

Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
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Chad can go find Abby in Boston and stay there with her.

Isn't it ironic that his precious Abby had mental illness and he called it rape when his brother, Stefan O had sex with her at that point, BUT
is congratulating Bun Head (Theo) on his engagement to Ciara who is married to Ben and has amnesia?

And why did he tell Ben it was great that Theo is engaged to Ciara?

Any thoughts?
Ciara has amnesia. So did Will, Jack, and John. While they were amnesiac, Will left Sonny and was living with Paul, Jack came to town with Eve and had sex with her and tried to ignore Jennifer, and wasn't John with Ava while he could not remember Marlena? I don't remember anyone saying they were not in their right minds at the time. I don't think comparing Abby, who had multiple personalities and a true mental illness to Ciara is accurate. Ciara just does not remember a specific time of her life which happened to be traumatic, but she's in her right mind. Theo is nothing like Stefan Zero.

I blame Ciara more than Theo for this situation. There have been plenty of attempts when people like Shawn, Claire, and Justin tried to explain to Ciara what happened between her and Ben, but she's too stubborn to believe it.
Chad was a jerk, but feels justified in his long delayed "revenge". 4 or 5 years ago, before Ben was diagnosed with mental illness, put on medication, etc. , he caused Chad (& Abby) a great deal of misery, including tying them up, setting the cabin on fire, and stealing their baby.
I don’t see this as bad. Ciara lost her memory. Some might think that’s a blessing. I never bought that Ben was cured. He only served a couple years in jail (or asylum) for murdering 3 people. I think that’s more disgusting than Chad preferring his nephew being with Ciara. I don’t like how this show allows murderers to be set free. Yes, Eve took it too far in her revenge by kidnapping Ben and torturing him and brainwashing him to kill Ciara. But I understand her grief and anger that he is walking around free while her daughter is buried in the ground because of Ben. I would not want any of my family members to marry him no matter how many psychiatrists say he is ‘cured’.
Inasmuch as we never saw Ben actually kill anyone, I am waiting/expecting a writer to eventually absolve him of the murders of the women. Yes, we DID see him strangle Will, who never died, really......but he did not use the tie...used his hands. I thought perhaps it would get ret conned that Clyde (or someone else) brainwashed/hypnotized him into believing he did those things, to cover for themselves.

However, current headwriter seems to just want to "re-do" storylines of the past, using other characters. Guess it is difficult for him to think up new and different plots. LOL

To tell the truth, I know and have seen the friendship over the years between Ciara & Theo, but I just don't see them as romantic. It is more like he is helping her get out of the marriage, agreeing to annul or divorce later .....or something like that.

However, for Chad himself, yes, we saw Ben attempt to kill Chad & Abby while stealing their baby, that was horrible, & Chad has waited a long time to make his snide remarks.

Ben is taking meds faithfully, which help him to stay stable, not fall back down into any destructive pattern. I hate that the show constantly relies on mental illness to explain and excuse the behavior of major characters.
I don’t see this as bad. Ciara lost her memory. Some might think that’s a blessing. I never bought that Ben was cured. He only served a couple years in jail (or asylum) for murdering 3 people. I think that’s more disgusting than Chad preferring his nephew being with Ciara. I don’t like how this show allows murderers to be set free. Yes, Eve took it too far in her revenge by kidnapping Ben and torturing him and brainwashing him to kill Ciara. But I understand her grief and anger that he is walking around free while her daughter is buried in the ground because of Ben. I would not want any of my family members to marry him no matter how many psychiatrists say he is ‘cured’.
Yes. Murderers and rapists. Just like Jack raped Kayla but he's everyone's hero both on the show and off (creeeeeaaakkkk - sound of can of worms being opened).
But until recently, Kayla has only ever treated Jack with icy politeness, and that was only because he was Steve's brother. Jack (and the others) accepted that. No one forced them to be buddies, or worse yet, lovers. Jack didn't want to be with Jennifer originally because he didn't feel worthy, due to him raping Kayla, especially when he found out Lawrence Alamain raped Jennifer. Jack's redemption was long and hard won.

