Days 50th Video Montages (begin 8/31)


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Days is going to be doing a "retrospective" of various Days families, starting at the beginning. one a week for 10 weeks, 2-4 minutes. This came from Days' Publicist. I think it is called 50 years of Days.
LOL, Jason, I had someone sitting here today, as I watched the show, who had never seen it, and I was trying to watch, yet explain who was who. Egads, that is hard. Actually, I think this retrospective is going to be sort of maybe flashbacks of family, characters, relationships, maybe even a bit of "backstory".
LOL Poirot especially Example someone said "But I thought Hope and Julie were sisters? The kids calling her Grandma and Hope calls her Julie and Doug "dad". Answer that, and by then show's over :rotfl:
Yeah, I'm with you have more info about this? Is this something to be shown on tv as part of the show or right at the beginning or end of the show or something special on the NBC/DAYS website or???? Sorry, just want a little more clarification please. :)
The heads of two Salem families - one topic each week...and just once a week....Info came from Day's publicist on twitter.have no other info. Am sure it will be during the Days hour.
Oh, goody! I might get to see some scenes I've missed over the years when I was in school, before VCRs, and didn't have TV service or internet accessibility to view the show. People could tell me what happened, so I could keep up, but it's not the same as seeing it!