.
Maybe, just maybe, Ben has been in therapy and is back to sincerely apologize (not live Ava!) That would be a nice change of pace.

I can't imagine this person being turned loose for ANY reason! Somehow therapy and an apology wouldn't make him any less scary. But yes, an apology would be nice, so long as he wrote it in a letter and didn't deliver it in person.
Considering the kind of therapy Ben should be getting, it would take years and years to help, cure, etc. To let him out of whatever institution he is in, is just plan absurd and fantasy. This could never happen in real life. But, the writing needs to take a good look into reality and adjust things that couldn't possibly happen. ShaSha
I will say this explains the on set pics with the actor, when (with their filming schedule) he should not have been on set.
Either he has escaped, or perhaps, he is being visited by someone. Abby?

(Just me, but I would rather see James Reade back.....oh, to have Clyde up against Eduardo......and Andre' as well. LOLOL)
Well, from what I can see, Andre will eventually go his way and then what??? Eduardo?? No, I don't see him as a bad guy, just a paid hood, maybe an extremely well paid hood, but not big enough to play in the same league as Stefano. Clyde on the other hand, could be elevated somewhat to more of the conniving gangster that he is at this time and one who will take the town on a ride like they've never had before. AND, he's sexy which is VERY important. (to me)
Oh, I don't see Eduardo as a bad guy, but he is tough enough to be able to counter Andre' when that evil soul goes after a decent Salemite. And Andre' may just be unaware. Unless Stefano mistakenly gave Andre' the key to ALL his secrets.