Days 9/19/16


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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NBC has cut in on Days with a news conference about arresting that low life bomber in NY.

So......thus far.........Gabi & Rafe are having lunch, she is worried about JJ, thinks he is getting reckless since dealing with the death of his sister, wants Rafe to keep an eye on JJ, if he can.

Philip runs into Maggie at the hospital. She is on crutches, spends an hour twice a day using them. She tells Phil to stop by later, they can talk over ways to get Vic to forgive Philip.

Deimos meets up with Dario, wants him to be more "pro-active" in keeping an eye on Chloe, mentions thinking the baby is his, ups Dario's pay.

Marlena brings John breakfast, he is busy on his tablet, Eduardo arrives, very upset. Marlena goes to get Claire, who is not there, she panics, but John has a tracker on Claire's phone, she is at Chloe's. Marlena leaves.

Eduardo tells John about the prisoner he killed, something to do with an old target, figured the guy was the one sending e-mails. Driver of van lost control, he got knocked out himself, and the 3 prisoners got away. He did not know who they were, or would never have attempted it. John agrees no cops, he came to the right place.

Phil goes to visit Maggie, Deimos arrives, invites Phil to move back in. Talks of Xander the psychopath out to kill the entire K family. Phil refuses, Deimos knows Phil thinks he has an agenda (about the baby) but he is concerned for him.

Claire is with Chloe, all sorts of stuff about downloading her music for the week, dry cleaning, blah, blah, Chloe notes her tablet on her own channel, watches Claire's video, thinks it well done. Knocking, Claire opens door, Marlena is there, tells her to come home now, sorry Chloe. Claire protests, Marlena is firm.

Later, Chloe goes out, Dario uses that to get into her room, starts snooping..........that is all I got folks.
Almost forgot....have to include this as some will want to know....Xander is doing pushups, shirtless! LOL. Orpheus comes in, wants him to go out for a pkg. Something about inflicting a lot of pain on their potential victims. Xander agrees to go, but they get into some argument about Xander wanting to "get" his targets, and WHEN will that be.
Looks like no one is willing to help out and tell what went on. Got to see the last 5 minutes, but as far as I could tell, Marlena was setting Claire straight about making sure she & John know where she is at all times. Eduardo is back, Gabi & Rafe are o.k. not Dario. Ed hears Dario reporting back to Deimos what he found about Chloe (a dr. appt.) Sorry, all, you have to jump in here and fill in.
Thank you for all you wrote, Poirot. I haven't checked yet to see if my station was interrupted. I didn't get to see Friday's show because my local station had some sort of problem and was off during that time period, so I hope I get to see today's.

I keep forgetting that Philip and Deimos are related.

I wonder if Claire knows John has a tracker on her phone. Good idea he has there. I don't think Claire can appreciate the danger she might be facing.
Thanks for your efforts, Poirot. I'd like to help out, but the NYC press conference also largely wiped out Days here too. NYC press conferences are interminable. The mayor and a whole parade of officials always have to have their say (often more than once) and then the local NBC news insists on telling the viewers about what they've just seen. That said, just a few comments on what was shown here today.

Xander doing push-up shirtless: How long before he reprises his Salem Inn act and starts strolling around the hide-out in just a towel?

John is a real private eye: How can the viewers tell? Easy, he was munching on a donut today.

Deimos's invitation to Philip to move into the K-Mansion. Who's next? How about Henderson? He's an experienced butler and probably needs a roof over his head.

Xander telling Orpheus that he has a "lot going on upstairs": Maybe the X-man could impress this crazed lunatic by telling him about his masterful Fred the Elephant scheme.

Eduardo killed the guy whom he thought was directing attacks on Gabi: He already feels badly about helping unleash the unholy trio on Salem. How much worse would he feel if he knew he'd killed the wrong guy and that the attacks were paid for by his slimy son, Dario?
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I saw Claire getting all snippy with Marlena about the escaped convicts. Marlena needed to set Claire straight about EXACTLY what Orpheus did to the family. Guess Claire's thinking the worst that could happen is that Orpheus would steal her cell phone.
After a fairly strong week of episodes this one didn't quite click for me. There wasn't anything that made me roll my eyes over how stupid it was. Well, there was Scummy McScumface once again shooting hypocritical fire at Eduardo. Although I'm sure Jordi Villasuso (Dario) is grateful he doesn't have to worry about memorizing lines because he just says the some thing over and over again every time he's on.

Anyway, as I was saying I don't think this was a bad episode just an okay one that felt like filler more then anything else.

