Days of Our Lives - Fri., Aug. 25, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, Aug. 25, 2017

Marlena & John talk thru the vent, each in a strait jacket, going over what happened. Hattie evidently convinces the two orderlies to lock John up, so now between the two of them, they figure Hattie has been working with someone, taking orders, she would not do this on her own. She wants Roman, has been obsessed with him, so locking up John & Marlena both would not even interest her, there has to be another reason. They ponder, who would make such an elaborate plan. She suggests Stefano, but he is dead, even if alive, he would not be locking Marlena, throwing away the key. John suggests Alex North, but he is dead. Never did find the body. They try to think further, who could possibly want them out of the way and for what reason.

While all that is going on, the scenes are interspersed with Bonnie, Hattie & Anjelica in the hotel room with the passed out Lucas. Replay of Hattie & Anj going into the room, finding that Bonnie has had her way with Lucas, or vice versa. Anjelica is having a fit, and using a lot of nice language, reminds Bonnie that Lucas having a hands on exploration of her body will remember it is different from his beloved Adrienne. They all argue, with Anjelica complaining about a headache, while Bonnie gets indignant, because Anjelica has ruined Lucas's life, he lost his son, has no idea about his daughter's whereabouts, his mother is a witch, and Adrienne was his lifeline. Sober for years, and now fell off the wagon, life ruined, all because of Anjelica's plans. Hattie chimes in as well, Anj calls them both stupid, ruining the plan, Hattie & Bonnie take offense, threaten to blow the whistle on her, Anjelica claims her hands are clean, it was Hattie who put Marlena in the trunk of her car, Bonnie who put Adrienne in jail, and they both could be back in Statesville. She suggests they all calm down, take a breather, and can talk and make plans.

Gabi is in the square, reading an Intruder headline story about Chad returning to Abby and them getting married. Along comes Nicole, both looking upset. Gabi claims she is o.k., knew Chad & Abby belonged together, she ended it, will be fine, but it is hard. Nicole knows what she means, but at least she has her daughter, Gabi agrees, is sure Nik will get hers back. Yep, Nicole will, working hard at it.

Eric & Jen talk about Lucas, both saying how they tried to help him, stop him, no success. Jen remembers Lucas being there for her, Eric, too, when she needed someone, is glad she & Eric are still friends, then leaves to try and find Lucas.

Chad & Abby small talk, he tells of Paul & Sonny's engagement, and mutual best men. Over at the K mansion, Paul & Sonny talk of their pending nuptials, Sonny asking Chad to be best man, and he doing same for Chad. Who is Paul's. He wants his dad, but doesn't know where he is. Later Paul calls John, leaves another voice mail, needs to talk to him, very important.

Both guys are at the hospital, run into Gabi, tell their news. She is happy for them, but runs out. Later, (or maybe it was earlier), she comes to Abby's room with a get well card ARi made. Tis a bit awkward, she stumbles with words a bit, sees the ring on Abby's finger, is happy for them, and she runs out. Abby tells Chad he has to go talk to her. Chad kisses Abby, then goes out where Gabi is still conveniently standing by the nurses' station. She claims to be o.k., knew in heart he was still in love with Abby, ever since she saw the ring in his pocket. Tis o.k. she will be fine.

Sonny & Paul are in the room with Chad & Gabi, all blathering about their respective weddings, venues, guest list. Abby has an idea...why not just have a double wedding? Smiles break out on the guys' faces. Gabi comes by AGAIN, sees the 4 in the room, laughing, talking, dashes to the elevator, leaves.

Anjelica reminds the 2 women, that Hattie still has not gotten revenge on Alfie, nor Bonnie having revenge on Maggie. She wants them to continue with the plan, but Bonnie says no, she is done. Same goes for Hattie, who knows she is a good cook, can find a job in any diner, do well. She notes when she worked at the previous one, Roman would come in at night, was always nice, liked her for herself. Anjelica insists Bonnie cannot quit, follows her to the side of the bed, grabs her, a very slight struggle.

Suddenly, she stops, eyes wide open, and falls onto the conveniently located lounge chair. Bonnie laughs, "giving up, Anjie"? Hattie looks concerned, thinks Anj really did give up. She checks her pulse. None!
Loved some of the repartee', At one point, Hattie & Bonnie were circling Anjie, you could imagine them in prison doing that. Good Anji died of natural causes, so Lucas won't get accused of murder. When Anjelica was claiming her hands were clean, loved how Bonnie threw at her how Justin would not like it that Adrienne was put in prison, Anjelica claiming she was not the one, but Bonnie pulled the "bible" Anjelica made up for her about Adrienne, Lucas, etc. with her DNA and fingerprints all over it. Anj tries to take it, that was the struggle, when she had the stroke, or heart attack, or whatever it was.

I really hate the kind of skin tight stretch dresses that Gabi wears all the time. And that "tuck behind the ear" hairstyle of Abby's.

