Days of Our Lives - Fri. Aug. 27, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, August 27, 2010
Episode #11,406 Taped 6/22 Director – Albert Alarr

Another very intense episode, and you do not want to miss a single frame of this one. Daniel & Chloe arrive at Victor’s, not at all happy when Victor is his usual uncharming self towards Chloe. He notes she seems to be gaining weight, she agrees, tells him she is pregnant, he asks who is the father. Daniel is getting annoyed, Choe replies that Daniel is, of course, Victor apologizes, claims he thought Chloe was barren, then, when Daniel explains it is just difficult for her to get pregnant, Vic claims he thought in vitro or something. Daniel assures him they are having this baby together, Chloe says something about God having blessed her and she has everything she ever wanted, which gives Vic the chance to get sarcastic about the tornado, floods, starving children, financial woes of the world, & how God ignores all that to give one person everything they wanted. Chloe retracts, said it wrong, Daniel is fed up, they are gonna leave, Victor tries to make them stay, apologizing again, saying their baby will be family, since Daniel is like a son to him. Chloe glances at a picture of Victor & Philip, says she is tired, Victor tells her perhaps she would not mind if Daniel stays so they can talk. She leaves, Daniel tells Victor he is sick and tired of the way Vic treats Chloe, and they will not be coming over, etc., adding how fragile Chloe is. Vic wonders why, she just said she has everything she ever wanted, she is with the man of her dreams, pregnant with his child, why is she so fragile?

Vivian is knocking at Maggie’s door, wants to talk to her about Victor. Maggie is not pleased to see her, Vivian starts talking of the sarcophagus for Isabells, Maggie rightly asks why this concerns her. Viv babbles about honoring Victor’s daughter, Maggie doesn’t get it, but Vivian persists, and finally asks her what funeral director she used for Mickey. Maggie is getting ticked, says she doesn’t remember, but has the bill upstairs with all the info on it. If she gets it, will Vivian leave her alone….and also, don’t make a habit of just dropping in. She goes out, Vivian spots travel brochures, stuffs them in her purse, commenting to herself that with Maggie planning on leaving, this will be easier than she thought. Melanie comes in, asking what Vivian is doing there. Viv says Maggie getting some info, but she has to leave, is just writing her a note, gives it to Melanie, and leaves. Maggie returns, Melanie explains Viv left, gives her the note.
Now Viv is at the mausoleum with Gus, raving at how beautiful the sarcophagus is, bragging how perfect her plan is, much easier than last time, and now, all she has to do is write a letter from Maggie to explain her absence from Salem.

Stefano & Kate are still at the Pub, with Stefano getting more upset, but refusing to tell Kate why. Finally, he tells her to get the children, they are leaving. Over at the cop shop, Roman is thanking Rafe, happy that Sami is not married to EJ. Rafe acknowledges, tho, that EJ is smart, he & Stefano have a lot of contacts, pay off a lot of people, have a lot of money, and he will undoubtably never do any jail time. But…..he is going to pay.

Nicole has left the Pub, after her encounter with Stefano, rushes back to her room, pulls out a suitcase from under the bed, and starts throwing things into it. She realizes she has to get out of town. Stefano, meanwhile, is calling Marko, has a job for him. Outside her door, a figure appears, so does that miracle side glass window. LOL. Nicole is busily packing, hears a noise, turns out the light…..(O.K. is this stupid or what?) rummages in a drawer, pulls out scissors and hides behind the door. A man now enters the darkened apt. (like he had not seen the light on and Nicole thru that window) and walks slowly thru the apt., turns, facing Nicole, who begins to scream. He turns the light on, flashing a badge, he is FBI, her guard, seems Cooper asked to be transferred to another case, as he did not want to be responsible for someone who does everything to get herself killed. This is George McKee, who could not believe Nicole would be stupid enough to try and hide in her own apt. She isn’t, she just came for a few things, is getting out of town. Ooops, no she isn’t, she is on the phone, learning all her accounts have been frozen, she figures EJ has been mighty busy (tho I cannot see where he would have had time, lol). She doesn’t know what she is gonna do, she doesn’t even have enough money to pay rent on this dump.

