Days of Lives - Fri., Sept., 15, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, September 15, 2017

And today, the Emmy definitely belongs to Lucas, as played by Bryan Dattilo.

Lucas shows up at DiMansion, having had a drink, claims to be ready to work. Kate is reluctant, but says there are no papers for him to sign, he is fired. He cannot believe his mother would do this, all his losses, his misery. He dashes out.

Paul & Sonny talk to Gabi, telling her about the double wedding. Gabi is not all that happy, but promises that Ari will still be flower girl. Gabi & Ari are in the square, practicing throwing petals from a basket, Lucas shows up, is a bit worse for drink, Ari runs to hug him, but Gabi lets him know that he is not going to be able to see Ari if he is drinking.

Chad & Abby are at the church, he is thanking her for mediating with his dysfunctional family, loves her, kisses between them both. Sonny & Paul arrive, mention something about Father Louis. Sonny tells them about Ari being flower girl, Gabi agreeing to let Ari be flower girl for Chad & Abby, too, but not sure if Gabi will attend.

Lucas goes to the church where Chad/Abby & Paul/Sonny are together, and begins ranting at Sonny, saying he is not going to get away with keeping his granddaughter from him. He goes on and on, laying into all of them, reminding Sonny that Will is Ari's father, he is the grandfather, berating Sonny for not being around Will as much as he should have, at Paul for coming inbetween them. Abby suggests she take him to a meeting, he refuses, rants, been to every meeting in town, useless. Then begins ranting about marriages failing, 50%, so one of your will bite the dust. Eventually, Sonny takes his car keys, Paul takes the bottle in the brown paper bag, and all four leave. Lucas says "Sucker", as he pulls a flask from his pocket, takes a long swig.

Hattie is telling Justin that Anjelica was her accomplice, that she wanted Justin, which is why she set this all in motion. She has no idea why Anjelica was in Adrienne's room, where she died. Justin wants to leave, Bonnie wants a minute alone with Hattie, woman to woman, and when Justin leaves, thanks Hattie for not giving her up. Hattie admits she was about to do so, but changed her mind. Now she wants a favor, get Justin to represent her.

John & Marlena sit in the Pub, she tells him all that Eric told her about seeing Hattie with Adrienne. The two agree Adrienne has been acting very odd, unlike herself. They go back & forth, marlena suggests maybe PTSD, then discards it, John doesn't think it likely either. Bonnie comes in, sees them, tries to sneak out, but Marlena spots her, calls for Adrienne to join them, she wants to talk to her, has a few questions.

Eli is talking with Abe in the park, telling him of getting fired. Abe hopes not because of him, since it was his idea to act as bait as Dario's accomplice. Eli says no, it was because his superiors did not like a civilian getting caught in the cross fire, claimed Eli was irresponsible there. Abe refutes that, thinks Eli was great, tells him to consider coming to Salem P.D., he will put in a good word. But right now, he has to find a commissioner, that is his first priority.

Kate runs into Bonnie, and confronts her about dumping Lucas, calling her mean, cruel, etc. She talks of having been with you, Adrienne, during the entire cancer thing, you were strong, brave, kind, but you aren't that person any more. When she mentions having fired Lucas. it is Bonnie's turn to berate Kate, saying she is the mean, cruel one. How could she do that do her son. Who cares about the company, that is your son.

Later, Eli is having ice cream with Ari & Gabi, asks if Ari ever had fried ice cream, offers to make her some, if her mom will bring her to the Martin house. He then tells Gabi that if she feels uncomfortable going to the weddings, he will go with her, no not as a date, more as moral support. She is not readdy to say yes YET, but if she does, she will take him up on his offer.

Lucas has moved up a few pews, is now asking God what does he want from him? He has taken everything away, his son, his job, Adrienne, and now Ari. What is it? How much more. He is yelling. A quiet voice says "Dad"? Lucas turns around, scrambles out of the pew, Oh, my God, Oh, my God....Will, is that you?
And today, the Emmy definitely belongs to Lucas, as played by Bryan Dattilo.
I'm not sure one Emmy® would be enough. He should get multiple awards. (He's still a younger actor, right?) WHY IS LUCAS NOT ON CONTRACT!?!?!

Meanwhile - the rest of the episode dragged. Lucas made it all over town but John and Marlena spent 88% of the episode talking over a plot point they should have figured out months ago. (They were around when Bonnie was in town, and Mimi and Belle were KNOW her...grrrr...!)

I'm no fan of Kate at all. She's the typical abuser - she always treats Lucas like crud (and not just now with the "tough love" stuff, but ALWAYS) but then sticks up for him behind his back. I couldn't even enjoy her scenes with Bonnie.

About Kate.............I, personally, cannot STAND that blue chunk of hair, which now is a lot longer than it used to be. It is NOT attractive (but not as bad as the bright green lipstick some female afternoon show host wore...saw while flipping channels, yuk!) & I have no idea why the actress persists in wearing it. She is not a teen or 20 something.

And yes, Kate, to me, always treats Lucas like dirt, someone she really cannot stand, so it does not impress me one iota to have her confront anyone who may have "done Lucas wrong", as Kate herself has done more wrong to that man than anyone else.

Back in time, I just wish Lucas would have refused that Countess W offer from her. There is Kate, reaming out Bonnie/Adrienne, but excuses herself since it was for "the good of the company".
A good show today with special kudos to Bryan Dattilo (Lucas). It's good to see this fan favorite get plenty of screen time. Let's hope that the writers are this generous to him once his character sobers up.

Eli: Before he was fired, somebody should have explained to his bosses that due to the lax procedures of the Salem P.D., the local civilians habitually intrude on crime scenes and get into the line of fire.

