Days of Our Lives - Fri. Aug. 26 , 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, August 26, 2016

Can't believe this was a Friday show. And I got interrupted a few times for extended period of time, so, if I miss something important, please post it. Nicole & Deimos talk in the living room, mostly about Victor being accused of kidnapping Tate. Deimos thinks Vic is being set up, has his investigator checking into everything possible. Nicole assures him she doesn't think he (Deimos) is involved. More chit chat, then kissing, and yep, the sofa is christened by Deimos & Nicole. He urges her to move in with him, she doesn't answer, as they get carried away into their horizontal mambo.

At the cop shop, is pacing, as Justin & Sonny arrive. They argue, Brady reminding Justin he lost his job because of doing something for Victor, that he hasn't changed, is still involved in underhanded deeds. He tells of Victor being with Roman in the interrogation room, Justin takes off, while Sonny faces off with Brady. They argue about Victor's guilt or innocence. Justin is telling Roman this all is going to go by the book now, all legal. Victor insists he is innocent, to go looking for the real culprit. Roman says Vic doesn't have to convince him, just a jury.

Sonny is really into Brady's face, reminding him he is not talking facts, just opinions.

Maggie tries to call Vic at the jail, but no luck. She tearfully pleads, to no avail, finally leaving a message. She looks at a wedding pic of her & Vic on her phone, then flashes back to Vic gifting her with a replica of a Santa in a chair with a little boy on his lap, that had been given to her by Alice to welcome her into the family. Then she flashes back to Vic giving her the red shoes the other day. She murmurs he could not have done it. He is not guilty.

Later, Theresa brings Tate to visit Maggie, who oohs and ahhhs. He is fine, Theresa comments that Victor saw to it he was well cared for. She apologizes to Maggie, will do anything for her, is glad she is o.k., will help however she can, but warns her she will be there in the courtroom when Vic is tried.

Philip & Kate are having a meal, mostly in silence. She is eating her salad, he is picking at his. They get into an argument eventually about her life, losing her job, having no where to live, screwing up with Deimos. Kate is exasperated, and soon is giving him a hard time about Chloe, dissing her, calling her names, and along comes Chloe herself. The claws comes out as Kate & Chloe engage in a rather civilized verbal catfight. Kate leaves. Chloe begins talking of leaving town, she is worried about Deimos. Phil talks her into staying, that getting her singing career jump started is more important. (I think perhaps he may have volunteered to say he is baby daddy here, but I missed this). Chloe is next thanking him, this means a lot. Hugs. . Deimos & Nicole walk in, spot them, just look.

Earlier, Deimos & Nicole are walking in the square, he wants the answer to his question about her moving in. She says that is a huge decision to make, has to think of it. He is fine with that, as long as she doesn't take to long to decide. Kate spots them kissing, evidently comes up to them (missed most of the encounter, just catching both Nicole & Deimos telling Kate they are surprised she did not go out of her way to avoid them. They walk away, Kate stares after them, pulling petals from a flower she is holding, finally flinging it down, and one can see the determined "revenge" look on her face.

Victor is brought out to be booked, Brady leaves, Sonny & Justin talk.

Brady comes home moaning and groaning about hating that he can't believe Victor, he has loved him so much, and now everyone in town will be calling him & Theresa traitors for what is going on. She is sympathetic, doesn't take long, they are kissing and getting passionate.

Maggie gets a call from Victor, which makes her happy. He is using a guard's cell phone, can't talk long, just assures her he won't let this beat him, he is coming home to her and all will be o.k.

Justin & Sonny are at the hospital to see Maggie. Justin warns Sonny to try not to talk at all about Uncle Vic, just concentrate on Maggie, her therapy, etc.Sonny mentions the mobster in Greece, Justin says it was decades ago, a dead end. Sonny figures whoever did this to Uncle Vic used illegal means, so they are going to have to fix this, either legally or illegally.
First I want to say how could Maggie turn the TV off when they're saying "it appears the Cubs are going to .. ." Going to what? Be awesome? Have a long stretch in the playoffs? Maybe even, you know. :rotfl: As a Cubs fan I wish she hadn't turned it off. :back:Ok. :)

Why on earth did Philip say to his mother I'm not sleeping with Chloe. He just told Chloe he would say the baby is his. I can see this leading to trouble because it's going to raise Kate's hackles when he says he is the father. I loved the look on his face when Chloe and Kate were going at each other.

At the end, was Kate playing he loves me, he loves me not?

I am hoping Victor is innocent. But then I hope Deimos didn't do it either. I like Vincent Irrizary (Deimos) and Arianne Zucker (Nicole) together. Hope they pretty much redeem him. Let Nicole be happy.
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Love the fact that Chloe stood up to Kate. Yes, Kate will accuse Philip of lying, but no one else knows that Chloe and Deimos were together except Nicole and Philip. I think Nicole will put it together, but keep her mouth shut for awhile. Until she feels that Deimos should have access to his child. Guess that storyline has never been done before.
An OK show. I wondered how long it'd be until we saw Kate again. I just hope Nicole and Deimos turn her down if she offers them brownies. :rotfl:And :sick: and Nicole & Deimos "christening" the couch, as you said. Yuck!