Sami and EJ laughed over a glass of wine about him raping her and putting Rafe2 into her bed to rape her again and the show shoved them down our throats as their "golden couple". :sick:
I don’t see this as bad. Ciara lost her memory. Some might think that’s a blessing. I never bought that Ben was cured. He only served a couple years in jail (or asylum) for murdering 3 people. I think that’s more disgusting than Chad preferring his nephew being with Ciara. I don’t like how this show allows murderers to be set free. Yes, Eve took it too far in her revenge by kidnapping Ben and torturing him and brainwashing him to kill Ciara. But I understand her grief and anger that he is walking around free while her daughter is buried in the ground because of Ben. I would not want any of my family members to marry him no matter how many psychiatrists say he is ‘cured’.
What about Theo being in a relationship with someone he may know, but would not agree to the relationship/marriage if it weren't for her memory lose? Everyone went all crazy about EJ and Stefan, when this really crosses the same boundry. We all witnessed Ben and Ciara's love, what Theo is doing is toxic and all kinds of creepy, and he is seemingly getting a pass when it's close to Stefan level, the way Stefan tried to keep "Gabby" around.

So they grew up together, when 2 years of someone's life is erased, they technically aren't capable to be consensual, if Ciara and Ben weren't dating long I can understand, but this really to me kills Theo's character as they were married and he has a agenda. Personally, I would never be dating nobody or even marriage if I knew they were eventually gonna walk out on me one day, it's like a ticking time bomb!
Yup the Ciara and Theo stuff would be acceptable if it happened a year after she lost her memory. This all unfolding while she's sitting in a hospital bed is awful. And the reaction of her family since she was in the hospital is awful too. Instead of just acting like it was all fine they all should super concerned with how she was handling things. Everyone just seemed to "oh well" the entire thing.
I think it comes down to what reality we're willing to suspend for soap land. I accept that people heal quickly and keep moving. How many times has Brady been near death, shot, heart transplant etc.? Then, BOOM, he's fine after a few days or weeks. That's how I see Ciara's brain injury. Once they declare she's medically fit, I accept that and don't apply real-world timelines to the healing or many other scenarios. After all, Ciara was also 7 years old one minute and 16 the next. That's the nature of soaps.

Because of that, I don't see her as some victim being taken advantage of. She's in her right mind and cognitively whole except for the memory gap.
I think it comes down to what reality we're willing to suspend for soap land.

I think that sentence says it all. I'm willing to accept Jack's rehabilitation for his rape. I'm not will to accept EJ on any level for his several rapes. That for me is a bridge too far. There are other reality items that are hard swallows, and some that are OK, it's a soap.
They've also actually addressed Jack's rape. He's sincerely apologized (for whatever that would be worth in real life).

They still don't admit that what EJ did was rape half the time--let alone have him sincerely and consistently apologize. Plus, the writers aren't trying to position Jack and Kayla as a love story for the ages. It's not the same.
Yes, agree. Jack not only apologized, he hated himself, and withdrew from social situations with females. Jennifer had to work hard to break thru the wall Jack built up around himself. He felt he just wasn't good enough for anyone. I know he & Kayla were married at the time, & she was always making excuses as to why she could not/would not consummate the marriage, but he knows it was still no excuse for what he did. The show, back then, handled it all very well, with Jack taking over 3 years before he let himself drop the wall.

EJ has not been dealt with at all the same. Even blackmailing Sami into having sex, before he'd help Lucas, I still have the pics of Sami's face then. Could not believe when the writers back then decided to pair them up, after that. Ugh. The pics are on my other computer, or I'd put them in here now.
Certainly doesn't look like a hot night of forbidden passion.


Not to mention, he raped her by proxy when he put Rafe2 in her bed, then laughed about it with Fatha.
Thank you, JS, That is the pic, (actually, I have a series of 3 I think). Will say, a few years ago, when a similar discussion came up, and I posted my pics, one poster got ticked and quit the forum! I just always felt that Sami showed how awful it was for her, and it is why I could never ever accept the attempt to make EJ & Sami as some super love.