Chanel & Allie


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Here is a couple who, in my opinion, have no chemistry whatsoever, are boring beyond belief in whatever story they are supposed to be doing, who have had terrible writing, dialogue, etc. & yet Days thinks they are the cat's meow.

Did I think it clever or funny when Paulina told her daughter, Chanel, to make up her mind, using very explicit terminology? No, it was disgusting. Days does not need to go the porn route to hold on to it's viewers. It needs Corday & NBC to put on their Big Boy pants and confront their headwriter. Days will not last if he continues his current agenda.
I have thankfully missed watching the past week's show so I can't comment on Paulina's language. I get that they want to make the show seem edgier/hipper something the younger kids might want to watch.... but they won't....

As several of you know I have 3 adult children and 4 completely and totally adorable grandkids my kids don't watch hour long dramas that don't move a story... I've had them watch with me for bits of time and weeks later they will ask about a story and I'll tell them and they are shocked it hasn't been answered/completed or such.....

Using the correct language for body parts is important. Using them to ask a grown up daughter which one she likes best is out there. It's like my issue with EVERYONE in the town rooting for Nicole and Rafe's marriage to fall apart because they want Eric and Nicole, and I do like Eric and Nicole or did till Eric married her and left hours later to help others. At least they didn't kill him only to have him come back from the dead....

Have a lesbian couple to go with your gay couple.... I don't care.... but if this was Ron's story of a lifetime it was really horribly done and boring as all get out.

The powers that be need to figure out how to move stories along faster, stop killing off people, send them out of town and never speak of them again and move the stories along. IF they want the younger audience they need to move stories faster, salty language isn't the answer.
I had high hopes for Chanel and Allie...LONG AGO! Now I just don't care. I also used to enjoy Allie with Tripp, was neutral on Chanel with Johnny, and even for a small time saw chemistry between Tripp and Chanel. Now I just couldn't care less...I can't believe this was Re-Ron's flagship storyline, because it is very boring. Heck, I'd even sit through an episode of Sarah and Xander than this, and I think everyone knows how I feel about that part of the show.

Not sure exactly what Paulina said to her daughter...if my mom, though, gave me a sexual innuendo when I asked for romantic advice, I'd be thoroughly disgusted!
I did the old fast forward during the Paulina and Chanel stuff because they both bore me. I just don't care about any of these characters and that's probably because there's been nothing but drama around them. Really not into Johnny at all. I thought Chanel was going to drop both of them so I guess they surprised me with that at least.
Personally, I don't think Chanel & Allie will last......They have been best friends for years and years, but being a couple is another area completely. I had wished Chanel would have decided that neither twin was what she really wanted, and thus all 3 could find someone else. Don't care if they moved out of town, got really involved in jobs, went on vacation, etc. They have had lousy story, lousy writing.

Right now, feel bad for poor Henry, whose Mom neglects him terribly. The kid has a birthday today, but mom is over with her new "other half" in bed, not even a mention of a birthday cake or even a cupcake. So much for the very dull Sweet Bits. *(Henry is 2 yrs. old, born 7/31/2020)
I totally could not get warmed up to Chanel and Allie and their "love". Like you Poirot, I was wishing that Chanel would drop them both. How on earth could a sister delight in beating out her twin brother to the woman they both love. I think it does not speak well of Allie at all. Tsk Tsk, Tsk
You did not put anything in an incorrect place, and you actually did it all correctly, tho you chose to delete it, Cookie's Mom....
I think JasonD said this somewhere, how ReRon gets an idea, starts it, then quickly writes the finish, not giving the idea/story any build up, & in his hurry to end it, he invariable skips over what should have been said, explained, shown/written, etc.
Chanel MARRIED Johnny in Europe, they were married for a while. They return to Salem, and Bam, divorce court. Chanel is with Allie then, just ONCE romantically, and BAM, they love each other????? And then poor Chanel :):sarcasm::) can't choose between them, loves them both. That should have told her something, but alas, ReRon just wasn't smart enough.
(Actually, I wish the twins would have backed away, telling Chanel if she could not make up her mind, it showed she really did not love either of them the way one should feel about a person they want to be with forever, so.....forget it, they both opt out!)
Allie is more like Sami than we thought. She doesn't care that Johnny lost out and is devastated over losing Chanel. Just like Sami never cared about Carrie when she (temporarily) won Austin, who was only interested in Sami because of Will.

It's a shame about Allie, Johnny, and Chanel because I thought at first (before the devil possession story was over) that this would be an interesting triangle once Johnny and Allie were through with the devil possession. Unfortunately, ReRon go ahold of the idea and ran this idea straight into the ground and now all three characters are boring and this love triangle is awful.
The only thing I want to add is that Allie and Johnny should either be united, raised as twins, or divided, raised as fraternal sibs who spent a lot of time with their dads, who hate each other.

But the show can't decide on a timeline for stuff that Re-Ron himself wrote, so a backstory is above his paygrade considerably.