I did enjoy Rafe and Gabi having bonding time and I liked hearing where her head is at regarding her relationship with JJ. But at the same time I couldn't help thinking that there was someone other then Rafe she should have been saying those things to. I'll let you know when I figure out who that person may be.

When Rafe told Gabi that he didn't think she would be a target of the Unholy Three I immediately thought "Yep, before this is over my Gabi is going to be kidnapped." I mean telling someone they're not a target in a story like this is like someone telling a teenager "Don't go into the attic/basement" in a horror flick. It's going to happen.

Speaking of which, I think I'm going to see if I can convince Deimos that my life is in danger from the Unholy Three and wrangle an invitation to move into the Kirakais mansion. I hope they have a hot tub. LOL
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I also think this episode was filler, though I did enjoy Rafe & Gabi's breakfast chat, and Eduardo's scenes with John. If there was an episode that was to be missed, I'm glad it was this one and not one of the good ones from last week.
I have two NBC stations and when one is interrupted, I flip to the other. From when I flipped, I do not recall anything noteworthy other than what has been posted. I was not paying attention for recall though so who knows. I will try to remember to do so in the future.
Thanks for your efforts, Poirot. I'd like to help out, but the NYC press conference also largely wiped out Days here too. NYC press conferences are interminable. The mayor and a whole parade of officials always have to have their say (often more than once) and then the local NBC news then insists on telling the viewers about what they've just seen. That said, just a few comments on what was shown here today.

It aired on COZI TV today as well which is channel 109 for anyone with Cablevision.

Marlena took Claire to the private park area and basically argued with her the rest of the episode. Claire was embarrassed that Marlena did that in front of her employer. Marlena wanted her to move to Hong Kong temporarily because she's afraid she can't keep her safe. She promised Belle and Shawn to keep her safe. Claire said "hell no" and that Salem is her home. Marlena told her she has to follow the rules if she lives under her roof. Claire seemed to agree. Really great scenes.

Paul popped up at the townhouse with John at around 1:45. They talked about helping Roman and the Salem PD and talked about tracking them on the computer.

Deimos asked Philip to move in telling him Brady and Jeannie T already moved in. Philip was shocked. Also tells him Victor won't live forever. He declined at first but then asked Chloe to move in too to protect her Kiriakis baby and so they could keep an eye on Deimos. She owes it to him since he uprooted his life for her.

Eduardo reconnected with Gabi and Rafe at the Pub and said he is sticking around. Note the full Pub set is back. They were happy. Dario interrupts and was not happy. Eduardo ends up following him to HTS and overhears him talking to Deimos. He called him Mr. Kiriakis.
As I said, the Marlena/Claire scenes were terrific. They work very well together. Even though Claire agreed with Marlena, I fully expect her to move in with Hope and Ciara and/or be kidnapped by Orpheus. I also need to see Hope on her case next. I tweeted about this today and Ryan Quan (Days writer) liked my tweet.

What is Deimos' motive in having half of Salem move in? How does he even know the villains aside from Xander? Was he in jail with them? Something is off.

I also wear a green skirt suit with heels when I go to physical therapy and walk out on crutches. :rolleyes:

The Paul/John stuff was brief but cute. But I wish it was John and Brady.

A little bit too much Philip and Maggie for my tastes. Why doesn't she go bug her own children?

I liked how calm Orpheus was while Xander was starting to lose it. He truly is best at mind games.
I got to see the whole show where I live.

Interesting to see Maggie on crutches. I wonder how long it will be until
she can walk on her own.

Will Chloe, Philip and Parker move in the K mansion too? If they do, it will
save on the set changes since the Brady pub set is back.

Philip asked Maggie if she poured water on Deimos and he melted.

Not much going on the show today except setting up things in all the story lines.

Guess we'll have to wait for the episode to come on the NBC site after midnight to catch the rest of the episode.

Besides I was super distracted by Xander shirtless with his chest hair doing sit ups all angrily. (Drools) Whew, okay umm I found Claire slightly obnoxious not obeying Marlena and questioning her like she is 10 years old.
Guys, this episode is already up on

You know, I was really hoping they'd recreate the close grandmother/grandchild relationship that Marlena and Will had with Marlena and Claire. Bet Marlena was really missing Will during her conversation with Claire. At least Will was reasonable (and paranoid).
I was just going to post that NBC now posts episodes the same day. It's helped me immensely when traveling.

IF Claire gets kidnapped or hurt, I have a feeling she'll mature a bit and hopefully have a better relationship with Marlena and John.