Days of Lives - Mon., Sept. 11, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, September 11, 2017

Long replays of various scenes from Friday (Adrienne begging Sheila to deliver the card, Andre being sent to Bayview by Hattie, arriving & seeing John & Marlena, then off to the padded cell.

Roman & Paul meet up in the square, compare notes, ponder, and finally figure out that if Andre got sent to Bayview, is probably where John & Marlena are as well, Off they go.

At Bayview, John & Marlena are being prepped for the electroconvulsive therapy, wires being attached to their heads. But just as they are about to be zapped, Roman & Paul burst in with a hospital big wig, stops it all. Paul frees John, Roman does the same for Marlena, the nightmare is over. John & Marlena hug, he told her they would get out of this somehow, and they have, thanks to Roman & paul. John owes him, Roman says to buy him a beer sometime. Now Roman goes to get Andre freed, and call Hope.

Over at Hattie's room, she is trying to maintain to Hope that she is Marlena, not Hattie, and of course Hope doesn't buy it one bit. She notes that she dumped John, went after Roman, and sent Andre to Bayview publicly. All things Marlena would never do. Hattie claims she has to leave, grabs her suitcase, Hope knows what Hattie's clothes are like, very different from Marlenas, since she used to post things on Pinterest. The suitcase opens, clothes spill out, definitely not the kind Marlena wears. Hattie is down on her knees, gathering the clothes, telling Hope to leave her stuff alone, but finally gives up in tears. It takes her a while, she finally tells of sending John & Marlena to Bayview, & ordering the shock therapy. Hope is on the phone immediately. Hattie is mournful, thinks it would have worked if not for....but drops it. She talks of how she thought Roman would fall in love with her if she was Marlena, as before, (as Hattie) he was always nice, always smiled, laughed at her jokes. Hope thinks perhaps she should just be Hattie, might work better. Later, Hatte tearfully is asking Hope to let her go, Hope cannot do that, starts reciting her rights, Hattie joins in so they say them together. Hope is grateful Hattie helped her get out of jail, but she cannot let her go. Hattie nods.

Over at the Kmansion, Bonnie continues her flirting, Victor has a fit about her hand on his knee. She goes on and on with her poor me blather, Victor wants her to just shut off, finally yelling at Justin to come and get her out of his sight.

Justin is answering the door, tis Sheila who wants to come in, he does not let her, they go back & forth a bit, Victor roars, both go into the study, with Sheila being astonished to see Bonnie, & Bonnie asking what the hell she is doing there. Bonnie recovers quickly, pretends she has hired a maid, since Maggie mentioned theirs had quit, she hustles Sheila out in the hall. They go back and forth, Sheila realizing this is Bonnie, who does look exactly like Adrienne. She mentions looking like some singer herself. LOL. Bonnie talks fast, after seeing the card Adrienne wrote, promises Sheila triple what Adrienne did, gonna take a few days as she maxed out Adrienne's cards. Sheila agrees to wait, but needs a place to stay, preferably with a balcony, so she can grill. LOL

At DiMansion, Chad was trying to reach Andre, but realizes since he got dragged off, this was useless. Kate comes in, and there is a long, long debate about Andre, his intentions in re the company and taking over, with Kate insisting he intended to shaft Chad as well. Chad finds it hard to believe, Abby is defending Andre, making excuses for him, decided to try and call Bayview or go there, see what she can find out. Kate just keeps insisting that Andre has to be insane or Marlena would not have found him mentally incomptent and had him committed. Abby is blaming it all on the way Stefano treated him, showing preferences for his other sons and daughter. Chad mentions how Stefano treated him much differently once he learned Chad was his son. Kate is still badmouthing andre, who comes in, obviously now released, and hears some of this.
Egads, almost forgot the end......An orderly is strapping someone onto a bed at Bayview, commenting that they had a bit of excitement with some of the patients earlier, but all is fine now. He leaves, saying the doctor will be in shortly. A hand (seems male) reaches to the table, barely able to stretch fingers since bound, but managing to grab the orderly's keys.
I was thinking the mysterious hand belongs to either Rolf or Will.

Abby mentioned sister and brothers to Andre. I guess she forgot Lexie, and I bet she doesn't know about Megan and Renee.

I loved the scene with Hope and Hattie at the end. Hope telling her she's grateful for Hattie saving her life, but she still had to take her in.

Victor today seemed more like his old self. I like the way he called out for Justin, as it seemed Bonnie was scaring him with her actions, LOL. However, I knew somehow Sheila would not give the card to Justin. Justin is being extremely dense about "Adrienne". I figured Victor would begin to suspect something was up.

I'm glad that John and Marlena were finally rescued. I just wish Brady and Eric could have also realized something was up with "Marlena" and could have been part of the rescue. But they are too involved with Nicole to pay much attention to anything else :rolleyes:. I can understand Brady being self-absorbed, but I'm disappointed Eric did not suspect anything when he spoke with "Marlena" last week.
Thanks, Poirot.

Seeing the hand was the best part of the episode. Who could it be?
Is Ben in Bayview?

Interesting conversation Bonnie had with Victor. She wouldn't shut up. Justin
Victor both think something is going on with Adrienne, but haven't figured it out yet.

Wow, Roman saved Marlena.

Poor Hattie. She realized too late she should have just been herself with Roman.
It might have worked since Roman liked her cooking.

I enjoyed Shelia with Bonnie. Shelia talked to Bonnie how she looked like Adrienne and
that some people think Shelia looks like a girl on TV that can sing
The electroshock tech said, "ladies first," and stuck electrodes on Marlena's head. When Paul/Roman burst into the room, the tech was moving on to John, and I think Doc's electrodes were gone. :confused:

Victor corrected Bonnie's use of "bad," instead of "badly." :clap:

I wish the character Kate (Lauren Koslow) would give the head-tossing a rest. Today's hair braid was nice, and wardrobe is being very good to her.

Good Hattie/Hope scenes!
Sheila: This one thinks that she's a smart con, but she passes up sure cash for Bonnie's pie in the sky. Hasn't Sheila ever heard of the old saying, "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

Abigail: If she keeps up her "Andre has changed" mantra, people are going to start telling her she's starting to sound like Sami talking about EJ.

Roman: Did he ever think he'd save Andre from a straight-jacket, the man who once buried him alive? He'd probably say something like, "What da hell. Wonders never cease."

Hattie: She's begging Hope to let her go, but if she ever gets to court she's in dire straits. For her antics, she can be charged with three counts of kidnapping, criminal impersonation, and practicing medicine without a license. Pompous Judge Damon Thorpe would just love to sentence her to decades in prison. It would make him feel better after having been intimidated by Brady in the Nicole case.
It seemed Kate's blue streak was gone at last.....but, guess not, as saw a pic, and there it was, bright blue. (sorry, but I just don't like it, and I did not like the hair style/braid. To me she looked rather "just woke up and rolled out of bed". Yep, just me.