Days of Lives -Mon., July 24, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our lives
Monday, July 24, 2017

Something unusual...75% of the show today featured Deidre Hall & Judi Evans as both Marlena & Adrienne, plus Hattie & Bonnie. Back & forth. At the hospital, Adrienne comes upon Marlena sorting some files, doing some "busy" work while John is gone. Adrienne suggests she get them all digital, then can put them on tablet. Nope, Marlena is old fashioned, likes paper & pen. Adrienne is there for checkup. Later, they meet up again, check up fine, Adrienne rather morose about Sonny, Marlena assures her John & Paul are exploring every avenue to get Sonny freed. She mentions how she regards Sonny as a grandson, was so proud when she got to marry Sonny & Will, just knows all will be well, Sonny has so many who love and care about him.

Over to Greece, John & Paul try to question Xander, who has nothing to say. The idea that he could have been out of prison, gone to kill Deimos and returned is ridiculous. Someone would have to be pretty powerful to do something like that, suggesting Uncle Victor is definitely rich & powerful. He plays coy, admitting nothing, denying nothing, finally saying he would tell all he knows for immunity and safe haven. John could do with ISA. Paul pulls John aside, maybe Xander is telling truth about Vic, but John is not going to be pulled into this, tells Xander the ISA would never agree, and unless Xander gives a full confession right now, no deal, and he is leaving.

Jen has brought Gran's donuts to Martin House, but neither JJ or Abby show up, however Eric returns from his run, she offers him one, he gobbles it down. They chat a bit, Jen mentions Brady (I missed the why) Eric is curious, Jen hesitant, but tells of being at AA meeting, talking of their relationship, not using his name, Brady was there, caught on, talked with her after, trying to get her to not end the relationship. Jen says it is over, both have moved on, she & Eric are friends. Eric realizes something, tells Jen about the "close" moment he & Nicole shared when both were so out of it, not knowing what they were doing (without explains what the "close" was). He thinks Brady was trying to encourage Jen to Eric, so he would be away from Nik.

Nicole comes in room where Brady is, he is still hung up about her & Eric sharing that kiss, Maggie comes in, has pics of Holly, Nicole starts moaning about not having her baby, about some other people seeing her first steps, hearing her first words (already???). Maggie is giving her a big pep talk about having faith, she will get her child back, do her community service, keep low profile. (Maggie also seems to talk of losing her own child or something....I missed that as well) Nicole goes to get dressed to report back to work, Brady is not happy, she is assuring him she has to work with Eric, he is her boss. Brady cannot help his feelings, he knows she thought she was kissing Dan. She again remarks she will never forgive Eric for what he did to Daniel, and when her service is over, she will avoid Eric at all times.

And in the prison room, Hattie & Bonnie are having a hilarious time, both glad to see each other, and gossiping galore about Maggie. Bonnie goes over in detail stuff Maggie did, how she took Bonnie's soul mate away, how much in love she was with Mickey, Maggie was dead, then came back. Hattie agrees with her, Maggie stole the life Bonnie would be having. They get pretty nasty, Hattie says Bonnie could be like one of the real housewives. Oh, Bonnie loves that show, that Lisa is a kick! Why, she even feels like she knows her! (And Bonnie has to be talking about Lisa Rinna, who played Billie, & is now on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills or something like that - a little inside joke)

And now Hattie talks of getting Bonnie out of the prison. She pulls out her phone, showing Bonnie a pic of Adrienne. Bonnie is amazed, would swear she was looking at a pic of herself, except she would never wear those awful clothes. Oh, but if you impersonate Adrienne, you will have to. Hattie tells the plan, and how it all will go down, something for everyone (we don't see it), and evidently Bonnie is well pleased, cause now...she is IN.

Jen shows up at the Kmansion, Brady opens the door, says Maggie is not home. She did not come to see Maggie, came to see him. She pushes past him into the house.

Nicole is sitting at her desk, looking at Holly's pic and crying. She goes for a tissue, unable to find one in her desk. She is sniffling, gets up to check Eric's desk for a tissue. Opens a couple drawers, then open one containing the box of letters to her (box has no cover). She picks up a couple packets, seeing they are addressed to her, as Eric comes into the room. She looks at him.
Thank you, Poirot. This sounds like a good episode, but I don't know how much Bonnie I can take. Hopefully she slips into being "Adrienne" soon.

I'm tired of this drawn out Eric / Nicole / Brady junk. At least Nicole has now seen some of the packets. Just so it isn't several months before she knows what is in them.
Maggie also seems to talk of losing her own child or something....I missed that as well
I didn't catch all of it, but I thought she was talking about when Janice was sent back to her biological mother.

Although, thinking about it, she was probably referring to Daniel being raised by Lillian and George Jonas instead of her.
Thanks Poirot. I also thought this was a very creative approach to the episode, with Marlena/Adrienne on the one hand and Hattie/Bonnie on the other. Glad to see all these vets and funny characters getting quite a bit of airtime. I thought it was hilarious that Bonnie was talking about Lisa Rinna on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Lisa is definitely one of my favorites on that show, too. What a cool inside joke as well. I hope Lisa saw it!

