Days of Our Lives - Fri., Apr. 13, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, April 13, 2018

Marlena wakes up, stirs, sits up. There is a spot of blood on the pillow, she picks it up, is trying to remember what happened. Flashback to saying she is going to contact police, and Gabby hitting her with poker. She realizes she is down in the DiMera tunnels, tries the door, pounds on it, yelling help.

Ciara thinks Tripp is kidding when he said he voted for Claire, but checks his phone, sees he is telling the truth. She is really ticked, how could he, and takes off, he follows.

Meanwhile, Claire is talking to Theo via Skype or some programs where we can hear her, not him. She goes on and on, begging him to hack into the system to rig the contest. She pleads her case, going on and on about herself, while dissing Ciara as only entering to spite her. Claire knows Ciara is way ahead, and supposedly Claire is way ahead of the remaining contestants. Ciara comes in, Claire had called Theo, hangs up quickly, will call back later. In comes Tripp, Claire can tell Ciara is ticked, jokingly says you act almost as if Tripp voted for me, then realizes she is right, and goes on and on now with Tripp, thanking him for the support, blah, blah.

John sees Kate sitting in the square, asks if she has seen Marlena, no. He sees another martini sitting across from Kate, figures she is expecting someone, she explains it is Andre's, makes her miss him a bit less. The heart wants what the heart wants.

Jennifer bumps into Chad, they exchange a bit of small talk, he asks how she is, never better, thus Chad learns Jen has not been sick, has not seen Abigail since the trial. He doesn't let on that Abby lied about Jen being sick.

Now Jen spots Kate, asks if she can talk to her, is doing article about the verdict in Andre's death. Kate is insistent that Gabi did not kill Andre, is innocent. No, she isn't saying Abigail lied, but perhaps misinterpreted something Gabi said. Jen is not taking this too well.

Over to DiMansion, where the best part of the episode is taking place. Can't miss scenes, for sure. Gabby is playing the piano, and singing a romantic song, as Stefan comes into the room. He loves it, wants her to continue playing, something Abby cannot do. As they talk and kiss, in black & white, we see Abigail, puzzled over what is going on with her, trying to remember. Flashing back to going to see Marlena, being in her office, their conversation, how Marlena was about to tell her what she thinks is the problem, headache. Abby is frustrated, what was she going to tell me?

Back to color & the study, as Gabby is worried about Marlena, Stefan saying he will take care of it, not to worry. He tells her Chad will come home any time, she has to take off the wig, she goes and changes, returning to look like Abby. He does tell Gabby about Gabi found guilty, so Abigail won't be sent to prison, Gabby is safe. Stefan goes down to see Marlena. In walks Chad.

John goes to Marlena's office, opens her computer to check her appointments and is surprised to see her last one was with Abigail DiMera.

Tripp gets Ciara alone, and explains to Ciara exactly why he voted for Claire. He thinks it is one vote, won't matter in the outcome, Ciara is going to win. He really lays it all out, how much this means to Claire, how she wants to win so badly, shore up her self esteem, self worth. He knows Ciara really doesn't want to win, not like Claire does. He says that Claire may have gotten his vote, but Ciara has him, she has his heart, he only wants to be with her. Yep, he is pretty convincing, cause the next.......they are kissing.

Back to DiMansion, Chad wants to know why Abigail lied to him, he saw Jen, she is fine, hasn't seen Abby at all. Where were you.......None of your business, replies Gabby. Yes it is, am your husband. And while they talk, we see, in black & white, Abigail, calling out to Chad for help, she is trapped, help me, she is on a phone in Marlena's office, crying, begging for Chad to help her. Static on the phone.

Gabby starts to get one of the headaches, but manages to stave it off, regaining control. Chad is telling her they have to figure all this out together, that he does not think Gabi guilty, yada, yada.