And now to the DiMera study, where EJ is begging and pleading with Sami to ignore what she heard on the CD. Oh, no, she heard every word. So now EJ tells her she has to understand, since she herself did all kinds of awful things to those she loved, and then look what she did to him, how she hurt him, keeping her pregnancy from him. Sami is appalled, she trusted him, and all he does is lie to her. He goes on at how, in the end, he could not hurt her any more, he loves her, he could not leave with the children. He goes on and on about being a changed man, the man Sami wanted him to be, and how she has changed, too, how happy they have been, how she was about to marry him right in this room. He is on a roll here, insisting she loves him, he loves her, that all is well, as he gets down on one knee in front of Sami, again asking her to marry him.
Sami’s face changes as thru clenched teeth she spits out that last night, she went to Rafe, whom she loves. But she saw him kissing Nicole, so rushed back here, and in usual rash Sami fashion, insisted on marrying EJ today. It wasn’t cuz she loved EJ, it was revenge against Rafe, because she loves him. And she is leaving this house, taking her children and he is never going to see them again. Stefano has walked in, wanting to know what is going on, as Sami is angrily repeating to EJ, that she is taking her children tonight, and he will never see them again. Over my dead body, says Stefano. And Rafe walks in, telling them if he tries to stop Sami in any way, it WILL be over his dead body. LOLOL. Sami storms out. Kate comes in, asking what is going on. Rafe tells her how EJ paid Anna DiMera to take Sydney. Kate is astounded, cannot believe it, why, why would he do that. Revenge for Sami not telling him she was pregnant.

Sami comes down, holding Sydney in her arm, Johnny & Allie by the hands. As they get to the door, EJ comes out, calling Johnny over, to hug and say goodbye, promising to see him soon. Sami is hustling them out, EJ stops her, saying she did not give him a chance to say goodbye to Sydney. “Just like you didn’t let me”, and she leaves, followed by Rafe. EJ returns to the study, Stefano is demanding to know what the heck happened, Kate is realizing Stefano knew about this, he tells her to give him & Elvis some privacy, she leaves in a huff. EJ finally tells Stefano it is because of Nicole, explaining how she came over a couple weeks ago, overheard Stefano & EJ talking. Stefano guesses EJ gave her money, but is having a fit that EJ did not tell him. EJ says it is his problem.

Roman is telling Caroline how Sami called off the wedding to EJ, as behind him, Arianna comes in. She hears him tell about EJ kidnapping Sydney himself, and takes off. Roman is telling Caroline that Sami & the kids need a place to stay til she gets back on her feet (guess the penthouse is sold, then) and Caroline says of course she can stay here, we have plenty of room. Rafe & Sami arrive with the kids, Roman asks if Will knows, Sami says no, she left a message for him to call her so she could tell him. She thanks her dad, is so sorry, he is just glad she is o.k. and is not married. She hugs him, thanking him.

Chloe answers the door to find Nicole standing there, with a gift for her birthday. Chloe invites her in, Nicole apologizes for not having been around much of late, turns, glances at Chloe’s tummy and says, whoa…I guess we have a lot to catch up on.

Kate is down by the lake, leaving a message for Will. Along comes Chad who was taking a walk. He figures she looks a bit upset, she was kind to him before, maybe she wants to talk. No, not really. He asks why she isn’t at the weddintg, Will texted him his mom was getting married. Kate relates the info, wedding was called off, she has been trying to reach Will, asks Chad to tell Will to call her, if he sees him. And now, out pops Stefano, say hello to Chad, asks him to give them privacy. Chad leaves. Stefano asks Kate what she was talking about to Chad.

EJ is about to go out the door, opens it, goes to grab his keys, turns, and there is Arianna. He shouts at her to go ahead, get her digs in, everyone else has.

