
Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
There has been a huge increase in spoiler information being posted in NON-SPOILER forums.
O.K. I do understand and sympathize that with the 50th, there has been a lot of info out about people leaving, people returning, etc.

The fact remains, IF IT HAS NOT HAPPENED YET ON THE SHOW, IT IS A SPOILER, and cannot be mentioned in Daily Days, the summary in Today in Salem. We truly hate having to delete posts, or sentences within a post.

Please remember that many folks prefer to remain spoiler free, do not read the Crystal Ball, want to be surprised, And thus we ALL do not know so and so is leaving, staying a short time, is on contract for 6 mos., a year, maybe will die, etc. etc.

We mods would really appreciate your help, as honestly, we do NOT want to delete your post, or material within your post.

Thank you........truly.
I guess it's still risky to use it in general, but this would be a good place to test that spoiler feature. I nearly tried it once, but figured the spoiler probably shouldn't be in the discussion anyway, so I didn't say it. But I would like to see what it does, so here goes:

This is what happens when you insert a spoiler using the spoiler feature.

End of test.

Edited to add: Cool. Moderators can delete this if you'd like.
Hmm, learn something new all the time.

The thing is, people don't even think they are revealing a spoiler. There are some items that "everyone knows that". LOL But they don't One can see that when reading posts wherein it said "wasn't expecting that", or " was so surprised to see so and so"
I will add that it's very easy to scroll to the top or bottom of any page and see whether the thread you're in is in the Crystal Ball. I do that often while I'm posting as some threads can be borderline spoilerish.
That spoiler tag is interesting....didn't realize we had that. However, the problem is that even though spoiler information can be hidden behind the tag, posters after that post may then start discussing said spoiler and then we still have to go in and delete. Nice idea, guilty pleasure, but it appears that will still be problematic. :)
Yes, I totally agree. Risky to insert even a veiled spoiler in a place that is spoiler free. That's a neat little trick though... too bad it's not really useful here! It really boils down to people just paying attention and understanding that some folks don't want to be spoiled.

I'm afraid that I might start misusing this just for the fun of it! LOL! (not by spoiling, though!)