Days of Our Lives - Fri., Aug. 12, 2022


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Townhouse: Belle tells Eric, who is dropping off something for the out-to-dinner Marlena, she's moving back to the Brady house. She learns about his date with Jada.

Cop Shop: Shawn-D and Jada are angry that Trask wants them to do their job and they haven't wrongfully convicted Lucas, Sarah, or Clyde, nor the jewel thief. They do 3 minutes of work and then goss, goss, gossip about his reconciliation and her divorce, about which she does not want to talk. She also talks about her date with his "brother in law" Eric. They talk about how happy Nicole and Rafe are.

New Bar: Clyde tells Nancy, Chloe, and Brady that the jewel thief is about. Clyde doesn't want to call the cops and has a confession for Nancy. He tells the group he originally offered to fence the items for the robber, unaware that there was a murder involved. They realise that he's talking about Leo. Once Clyde confirms Leo's identity in Brady's look book, Nancy squeals with delight that their weasels are the same.

Square: Replay of Thomas seeing the Tooth Fairy in their house the day mommy left. Chad leaves Thomas for a minute to confront Leo.

Basic Black: Since her coworkers are gone, Nicole accepts pop-up Rafe's invitation to eat.

Kmansion: Sonny calls Chad and leaves a message about a litany of open positions at Titan. He also complains about Alex's hiring, just as Alex tromps in in his stupid glasses. Sonny clarifies that he’s not mad at Alex. Sonny worries he's not as ruthless as Uncle Vic. Alex doesn't think Vic should be emulated. Then they rehash things that never happened so that Alex can lie to Sonny about being fine with Sonny as the boss.

Square: Nicole and Rafe dine and recap. Nicole acts cagey about the prospects of Jada and Eric since they'll be living close to each other if things don't work out.

Police Station: Chad drags Leo in to Shawn-D's office, declares that Leo is the killer. (Jada is keeping an eye on Thomas.) Chad recaps for Shawn-D, Leo denies and has a flashback. Chad gets more chest-puffing before Shawn-D ejects him. Shawn-D puts a guard on Leo to talk to Thomas.

Detective Area: Chad asks Thomas to tell "cousin Shawn" about the day he saw the man in their house. He recaps finding the man, and the Tooth Fairy's threat that he'd get no tooth money if he told. Chad is glad Thomas told the truth. Thomas wants to collect his $50 for his tooth.

Detective Area: (Jennifer has absconded with Thomas.) The detectives are reluctant to call Rafe, but Chad pushes, ending Nicole and Rafe's date in the Square.

Shawn-D's Office: Shawn-D and Jada tell Leo that they are awaiting Rafe's arrival so Rafe can question Leo.

Pub Entry Area: Eric and Jada run into each other. Jada just left work (during a commercial break; the editing is atrocious today). He asks her to dinner, and she accepts a second date in a day. Nicole passes by as they enter the Pub. She emotes.

Brady House: Shawn-D is cooking for Belle. He's also suddenly not at work.

New Bar: Chloe considers whether con artist Leo could be a murderer. Her drug-addicted boyfriend is her sounding board.

Police Work Area: Rafe allows a private citizen to watch as he recaps the non-case against Leo in a very public area. He needs a corroborating witness. Clyde and Nancy enter the station. END
Loved Clyde's announcing a reply to Rafe's "don't have a corroborating witness".......Oh, yes you do. LOLOL & they all exchange looks, (Rafe, Chad, Clyde, Nancy & uncomfortable looking Leo). Made me laugh.

Thomas is so cute, and does such a good job with his lines.
They really scored with Thomas.

However, Robert Scott Wilson (Alex) should have stayed away from Salem. His acting choices are abhorrent.

Honestly, the show was so choppy, such filler for the most part, I wouldn't pay the quarter they’re asking for it!

However, since my favourite actress left Saturday Night Live this season, and my soap will no longer be on NBC, I might save 60 bucks a month on TV, and throw a few bucks at Peacock, just to see the ship sink...?
True the editing was HIDEOUS..... Shawn at home cooking dinner for Belle, Jada meeting Eric outside at the pub, next scene Rafe getting a briefing from them.....that Portal was getting a workout.....
I rewound to check, but the briefing scene was first (with Shawn-D and Jada, and Rafe and Leo), then an ad break, then everyone was off duty except Rafe who was interrogating Leo in the public area so that Clyde could walk in. I didn't mention the briefing because nothing really happened in it that didn't already happen or was about to happen.

Just no sense of pace or timing all to get to the "exciting" cliffhanger.

I wonder if this was two or three episodes smashed into one script, to make up for days they lost because of unplanned preemptions? Normally I'd applaud a fast-paced episode, but this was all over the place.
Rafe: He really should tell Melinda to stay away from his cops because they work for him, not her. If, on the old Law & Order, Sam Waterston had turned up at the police station to yell at Jerry Orbach, he'd have been tossed out the front door headfirst.

Chad: He ought to cut down on his angry outbursts lest they become Salem background noise.
  • Salemite No. 1: What's that awful noise?
  • Salemite No. 2: Ignore it. It's only Chad DiMera screaming at the latest person whom he's sure murdered his wife.
Clyde: Before he drops the hammer on Leo, he'd better get immunity from Melinda. After all, parolee Clyde is guilty of receiving stolen goods.
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I can't believe no one picked up that Thomas was worried about not keeping the secret and he said I told mommy now I told you! No one picked up that he told mommy?

Please please please stop with Eric and Nicole are still in love! Especially with the married Nicole! Rafe is a great guy! No reason for you to mention who Eric is dating!! Ugh!!!
Nicole is too obvious with her adoration of Eric. The facial expressions and comments are just so out there. They ruined her character some time ago, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I predict a cat fight with Jada. Bring out the sand box.

I wanted Chad to punch Leo every time he said something nasty about Thomas, the dirty, rotten scoundrel.

I would like to see Chanel and Allie get one over on Alex...go along with a threesome for a few minutes and then leave him and dry...literally!

It would be nice to see someone REALLY change, meaning Clyde. Nancy is a smitten kitten, and now he is helping the police. But I won't get my hopes up that it is possible for a career criminal to change. Am I being delusional?
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So Rafe has his own desk in an open public area??? I mean, he was sitting at this desk, Clyde came in the open door?????
It wasn't his desk, it was just a desky tabley thing. It was very odd and badly staged. I'm sorry I'm not a better prop-spotter. I tend to focus on dialogue and motivation (when Salemites had it) and plot mechanics in my critiques.

I agree about Nicole and Eric, they are over, stop it already with this waffling.

Alex is one of the worst characters ever returned to Salem. I was hoping Ron had learned his lesson with his failed introduction of Sarah, but alack, his Emmy®-clouded mind didn't.
Thanks, Jason.

Rafe was at Jada's desk. We saw her name plate.

Nice to see Belle talk to Eric after she talked to Brady this week too.

How soon will we see Jada's ex in Salem or is the person already there?

There was no reason for us to see Alex and Sonny today.

Why did Rafe just let Leo go? Rafe arrested Lucas and Sarah without much evidence. Couldn't Rafe
hold Leo until they checked out the basement? I know,, it's the Salem PD.

What a surprise to see Clyde come in at cop shop.