Kate: She's certainly no mother-of-the-year, adding the stress of job loss to the problems that are causing Lucas to hit the bottle. When Sami hears about this, she's sure to send Kate one of her I-HATE-YOU messages.

Father Louis: He could be the next one to lose his job if Bishop Wright hears that he presided at a gay wedding.

Adrienne: She shouldn't worry about the cops. Instead, she should be very afraid of Kate. Once Ms. Blue Chunk calls you callous and mean-spirited, the poisoned brownies can't be far behind.

Lucas: At least things seemed to end on a high note for him with the apparent return of "old" Will. A good line for Lucas might have been, "OMG, I only thought that DiMeras came back to life."
Adrienne: She shouldn't worry about the cops. Instead, she should be very afraid of Kate. Once Ms. Blue Chunk calls you callous and mean-spirited, the poisoned brownies can't be far behind.
I might actually like Kate poisoning Bonnie off the canvas, especially if she gets arrested and put in Statesville with them & Hattie.
It sounds like everyone is going to know about Hattie working with Anjelica, and John and Marlena might then back off of pursuing Bonnie :angry:. That means Adrienne is still going to be stuck in that prison. I'm ready for this doppelganger story to end.

By the way, didn't Julie know Bonnie when she was in town before and was upset with her Uncle Mickey for taking up with her? Maybe Julie could run into Adrienne and figure out that it's Bonnie since Maggie is being so dense about her.

Back in time, I just wish Lucas would have refused that Countess W offer from her. There is Kate, reaming out Bonnie/Adrienne, but excuses herself since it was for "the good of the company".

I think when Lucas and Adrienne first got together, Victor found out and fired Lucas from MadWorld, and Kate took his job over. Lucas then went to Chad and got the job at Countess W. Kate was not working at DiMera at that time or involved in the hiring decision.
Thanks, Poirot.

Bryan Dattilo (Lucas) did a wonderful job today. It was interesting when Lucas looked at his
watch before he took the drink at the mansion. I guess it was "drinking" time.

I can't believe how many people are talking about how Adrienne is acting out of character.
Why hasn't anyone thought that since since Marlena wasn't Marlena, maybe Adrienne
isn't Adrienne? It's Salem.

I hope someone will figure soon it's really Bonnie.

Eli will fit right in at the Salem PD since he doesn't follow the rules :)

Ari walked and talked today. One day she'll be chewing gum too. I'm glad Gabi
made her pick up all the flower petals.
Maybe I missed something, if Abe has the power to choose the next commissioner, why is he not a viable candidate?

I like that Gabi will allow Ari to be flower girl for both wedding parties. Very big hearted of her.

I do not see a problem with the blue streak in Kate's hair. If the actress/character is comfortable wearing it, who are we to judge?

Is there really a cut off age for being able to make one's own (actor or character's) fashion choices. I just feel like harping on the hair is as bad as/falls in line with passing judgment on an actor's/character's personal appearance.
My biggest problem with the Bonnie/Adrienne part of the story is that as I remember it back at the time nobody even mentioned that Bonnie was a double for Adrienne and it was never played that way. We as viewers of course knew but as far as everyone who might have been involved with both characters nobody commented or ever said anything.

I believe that at the time we just were supposed to accept Judi Evans (Adrienne/Bonnie) as someone who looked different to the others. At least with the Hattie portion it was always established she looked a bit like Marlena and Stefano took care of the rest. Bonnie was never a lookalike before.
When Bonnie was on originally, someone did mention Adrienne once, and Bonnie said something like "I hear she's a real looker."

But since the character wasn't brought on to be an Adrienne double, there really was no reason to compare Bonnie with her, back then. No different than Josh Taylor playing Roman. No one has ever said "boy, you look exactly like your old best friend, Chris Kositchek."
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Exactly but with Josh Taylor (Roman) even that was covered because his Roman was wrapped in bandages when Kristen brought him back. But even a passing mention of Adrienne does not cover the issue.

If Maggie and Victor, and Julie especially, never considered the resemblance odd before, I think it was incredibly stupid to play that angle now. That and the serious lack of a decent motive for Anjelica to cook up the whole plot. I can't deny I have enjoyed some of the goofy aspects and Deidre Hal (Marlena/Hattie) and Judi Evans (Adrienne/Bonnie) seemed to be having a ball and it shows but it's obvious the whole thing was just not well thought out at all.
And that is exactly my point. Nobody mentioned the resemblance because it was meant to be ignored and treated by the others as if there was no resemblance at all. So playing it in the Adrienne/Bonnie case is just not logical even within the context of how silly the whole story is.
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Bryan Datillo (Lucas) slayed it today! It's about time he got a storyline that he deserves to have! I've been waiting for better storylines for so long and now I have something to be invested in again.

This Bonnie storyline has to come to an end soon, it's just ridiculous!
I agree he is great and it's well past the time Lucas has an actual story and some screen time, even if it's a falling off the wagon story in a town already overflowing with alcoholic people. Maggie, Brady, Lucas and Eric. Am I forgetting anyone?

Nicole used to pack away a lot of martinis as well. I was really annoyed by them making Eric an alcoholic, especially because he still could have driven drunk and killed Daniel without him being a full blown alcoholic. It happens in real life.
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Jennifer also has an addiction......those pain pills. So she goes to meetings. I did not think Eric had an addiction, per se. But he was on an alcoholic binge that New Year's Eve. Well, guess he had been drinking steadily for a while, wasn't it because of his feelings for Nicole?

But then, heck, both the Kiriakis & DiMera clans have small bars set up in their living areas, drinks handy any time. Stefano & victor always seemed to be sipping brandy.