Chromebook info


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I think my laptop died. It's been on the "spin" cycle for over an hour. I'm going to leave it on until after I
get home from the library.

I would like info about the Chromebook. I know schools use them since they don't cost as much as laptops.

Chromebooks usually have slower / lower powered processors, less RAM (Random Access Memory), and less storage space than laptops. They also normally have less USB ports if you need to connect a mouse, thumb/flash drive, etc.

While looking for a new laptop, I've found a few very expensive Chromebooks that are more high end and expensive than some laptops. How powerful and expensive of a Chromebook you would need just depends on what you will use it for.

Chromebooks have an OS (Operating System), but there is very little extra software that can be downloaded in them.

Most school Chromebooks connect to the school servers where the software is, and the kids actually do their lessons in the servers without them stored in the Chromebook itself.
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Appreciate the info.....have been looking to get a new laptop, as mine slipped off my lap onto the floor, cracked the area where the plug goes. It is Windows 7, so you can tell, really old.
Thanks, rs. My son told me the same thing. I basically use the laptop and do Google searches.
I use the PC for the important stuff.
I did Google search and it says the spinning might be caused because of the graphic
card. I'm going to Best Buy to have laptop checked out. It's too bad I don't know
anyone who could do things cheaper.
Kat - I have had two laptops in my life. Both Dell, and I recommend the brand. First one lasted around 10 years, had to move over from Windows XP to 7 or 8, then I upgraded to 10. Will need a new laptop for 11.

Since supports ends for 10, when you buy a new laptop, get Windows 11. Windows Support ends October 14, 2025.

You can get Dell laptops from their website directly, Amazon or Best Buy.

Wish you luck with your technology!
LOL, my laptop was Windows XP, upgraded to 7, but really, need to get a new one. I did buy one about 6 mos. ago from Amazon, but did not want to have to send back, etc. if there was some problem, locally, for me, was better. I returned that one to Amazon without even opening the pkg. I really hate that I have to buy things (including clothes) sight unseen. Oh, well, the delights of small town living. Haven't looked at WalMart, or checked the local computer fixit place. They possibly might sell them????
I turned off my laptop and waited longer than this morning. When I turned it back on, it ran a diagnosis on itself.
It came back to the home screen and said it took out updates. The problem is it won't type. I guess I'll a buy
a separate keyboard for it.

I have my brother's keyboard, but it won't fit in the slot.
If all you are planning to do is browse the internet, check email etc then a Chromebook will be fine. If you want to use it for anything else, definitely get a regular Windows laptop