Days of Our Lives - Fri., Aug., 17, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, August 17, 2018

Surprising a Friday show that seems to drag, repeat..but….Sonny is looking at fireplace, remembering what happened, his mother shows up. She is talking, he is distracted, waiting for Will to contact him, she pulls him into a chat….blah, blah, Sonny still loves Will, who loves Paul. Will doesn’t know, Sonny should tell him.

Will is at Gramma Kate’s door, she is dressed, waiting for funds to arrive from inheritance from Andre, don’t worry,. Ted will never bother you again. Yada, yada, thank you, love you, hugs, etc.

Steve is trying his darndest to get Kayla to open up, she avoids saying why she pics of Kate & Ted on her phone, Steve gets a call about a case, has to go. Will finish this upon return. He leaves, Marlena comes in, Kayla is deleting other pics off her phone, moans to Marlena about Steve seeing pics, Stefan threatening to destroy Steve’s eye, etc. Marlena is appalled at Stefan’s threat. But thinks Kayla should tell Steve. He loves her, would understand.

Ted at the cop shop, talking to Hope about Ben. She says he is a free man, explains the deal made, case dropped, ordering Ben out of town. Ted says what if he stays. Since you closed case, anything you do makes a good case for harassment. Ted upset she “talked” with his client without him there, so he was not aware case closed. Hope is a bit taken aback he has not heard from his client.

Over at the loft, replay (but a bit different angle of scene) of the vote, Claire voting yes, Tripp upset, wants to talk with Ciara privately. They go in hall, he questions her, she insists she is helping a friend who saved her life, that is all. He asks if she may have feelings for Ben, she kisses him, reassuring him. He worried about their love life, she says you mean sex life…(with Ben sleeping on the sofa). It is temporary, when he finds a place, he will be gone. Inside, Claire is chatting with Ben, who thanks her for her yes vote, she says she owes him for clobbering him with frying pan. Ben manages to get down into the nitty gritty that perhaps Ciara might still have feelings for Ben (Ciara had told him she was into Tripp) but Claire says both Tripp & Ciara are into each other, however, maybe Ciara has some feelings for Ben, & vice versa. Nope, just friends. She is not too sure, asks him directly, but Tripp & Ciara come in, Tripp is o.k. with Ben staying there for a while, but will be watching him.

Hope comes thru the open door…..staying here? Ben? Ciara faces her mother.

Kayla knows Steve will be questioning when her returns, she is going to tell him to drop it. Both she and Marlena know he will never do that.

Will returns, tells Sonny his gramma has it all in hand, will pay Ted all the money. Sonny promises to pay her back, Will insisting he will, too Both glad it is over, neither will ever forget this, Will says he guesses their partnership is at an end, Yep, Will has to go, see ya around. Sonny stops him,what if I don’t want this to end.

Steve calls his sister, Adrienne, says he had to make a quick trip to Chicago, you won’t believe the souvenir I brought back for you. Cue camera over to a seated Bonnie, looking frustrated.

Ted arrives at Kate’s, she has his money all ready for him, insisting no contact with Will or Sonny, no letters, phone calls, texts, not even a sign of recognition if he passes them on the street. He agrees. She has a metal brief case, he is about to take it, she asks if he wants her to count it, no he trusts her. She opens the case anyway, smiling away, pulls a gun out, pointing it straight at him. She says trusting her was his first mistake!
It doesn’t really matter if SertaPerfect Kate shoots Ted. She’ll claim self defense and get away with it again.
And by the way, where the heck did dastardly Ted stash Leos’ body and car. Me thinks he is tucked away somewhere.

Dead or alive. Let’s take a pole.....
I think alive
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Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed the end of today's show.

Nice surprise to see Bonnie with Steve at the police station.

Hope shows up at the loft and knows Ben is moving in.

Will Kate shoot Ted, then throw him in the dumpster in the alley?

Sonny still has feelings for Will. Will he tell him?
Thank you for another great summary! I just watched yesterday's and today's episodes and there is so much I don't like about how people are behaving, it's probably best I don't get on a rant. I did like Adrienne's hair much better than the last time I saw her. Also, I liked the end of the show. It caught me by surprise. I wonder what Kate will really do.

Jason, I was about to write that I wouldn't mind if Kate does kill off Ted. I agree we've seen way too much of Kate for a long time now, and she's not likeable, but I guess I like Ted even less, although he is at least a different face, for a change. The two of them seem pretty similar in character so let the "best" one win. :rolleyes:
Ah come on. Ted is new blood.... get him away from Kate.. he might be great with anyone else... she brings out the slime
True -- if anyone has any slimy tendancies, Kate will bring them out. She's a catalyst for sliminess. As for Ted, the writers seem to be ruining a promising character. A competent attorney in Salem would be quite a change for viewers used to laughable Charles Woods, barracuda Melinda, incompetent EJ, lost-cat Carrie, bumbling Justin, and awful Aiden.
It doesn’t really matter if SertaPerfect Kate shoots Ted. She’ll claim self defense and get away with it again. And by the way, where the heck did dastardly Ted stash Leos’ body and car. Me thinks he is tucked away somewhere.
Of course Kate would get away with filling Ted full of holes. Being Kate not only means never having to say you're sorry, but also never paying the legal piper. As for the location of Leo, if dead, maybe Kate stashed him in the same water heater shell used by Max Brady to get Ford Decker's body out of Chelsea's sorority house.
I hope Ted turns things around on Kate and ends her once and for all. Also, why is Kate cash-poor. Silly.
The end of Kate ain't never going to happen. She's made of teflon. As for Kate being cash poor, that too just wouldn't happen. If her business ventures failed, she could go back to high-class hooking, catering to tired businessmen like Ian McAllister or Mr. Shin.
It also wasn't that long ago Kate had sex with Stefano in order to get money to start up her new company at the time Home and Hearth since she was broke, LOL! But I can see Kate having limited assets now since her only source of income is from Andre's estate, DiMera money, and probably has frozen assets that she made at DiMera Enterprises, Stefan blackmailing Kate as well for Vivian's murder. She should not be boasting about a gun right now lol, but it's classic Kate pointing her gun at a former lover.