And down in the tunnels, Stefan has opened the door, yes, Marlena is o.k. He will make sure she gets some food. Marlena manages to stop him from leaving, talking of the alters, Abigail being sick, getting Stefan to tell her he is in love with Gabby, and is not trying to help Abby get better. Marlena is pulling out all the stops, she found Kim's book, knows he read it, reminds him that none of the alters are boss. Stefan figures Gabby is stronger now, in control. She points out that Dr. Laura & Abigail will win out in the end, together. Stefan doesn't care, figures if true, then he & Gabby will at least have a short time together. No, he is not letting Marlena go, he wants whatever he can have with Gabby. Marlena says she can help him with his obsession, that his father was the same way, Obsessed, and so many suffered because of it. She wants to help him, but...he doesn't want or need her help.

Chad has gone up the bedroom, sits on the bed, head down, dejected.

Gabby starts to get a headache, but comes out of it, as John appears...Hi Abigail, wonder if you know where Marlena is.

And in black & white, Abigail is pleading with Chad to help her, she needs him, tears running down her face. A male voice says, I'll help you, Abigail. She slowly turns, and there is Andre!
Really a good episode, in my opinion. The struggle in Abigail's mind as she tries to escape the prison of her mind, her pleas to Chad to please help her, and the total shock at the end.

John is running all over town, something is not right, where the heck is Marlena, he can just feel something is not right. Chad, who professes to love Abby so much, cannot even put 2 plus 2 together. (good eppy, minus the contest silliness)
What a twist the storyline with Stefan and Gabby would be if in the end, the end game was to not only give viewers the DID stuff but that Stefan has the mental illness of a predator. Knowing what is going on with Abigail makes him the monster. He is contributing to Abigail's illness, add the inappropriateness of the sexual appetite he has, Days could turn this around. But this is Days, and if one thing they know how to do, it's unaccountable rape stories of late.
What surprises me with Stefan & Gabby......they have not yet had sex (thank goodness)......but that aside. Their kisses do not seem very passionate. He seems obsessed with her, and yet he holds back, seems almost distant.

Now Stefan immediately had a "thing" for Abby the minute he first saw her. She wasn't interested, so when he discovers her mental problem, bingo, he is all worked up over Gabby who is rather "into" him. So, does Stefan have his obsession sort of satisfied by just dallying a bit with the alter?

I read something that Stefan is only trying to keep Abigail out of jail, (as that would take Gabby away), but hogwash. He has now framed an innocent person, for his obsession.

I do not think things will bode well for this member of the DiMera household.
The Contest: As today is my birthday, I realize that somethings come with wisdom, such as knowing when to admit defeat. When to wave the white flag. As Kenny Rogers put it in his classic country ditty "The Gambler": "Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em."

In other words, since this "story" isn't going anywhere, I have decided to wholeheartedly embrace it. Yes sir, I adore this story. I weep that history's great writers and dramatists like William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Anton Chekhov, and heck let's throw in Fyodor Dostoevsky while we're at it, aren't here to learn from the work of genius that is the "New Face of Bella." :):):)

I was glad to see Kate defend Gabi to Jennifer. I wasn't surprised, given how she was an island of support for Gabi during the trial, being there every day and all. Oh, wait, no she wasn't. :rolleyes:

