Dallas - Season 3 returns Aug 18th (spoilers included)

The letter gave them instructions on how to set up Cliff for JR's "murder" and Elena steals it and confronts the Ewings next week with it. It's all the proof Cliff needs to get out of prison and again I'm willing to bet the documents were forged and JR didn't switch deeds. Cliff needed a guinea pig who had an inside with the Ewings and he found the perfect one in Elena.

About the promo for next week: Cliff is shown talking on his cell phone behind prison bars and my daughter looks at me and asks "how does he get a cell phone in jail" :rotfl::rotfl:

I feel your suppositions are correct. Cliff is a scammer and an even bigger sleaze than JR and has been since "End Game" turned him from a chump to a Trump.

Elena will be on the outs with the Ewings with egg on her face - Barnes will be out to destroy them, and BOOM she'll be pregnant by John Ross.

(Is anyone else hearing Jock say, "John Ross Ewing the Fourth" in their heads?)

Meanwhile I love the nurse and I want Christopher to hire her as his secretary at Ewing whatever-it-is-this-week!! Good riddance to Bo-ring and his kin.
What a waste of AnnaLynne McCord's (Heather) talent! But yes glad they are gone.

I was curious why Elena was actually drinking in order to pretend she was drunk? She drank at least 2 glasses.

Interesting no JR Ewing bourbon this week. I wonder if the liquor company paid for product placement.

Ann was hardly on and I really didn't miss her at all. I'm just not vested in this "love" story with Bobby. They should have recast Pam instead of killing the character.

I agree about Cliff playing everyone. I would rather see him on every episode rather than these cartel members.

I would imagine the show got low ratings this week due to the Emmys. Too bad it was one of the better episodes.
Actually the ratings weren't as low as expected. I wouldn't have guessed from my twitter feed though, LOL. Much less traffic than normal. :(

I'd like Cliff to stay in prison AND these Cartel bozos to shuffle off somewhere. Bring in Katherine as a villain (turns out Cliff faked her death, boom!! LOL) if we must have one!

I agree about Ann. I like her but I don't "feel" her & Bobby. I really only ever liked Bobby with Jenna #3 and April. I think it'd be more fun for Jenna to interlope by not interloping this time 'round instead of Tracey.
I like Ann and Bobby; then again, I never saw him with anyone else.

I wish Dallas would be like the daytime soaps in the way that they had one or two families that were the central villains of the soap. Bringing on all these short-term villains (the various drug cartels, Nicolas, now making Elena and Drew, and maybe their mom, bad, etc) is getting kinda old. I still love the show, but I really LOVED it when Cliff and Harris teamed up. I thought that was going to be the way they'd do things from now on-two main evil characters.
I really like Sheree J. Wilson (April) and went on to become a big Walker Texas Ranger fan after she left Dallas. I own every episode of Walker. I've always thought it would be great if her death had been faked and she has been held captive or maybe she had a twin.

DaysD: You should watch the original Dallas on DVD. Perhaps your library has the discs.
While original Dallas brought in various characters at times, they always had the core family, and lots of scenes. Jock, Miss Ellie, J.R.,Sue Ellen, Bobby, Pam, Lucy, Ray Krebbs.......and then those around them...Cliff, Clayton Farlow, Carter McKay, Jenna, Donna Krebbs, even Sly, who was J.R.'s secretary. You saw them all the time, and others that came in, you would see thruout a season, and not just one season. So everyone was very familiar.

Right now, it is hard to keep track of who is part of the cast besides John Ross, Christopher, Sue Ellen & Bobby. But, I realize this Dallas only has less than half the episodes that made a season of original Dallas, so....just am glad to see who I see.
Boy, Bobby was right. Cliff intends to go after all the Ewings, and got a naive gal to do his work for him. Bobby was able to get Cliff a pardon or release or something.....and the show still confuses me. I mean the young women. Never know who is who. LOL
The thing that irritates me about the deed switch is everyone is just accepting it as truth. We all know JR was a snake but Cliff Barnes is just as big a snake and Elena just accepted his claim that the deeds were switched. Then you have Bobby, the level headed Ewing, just accepting that Cliff was telling Elena the truth about the switch. No one tried to verify those documents weren't falsified. Bobby just hands over a lump sum of cash and Ewing land to Elena with nothing but Cliff Barnes word as good faith. Unbelievable! Ain't no way Booby wouldn't have called in every favor he had to try to confirm Cliff's accusations were true.

And don't get me started on Carmen Ramos, the Ewing maid. From what we've seen, Bobby and Anne have treated this woman like family. And just like that she turns on Bobby, taking Cliff Barnes accusations as nothing but the truth. Again, Unbelievable! I know the woman is grieving the loss of her son, but to punish Bobby for something JR supposedly did, is LOW. This is why I hope Cliff lied through his teeth about the deeds. I want to see sainted Elena and her mama eating several helpings of crow apologizing to Bobby.

Elena gives Pamela the document needed to get Cliff's pardon because she thinks it should be Pamela's decision. :rolleyes: That's the biggest bunch of bologna! Bobby had already told her that Cliff was going to come after the Ewings and that anything that happened would be her fault. Then Cliff tells her himself that he's going to destroy the Ewings. Sainted Elena doesn't want that on her conscience, so instead of her freeing Cliff (which was their agreement), she leaves the decision up to Pamela, and then she skips town with Nicolas and her restitution from Bobby. Coward!
I sure hope Bobby has fired Carmen. She was like family to them, and she had to have known Bobby had nothing to do with this; he may be a Ewing, but is nothing like JR or John Ross. If he knew the truth, as he told Elena at the end, he would've given the deed over. Stupid! As for Elena, I hope she leaves the show. Her character has been ruined for me.
I have a feeling that either Elena or Nicolas will end up murdered. I like both actors but I can't stand Elena right now. Even though she is more interesting than she was in the first 2 seasons. I hope karma hits her big time.