Caroline tells Sami she & Roman are going to put the twins to bed, and they leave. Sami stands there, tells Rafe she doesn’t know what to say. He replies she doesn’t have to say anything. Yes, she does, replies Sami, quietly. She has to thank him……tonight he saved her….again. No need to thank him, says Rafe. Yes, I do replies Sami. She tearfully embraces him.

Thanks for the write-up. I so wish I got the feed a day early. I can not wait until tomorrow. No FF for me. Not today, and certainly not tomorrow.
Honestly, as I was watching, you have no idea how I wished there was some way for me to be able to let you all see the show right now. Doesn't matter who you like or don't won't want to FF anything.
Wow, sounds like another great show tomorrow. Can't wait !!!

And many thanks, Poirot, for all your efforts to give us something to look forward to.
Two great shows in a row!!!!

I have been watching "Days" since 1969 and I have NEVER in my memory remembered two great shows in a row. TPTB are really outdoing themselves for once. Yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hip hip hurray!!!!!!!!!

I won't be seeing them until tomorrow and Friday, but I am waiting with breathless anticipation to see EJ get his FINALLY. Of course Nicole will go live with Chloe and Dr. Dan because no one else wants anything to do with her in Salem. What she SHOULD do is ask Chloe and Dr. Dan for a loan of enough $ to get out of town but of course she won't do that because that's too sensible. (Plus TPTB would have to put her on hiatus and since we all love to hate Nicole, she will be pitted against EJ with Stefano's goons chasing her around most likely. Here we go again! I could see them dragging this cat and mouse game between EJ/Stefano and Nicole for long enough that Chloe is ready to give birth and since she is harboring Nicole, Stefano's goons accidentally get Chloe somehow, she goes into early labor and something happens to the baby instead who needs a blood transfusion and there ya go - busted when it is discovered that Daniel's blood doesn't match.

LOVE Sami now and can't wait to see Rafe and Sami together again which by the sounds of it should be Monday (lol).

I'm 100% sure she will be living with Rafe at his place with the children soon too which is fine by me. They always loved each other and never stopped loving each other. EJ was a distraction and then for revenge once Sami saw what she thought was Rafe taking Nicole to bed, but she should have known he wasn't that type of man. Even I knew that! But then again I haven't been drinking any Salem Stupid Juice like Sami was and now that she's wised up I hope she never drinks that again.
Amen DaysFan. I love Sami and Rafe together, but I think before they hop into bed she better come up with the apology of a lifetime. He of course will take her back regardless because that is what he wanted all the time, but for once she needs to really have a heartfelt apology to the man that she loves
Thanks so much for the writeup....I'm so glad they have sped up the pace of the's makes it so much more exciting! I hope they let us enjoy Sami & Rafe's reunion for a little longer than a blink of an eye........we have all suffered through this torment for long months......give us a week of romance for a change! ....... EJ will never totally pay for his crimes, but I would settle for a little less payback ...... if Sami gets to pull the plug!:evillaugh:.........JT:cool:
I see the next story line on the horizon, burying Maggie alive. I so don't like this one at all. It's been done before and she deserves something so much better!! Vivian's hatred, envy and jealousy are over the top. The Hortons certainly have and will continue to have nothing but heartache and drama for months to come it seems.
Well even though the story line didn't touch on the DNA results in this episode, I'm wondering .... I believe 1/2 of Salem was logged in to the DNA results website. Sounds like the results were changed by Stephanie, Philip, Chloe, Daniel, Carly, and even Melanie and Nathan were logged in to the same hospital. This CANNOT stay quiet much longer .. too many people know about it. And apparently Daniel knows it already and has just forgiven Chloe for her transgressions !! Hmmmm .... it will be nice to see where this story line is going .....
Not The End

Too bad they can't elope now since EJ is out only for awhile.:hot:
EJ and Sami. . . Would love them together!

Am I the only one that wants EJ and Sami together?? lol
I know its crazy but all I could think today was " Sami please forgive him, please forgive him" its not like she hasnt done some pretty messed up things in her past and was forgiven EVERY time. I guess I think they are perfect for each other because they both have a little dark side.
EJ and Sami. . . would LOVE to see them as a happy family!