What bad timing for poor Maggie. Right after learning the truth about her departed daughter, she learns (while in recovery for a surgery) that her husband may have kidnapped his own grandson? I'm glad Maggie had the operation, but I do wish she could've had a bit of bliss before this whole thing went down. Also, I like the more Kiriakis-like Sonny.

I don't know how I feel about this Chloe and Philip storyline yet. I just hope it isn't like the Nicole/Rafe/EJ/Daniel thing from 4 years ago. We don't need anymore repeats of stories. I want something original.
Sonny hit the nail on the head today when he said to the irate Brady about Victor: "You don't have facts, you have opinions." This goes for anyone else joining the rush to judgment on the king of snark. When the truth eventually comes out, many Salemites just might be eating a healthy portion of crow -- no warm milk and home-baked cookies for them.

Deimos also had a good line today when he said about Kate: "Some people lack self-awareness." In Kate's case, however, it might be more accurate to say that there are some people whom you just can't embarrass.

Speaking of the blue-chunked witch, she really did have a bad day: getting an unwelcome earful from Shaggy Phil, being zinged by the hated Chloe, and then witnessing the two people whom she probably hates more than anyone, Nicole and Deimos, sharing a smooch. It might have been a good final touch if Officer JJ had suddenly appeared and charged Kate with the destruction of public property for taking out her wrath on the Town Square flower and then added a ticket for littering.
I get that Sonny has always been close to "Uncle Vic" and his loyalty is commendable. But come on does he really think Victor is this semi-lovable old curmudgeon who hides a heart of gold behind a gruff exterior?

I don't believe for one nanosecond that Victor had anything to do with Tate's kidnapping but at the same time people in Salem and especially his family know what Victor is. So the fact that Maggie, Justin and Sonny are acting like it is so INCOMPREHENSIBLE that anyone would actually believe that Victor would be capable of such a thing is stupid.

On another note I was surprised to hear Sonny tell Justin that they had to fix things either "legally or illegally." He really has changed during his time in Paris. Next thing you know he'll be walking around Salem wearing a baseball cap sideways, his oversized jeans falling down, and talking about "busting caps" with a grill on his teeth. :)
It would be incomprehensible, Troy. But this is the town where EJ, the father of Sami's two children, "changed". "She's changed" also were uttered by Brady when referring to Theresa, Summer, and Kristen. If they can "change", in the eyes of many Salem residents (including the many who voted EJ mayor)--it's no wonder that Victor's past is brushed aside.
Sonny is really into Brady's face, reminding him he is not talking facts, just opinions.
I've not watched yet, but I'm gonna guess that Sonny should look in the mirror on this one. Granted Brady's evidence is circumstantial and existential, but all Sonny has is his guts. (Just wait until Sonny crosses Vic, and gets disowned.)

I'd actually like Victor to be involved in some way. It could create a lot of character development for Sonny, Maggie, Brady, Justin, and Victor.
So Deimos told Nicole he wasn't involved with kidnapping Tate.. he still hasn't told her
how he got the doctor to perform the operation on Maggie.

Surprised to hear Sonny tell Justin about finding proof someone is framing Victor either
legally or illegally.... what will Paul say to that?

Philip told Kate too soon he hasn't been sleeping with Chloe. It was the truth, but
to pretend he's the baby daddy he has to remember he can't say that.

Victor was lucky Justin is no longer the DA so Justin could be his lawyer.

As a Maggie/Victor fan, I enjoyed the scene when he called her from his jail cell on a cell phone.
I don't have much but I am leaning more towards Jeannie T being the one behind the Tatenapping now. Obviously with help. Her conversations with Maggie and Brady seemed very calculated and her crying with Tate just so Brady could calm her seemed to be done on purpose.
Yes, thanks for doing the summary, in the midst of all your interruptions. I haven't watched this yet but I agree with those who think Theresa may be the one who set up the kidnapping.

I also think I'm going to find Sonny more interesting in his present mode. He's always been a nice guy but in the past he has been a little bit boring to me. I know he's been a favorite of many. I haven't disliked him but I'm interested to see how it goes with him now.
Thank you for the summary. The show was just barely ok for me. I was hoping I missed something, but sadly I didn't.

I used to think that Deimos and Nicole had some sizzle, but their scenes just fell flat for me today.

Sonny and Chloe (when confrontational with Kate) seemed to be the only characters I enjoyed.
Oh well I guess this wasn't the best of the week!

I understand why she was crying but I really do not want to see Maggie cry everyday.

I also thought about Philip protesting about being with Chloe to Kate - she won't let that slip by. I can see her trying to get to the bottom of that!
Also how it ended with Kate and the flower? I was like really? That's the Friday show?

Where's Patch? lol