

Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Why do the networks shoot themselves in the foot all the time...and the viewers are the losers as well.

Watched Believe last night, and my goodness, really kept one on the edge of one's seat. The premise is unusual (though it is another child with an adult story) and so naturally, it will be on regularly Sunday evenings opposite Resurrection! Grrrrrr.

Little girl is orphaned, tho the parents were foster parents of hers for only 2 weeks. Bad guys want to have the girl in their clutches, good guys want to help her escape, enlist the help of a man on death row, about to be executed. He agrees at last second, and wow, the escape was exciting. He goes to the hospital where the little girl is, and ...the adventure begins. Bad female tries to kill, more running, escapes, shootings, something going on all the time. The girl has special powers of some kind...and near the end, the good guys are talking. That minister from Death row who helped the convict escape...he is talking to this gal, who wants to know why he chose that guy. And the man replies, I didn't put her in the care of a prisoner, I put her with her father. Oh, wow! And neither knows.

It is a shame 2 good shows again are scheduled opposite each other...... hope I get to see these things on reruns, or maybe if they run them a second time on Saturdays.
I was going to watch last night, but I taped it instead
since I was tired.

NBC is going to show this one again Sat.
I think the girl may have an inkling that there is something special about the guy. It seemed that way by the way she put her hand on his when they were in the car running from the bad lady.
Loved how she told the young doctor what his ailing father was thinking. Also about him needing to carry on with being a doctor because he had to save "Senga".

Edited this, kat because I had something in here that may have spoiled the show for you.
I think I may have as well, so glad to know it will be on Sat. again. Thank you.
Thanks Poirot! I dvr'd this show and was wondering if i should even give it a try. Many of the new shows I will try once or twice then just ignore them in the future. It's really nice to read a review that gives the premise a bit more.
I just saw the show. Don't worry about spoilers. I usually stay out of topics
until I see episodes.

I loved the ending when Terry saw Agnes backwards. Some words are
interesting when you write backwards... Tulsa. I wonder if the people
who live there know

I love Bo. I laughed when we heard the bad guy's name Roman.

It is too bad it's on opposite of the ABC show on Sunday. I'll try to
watch both for awhile. I think this one will be more fun.
Well, looks like I am going to try and find this online somewhere, as I really wanted to see it, but watched Resurrection. I did flip over to this during commercials but ran into commercials there, as well. Except, once there was a scene in a casino of some kind, where Bo was making sure the dice rolled 7s. And then somewhere near the end, the cops stopped their vehicle, arresting Tate, who assured Bo all would be o.k. as he was being arrested. Hands on head, on the ground, etc. So I have to find out what the heck was going on. Maybe I can find a recap.
Sounds like a good show. I'll have to find online or hope they show it again this Saturday.

Maybe they needed money since they only had a little over a hundred dollars at the end of last week's show. Tate had to leave the big satchel of money in that old warehouse when they were running from that wacked out ninja warrior girl.
Tate cut his hair so no one would recognize him. I think
Bo needs to get rid of jacket with the B :)

I wish we could see more fun scenes with Bo when she was
with Jesse. Instead of all the running and chasing scenes

Hulu Plus is commercial free, but you have to pay
Made me laugh when he left all that huge amount of hair in the sink! I liked that she gave all their money so Jesse could have his operation.
So, she remembers her bio mother, there are other children in the program, but Roman Skouras & his wife seem to have a special attachment to her.
And since Winter has known her from wayyy younger, and has formed a wonderful bond with her, he may have known her mother/bio family.
I wonder if Tate even knows the woman he was with
had a baby. I wish they would tell him that he is her dad.
I also noticed that the female FBI agent assigned to the case had a child at age 17, (which probably means the child is the same age as Bo) she's probably not the mother, but it will make her more empathetic once she realizes what's really going on.
thanks, Jnta....I need to watch this, missed it....
I just saw Sunday's episode. It was great. I hope you saw it Poirot
I will have to watch it I did miss it. Hope it is up on NBC..or somewhere