And if you're wondering how old I'm turning today, let's say I'm old enough to know better and still way too young to care. :)
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The writers should have Little Trippy encourage crooked Claire and silly Ciara to both take a trip to Capetown to pester Theo. Not only is it highly doubtful that many viewers care about the new face of Bella, it's equally unlikely that many are interested in the teen set at all. After all, with such serous doings as Steve losing his sight, Marlena being imprisoned, Abigail losing her mind, and Vivian plotting to ruin Sonny, who could possibly give a rap about the results of some silly magazine contest.
In other words, since this "story" isn't going anywhere, I have decided to wholeheartedly embrace it. Yes sir, I adore this story. I weep that history's great writers and dramatists like William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Anton Chekhov, and heck let's throw in Fyodor Dostoevsky while we're at it, aren't here to learn from the work of genius that is the "New Face of Bella." :):):)
Who knows, perhaps the great writers of the past could have improved their greatest works by including a "The New Face of Bella" plot.
  • Shakespeare: Hamlet is distraught when Ophelia kills herself because she failed to win the Danish New Face of Bella contest.
  • Dickens: Mr. Scrooge shows his new Christmas spirit by sponsoring a Yuletide New Face of Bella contest.
  • Tolstoy: Muscovites are distraught when the Tsar's New Face of Bella contest is cancelled because Napoleon has invaded.
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald: Gatsby does his best to rig the New Face of Bella contest so that Daisy wins.
  • Dostoevsky: Instead of murdering Alyona Ivanovna, Raskolnikov helps her become the New Face of Bella.
Claire is talking to Theo via Skype or some programs where we can hear her, not him
Would it really have been that hard for Days to have her wearing a headset so this was more realistic?
John goes to Marlena's office, opens her computer to check her appointments and is surprised to see her last one was with Abigail DiMera.
Yikes!?! Did someone authorize this!!??! Not. Even. In. Salem.!
The heart wants what the heart wants.
And her heart wants psychotic murderers who can buy their freedom.
He says that Claire may have gotten his vote, but Ciara has him, she has his heart, he only wants to be with her.
Man, Tripp has no taste. And what's his dream now that he's given up on medical school? To wander around and be poor? Well, I guess that's easy to achieve.
I'll help you, Abigail. She slowly turns, and there is Andre!
Good cliffhanger.

However, I caught a few minutes at the office. Guess which scenes? Sickboy and Marlena. No thanks. Great summary. It sounds like an episode that moves quickly, too. That's good. Maybe we'll be rid of freakazoid and the alters quickly!!
I do not think things will bode well for this member of the DiMera household.
We can all hope!!
Not only is it highly doubtful that many viewers care about the new face of Bella
I might be if it were written with both girls being sympathetic. But it's not. Ciara's psychotic and Claire (whom I like) comes off whiny. Also - there was once a time when we'd have seen Bella covers. Since those days are over, why should I care?
who could possibly give a rap about the results of some silly magazine contest
Ciara was crazy as a bird don't you know
Her niece had love, she had none, so she wrecked the show
Stomped all around like Godzilla in Japan
Whined and cried and booed and hooed, "no one understands"
Got all upset when she lost Trippy's vote
but we're s’posed to like her cause her dad named a boat
And even though Doc is underground with Stefan
the real stories playin' 'bout the votes of Claire's fans
Claire ranting on and on about how she should win, even by cheating, definitely put her in the bad light. Heck, Ciara really said hardly anything.but Claire came across like a self-centered, uncaring, spoiled brat having a tantrum. Was waiting for her to stomp her feet while laying on the floor.
Thanks for the summary, Poirot. It made me look forward to watching, and I wasn't disappointed. Except for Stefan and Gabby billing and cooing over each other, and Claire acting like Claire, I very much enjoyed this episode. Now I'm eager to see Abigail break out.

Jason, when Ciara walked into the apartment and Claire got up to talk to her, she took an earbud out of her ear.

So who is it that knows how to play the piano? Abigail or Gabby? I don't see how it could be Gabby, unless Abigail knows how. I was having some trouble understanding what Gabby was saying.
Thanks, Poirot.

Nice to see someone playing the piano at the DiMera mansion. It's
been awhile since someone has.

I thought it was strange Kate had an extra martini for Andre.

Why did John run around town looking for Marlena? He just went back
to her office and broke into her computer. And did Marlena put down
her diagnosis for Abigail? It would have been helpful if John read it.

I kept hoping Marlena would have hit Stefan with that big book.

So, Andre is in Abigail's head. Maybe he'll help her remember the night he died.
If he does, I hope he does it fast.