John knows the search will be on when he is discovered missing, and he knows Paul especially, would be noticing right away and start hunting.
Tis a shame for him, that he knows self absorbed Brady so well. Won't be that son, will be his newly found one. (No mistake, I really like Christopher Sean who plays Paul) I do like that Paul wants his dad to be his best man.
Can't say that I am sorry to see the last of "Anjie" .

Really? It doesn't like it would be a hard thing to pronounce. I'm sorry that was a terrible joke. Whenever I hear someone say they can't say something that's always been the first response that comes to my mind. And I just couldn't resist. Again I realize that was a totally lame attempt at humor and wholeheartedly apologize. :)

I'm not sad to see "Anje" go either. Now I can only hope that we will soon see this ill-conceived mess will be brought to an end before too much longer. Hope, as they, say springs eternal.

Gabi *sigh*: I enjoyed her scenes with Nicole. I know they seemed kind of random but I know that Nicole gave Gabi an understanding ear after Chad destroyed Gabi's first wedding attempt with Nick. So there is some history there. I see this as a the popping of another bubble that the characters live in and that in my opinion is a good thing.

Also when we get a Gabi and Sonny is always a win-win in my opinion.

Still I wish Gabi had not gone to the hospital. I know she thought she could handle it but she's not always as tough as she thinks she is. But my hope is that she's seen that Chad has *in the immortal words of Beyonce* "put a ring on it" this is will finally be the end of this saga and she will be able to move onto bigger and better things.

I refer to you to my aforementioned statement on hope. :)
Ending was pretty shocking. But hope this is the beginning of the end. But really? They put John in the room right next to "Hattie" so they can talk through the vents? Just seems lame.

OMG Gabi!! Stop with all this broken heartedness about Chad! You were barely involved!!! But since they did do the deed, I worry she will be pregnant. I hope not but that's a soap.

I knew they would do a double wedding. I was surprised that Chad and Sonny didn't think of it though. I like it. Should be fun.
Thank you, Poirot.

For the first time, I liked Hattie and Bonnie. They were shown to be cons with a heart today. I hope they put things straight quickly so this stupid story can end. I'm thinking that Anjelica's death is a rewrite.

Woohoohoo! I called the double wedding. I loved Sonny/Paul and Chad/Abby, but Gabi got on my ever loving last nerve. Enough with her. Just send her down to stay with Mama Hernandez.

For me, John and Marlena talking through the wall was nothing but boring filler.
I'm surprised that nobody was responsible for the death, which makes me wonder about things that appear to be coming up.

I like how lots of people were talking about the doubles story web (Jen/Eric, Paul/Sonny, on top of Marlena/John and Anj/Bonnie/Hattie). Nice short stories that could umbrella many characters and wrap up quickly could work for Days.

Paul and Sonny are doomed. (Thankfully.)

I think we can redeem Hattie & Bonnie. (If Stefano can be a Pub regular, and André gets a pardon for his numerous murders and attempted murders, they can squeak out of this one.)

Gabi, after a long (needed) break, was useless today. She dumped Chad, and for good reason. Her catching-her-breath and constantly exiting was overkill to the extreme max. I found myself muting/fast forwarding her scenes.

I appreciate that Sonny wants to tell Marlena about marrying Paul. I expect her to say, "Well, he is the only other gay guy in town, you know." LOL
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Thanks, Poirot.

I'm enjoying seeing 'The Intruder' headlines. I wonder if someone from
the hospital told
the paper about Chad and Abby's engagement?

It was interesting to hear John and Marlena wonder who helping Hattie ie
Alex North. I
laughed when John said "Mad Hattie Adams" probably for the Mad Hatter.

It was funny when Anji called Hattie and Bonnie "Ethel and Lucy" I wonder
how long they can keep up the charade now since Anjelica is dead?

I hope it won't take Paul long to realize John is missing and not on another
ISA mission.
I was glad to see John and Marlena finally get some quality air time but I hate this storyline with a passion. I also think the Alex North mention was an anvil. I hope I'm wrong but Deidre Hall (Marlena) posted an old photo of Marlena with the 2 Romans a couple weeks ago so seems like it's not a coincidence. Just my opinion.

I did like how Stefano was the first name that came to mind. Certainly a lot of Stefano mentions this week.

I wasn't happy that Gabi was upset or that she went to the hospital. I need her to move on entirely out of Chad's orbit and back into JJ's orbit. I hate what Dena did to these characters.

Both Gabi and Nicole looked great. Jennifer not so much. Speaking of which, can Jennifer get a story please? We see a lot of her but it's only to support other characters.

No surprise about the double wedding. That was a given after the juxtaposed engagements.
Thanks for the summary

OMG Gabi!! Stop with all this broken heartedness about Chad! You were barely involved.
YES! YES! YES! So true!

I wasn't happy that Gabi was upset or that she went to the hospital. I need her to move on entirely out of Chad's orbit and back into JJ's orbit. I hate what Dena did to these characters.

So glad to have Anjelica gone! Did like that Hattie and Bonnie showed some caring for the effects their actions have had on other folks.

I love John and Marlena together, even if it is just stupid they are locked up!