I thought the last 2 episodes were the best of the series so far because they focused on Ewings which is the way it should be.

Looks like Tracey McKay is on next week. I wonder what she is up to.
I don't think either of them (Elena nor Nicolas) will end up being killed. For one, they are both series regulars (seen in opening credits) and like it or not, you need scoundrels who are unlikable as part of the regular cast. Your villains can't just come and go as the season changes, you need some of them built into the fabric of the show. And if Elena is pregnant by John Ross it will more than likely solidify her presence. I can see the threat of a custody battle coming a million miles away and it hasn't been 24 hours since they slept together.
I actually hope that Elena is carrying Nicolas' baby instead. I'm sure it will end up being John Ross', but I don't want him having any ties to Elena. For one, they were a boring couple the first time around. Secondly, she is just awful right now. I'd prefer it if it was Nicolas' child, they married and became an evil couple, then much later she learns of all his wrongdoings. I just feel it would make for a more powerful storyline, regarding drama, than what will probably happen (Pamela and Emma both finding out and getting upset).
I really like Sheree J. Wilson (April) and went on to become a big Walker Texas Ranger fan after she left Dallas. I own every episode of Walker. I've always thought it would be great if her death had been faked and she has been held captive or maybe she had a twin.

DaysD: You should watch the original Dallas on DVD. Perhaps your library has the discs.

I have always felt April's death was staged. Shot in the stomach in the middle of downtown Paris, and she dies? Puh-leeze...just my opinion though. [Side note: When I found out Sheree J Wilson was on Walker, I watched two whole episodes - and she wasn't on either!! Drove me crazy LOL.]
Did it surprise anyone that Hunter ended up dead before the episode was over. And how about Candace being chopped to pieces by the cartel? Yep, saw that coming too when John Ross tried to blackmail the Rylands by threatening to bring her back to Dallas. Mama Ryland pretty much insured she was a goner when she told Luis (the leader of the drug operation) to find her wayward "prostitute" (and that's the nice version of what she said).

And speaking of John Ross and Mama Ryland, their confrontation was hilarious, starting with Mama Ryland telling Emma and Harris to wait in the car :rotfl:. Then she asks John Ross if he needs a job and how good he is at seducing men. :rotfl: And then she hits him with a "get off my lawn" and gets in the car and tells Harris "lets go make us a drug deal", as they leave to meet the cartel. :rotfl: Although the prostitution ring and the drug cartel are a little heavy for "Dallas", Judith Light is phenomenal as matriarch Judith Ryland.

Elena, Elena, Elena. The girl is so darn dumb and naive. She better thank whatever being she prays to that Christopher gives a hoot about her at this point and is trying to save her sorry behind because she's going to need all the help she can get. Like he said in that voicemail Nicolas deleted from her phone, the cartel is cleaning up and she's on the list.

I think we'll be seeing Nicolas' wife pretty soon. I'm guessing those photos that were being taken of Nicolas and Elena are going to end up in her hands. It would be great if the leader of the cartel (the older man who said Nicolas would run Ewing Global) is the father of Nicolas' wife. Imagine how angry he'd be with Nicolas if he found out he was cheating on his daughter.

Was that the last we'll see of Cliff. I can't believe Pamela left him in prison...in Mexico!
It threw me for a loop too, JS, because I was sure she was going to get him out. The thing I noticed last night though is, when Cliff is talking to Pamela, you can never tell if he's being sincere. I think back to when she lost her babies and how he was with her afterwards, completely sympathetic, until he said maybe it was for the best.
I was surprised about Hunter too. I guess this creates a storyline arc now for Bobby and Tracey. Did anyone else think Bobby had better chemistry with her than Ann? Also, I wonder if Hunter's brother will appear.

I can't wait for Elena to find out Nicolas has been intercepting her voice mail messages.

Hardly any Sue Ellen last night. I don't like that. I'd prefer she get air time over the cartel. The show already has enough villains with the Rylands and Nicolas and Cliff.

Really hope we get a Season 4 announcement soon.

Jason: Sheree J. Wilson(April) was pregnant in real life in 1997 so she may have been on maternity leave for those Walker episodes you saw.
I somehow suspected that Pamela would leave her dad in jail. I know she is disappointed in the Ewings for their deception...but her dad put her life at risk and took her babies from her in such a horrible way.
Tonight's the night I've been waiting for all season. Elena finds out Nicolas was using her to pay off his debt to the cartel. I'm on pins and needles to find out what happens AFTER she confronts him. Will she go crawling back to the Bobby and Christopher offering to "help" right her wrong? Will she grab her dear sweet turncoat mother Carmen and their new fortune and head out of town? Or will Nicolas be able to convince the nitwit that in the end they both got what they wanted (he's "debt free" and she got her revenge) and they stay together.

Bobby teaming up with Harris to save Ann and Emma should be good too. Dallas has some of the best promo tag lines: "The worst of enemies make the strangest of allies".
Whoa, the violence on this show lately is way too much for this longtime Dallas fan! I'm hoping this turns around when this cartel mess comes to an end.

Also a big shout-out to everyone here. I've been interacting on some other Dallas fan boards and - oy - the things that people say there...makes me want to asks some of the posters...
brain connected.gif

I truly appreciate how everyone here uses logical thought processes before posting. :) SOOO Much!!