Ben's victims

I love this actor too oldsoapie...... When he picked Will up and threw him into the fridge I screamed out loud. Maniacs have such great strength, so much great acting here and I am going to miss Will.
I know I'm in the minority but I wouldn't mind it if Ben had a twin. I like the actor and think there is potential for him long term.
I'm with you on that one. I rate having him be the killer as right up there with the assassination of Aiden as being BIG mistakes the new writers have made (among many, many, many wonderful successes!!).
I've been thinking about this and lots of things do not add up..
1st murder~ I really think that was Clyde and he did it to frame Chad to get him out of Ben's way,
The big order of red neck ties that was ordered, thinking that Clyde and Ben did that together to frame Chad, not sure if Ben would have thought of that one one his own.
Ben was shocked that Paige was murdered, not sure why he was unless he did not remember right away he had done it to protect Clyde ..
Marlena's attack was probably Ben, Clyde told him Chad was there and Ben needed her not to delve into it .
When Will came upon the ties , Ben was backed into a corner either to protect himself or thinking that Will actually knew more than he did and Ben needed to protect Clyde.
Beating up Chad was just revenge for Abby loving him and totally just brutal, he was out of control.
I would not put past Clyde to be manipulating his own son and using Ben's temper to his advantage.
O.K. will admit that I really kept thinking it was Clyde that offed Serena, and then Paige as well. Even attacking Marlena. (Clyde WAS the one who popped into her office to pay a bill or some such, in person. ) And I would still be thinking it, except that Ben had that whole box of ties under his bed. Ties & gloves, that he bagged & threw in the river.
Unless he took those things from Daddy's room for safeguarding, it just nails him.
There is no doubt he beat up Chad.....
But Clyde has a history of physical abuse.
and it bugs the daylights out of me that ...well, since this is not a spoiler thread, I cannot say. Grrr. LOLOL
It is really hard for me to believe that Ben felt Chad was such a threat he had to murder two women after using a DiMera account to buy a bucketload of ties. I mean, come on. LOL
Especially since Ben and Abby were on good terms when the murders began. Chad really wasn't a threat at the time.