Eric/Jennifer/Brady/Nicole is boring. I'm over this entire storyline. Paul and John with Xander was good. I hope they continue to work on cases after this story ends.
I don't know, but Nicole said something about how did Maggie survive having her child taken from her. I had no idea what she was talking about. (sorry, I got several phone calls during the show today)

And egads, forgot about Victor...Brady & Nicole hear glass breaking, out in the foyer, Vic has smashed a figurine, had just hung up on Justin, who cannot seem to be able to get Sonny out of jail. Vic says he is going to confess himself, then they will have to let Sonny go. Brady has thumbs down on that, as the cops would see right thru it.....and Sonny would be in worse than he is.
I don't know, but Nicole said something about how did Maggie survive having her child taken from her. I had no idea what she was talking about. (sorry, I got several phone calls during the show today)
Maggie wasn't overly clear in her answer, so it was hard to figure out if she meant Janice or Daniel. She began drinking again when Janice was given back to her biological mother. But with Daniel, it's not like she even knew he was "taken" until he was a grown man.
Hattie & Bonnie: These two may provide some good comic relief, but their scheme is totally idiotic. If they mess with Maggie, the "red-haired zombie," they'll have to face the wrath of an enraged Victor. If things got really nasty, they could looking like Mimi Lockhart's deceased father, Mr. Bones, courtesy of some Xander-like Kiriakis thug.

Alice: Her special love donuts must back quite a punch. They even caused professional sourpuss Eric to briefly crack a smile.

Victor: Now he wants to confess too? Who's next, the Forest Preserve Bear saying that he killed Deimos after he got between him and the buffet table?

Xander: He really can sling the b/s. When he's not lifting weights, he probably practices his elocution. That Greek prison guard must have enjoyed watching him play Paul and silver-fox John.

Marlena: She should most definitely not switch from pencil and paper to digital. If she did, somebody like conniving Little Trippy might mess with her notes in an attempt to get her into trouble with the hospital's grim reaper, Mr. Seth Burns.
Xander thinks that Sonny is headed for the electric chair? This is unlikely, but if a court ever sentenced the Big Boy to a trip there, he should adopt the positive attitude of George "Baby Face" Nelson in the George Clooney film, O, Brother, Where Art Thou. If he paraphrased George Nelson's words, he could entertain the viewers by saying something like this: ""Hello, boys! Well, the little men on the Salem P.D. finally caught up with the corporate leader of the century. Looks like the chair for Sonny Kiriakis. Yup, gonna electrify me. I'm going to go off like a Roman candle. Ha ha ha. 20,000 volts chasing a rabbit through yours truly. Gonna shoot sparks out the top of my head and lightning from my fingertips! I'm Sonny Kiriakis, and I'm feeling 10 feet tall!"
Found this:
As of 2015, the only places in the world which still reserve the electric chair as an option for execution are the U.S. states of Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. (Arkansas and Oklahoma laws provide for its use should lethal injection ever be held to be unconstitutional.)
Who's next, the Forest Preserve Bear saying that he killed Deimos after he got between him and the buffet table?
Uh-ohhh, I think you spoiled next week's episode. Here's a screenshot of the bear confessing:

In addition to imitating a character in O Brother, Where Art Thou, Sonny might want to make a dramatic splash at the start of his trial by doing his own version of Madonna singing Don't Cry for Me Argentina. He could reach out his arms to the spectators and start singing:

Don't cry for me Salem City,
the truth is that I killed Deimos.
All through my wild days,
my mad K-mansion existence,
I kept my promise,
don't keep your distance.
Thanks, Poirot.

I thought Maggie was talking about Daniel at first, but she only knew about when he was an adult.
Then I thought about Summer.

Great stuff with Bonnie and Hattie. They kept me laughing with all their stuff. It's going to be
interesting to see if the plan works. I can't wait to see Bonnie with Old Red. It was interesting how
they worked in the Housewives show and actress who worked on Days

Eric mentioned "skin in the game" to Jen. I had to look it up because I thought of football
first. The definition means to have personal stake or investment. And we know Brady
has a personal stake because Nicole is working with Eric.

I laughed out loud when Victor said he was going to confess
hearing her first words (already???)
Why yes of course - that mush that André called "homemade applesauce" is actually super brain food. It didn't work on Parker. It is responsible for the remarkable size-adapting abilities of Salem babies, and for their eventual rapid aging, which grinds to a halt when they reach adulthood.
I didn't catch all of it, but I thought she was talking about when Janice was sent back to her biological mother.
I thought she was talking about Summer :)sick::sick:) but it could have been Daniel. I wouldn't bet it was Janice - the situation wouldn't be parallel. I was hoping Maggie would push Nicole back a bit.
Marlena: She should most definitely not switch from pencil and paper to digital. If she did, somebody like conniving Little Trippy might mess with her notes in an attempt to get her into trouble with the hospital's grim reaper, Mr. Seth Burns.
I'm honestly shocked that she hasn't been forced. Everyone I know prefers paper & pen & duplicate scanned reports. We are all forced to do digital - and the paperwork amount is WORSE, truly LOL.

I really like Jennifer and Eric. I think they could have an honest relationship. It would be fun for them to discuss kids (I'm guessing the former priest isn't planning on being a bio-parent, but who knows?) and all the points we missed with that other couple. I like scenes where couples who aren't couples talk about things that couples talk about early in the relationship - family, childhood, common pains.

Ron C (head writer) does double stories well - I just hope there's not too much strain on the good Salemites. Besides, Hattie and Bonnie were never outright cruel characters.