Days of Our Lives Fri., Aug. 30, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, August 30, 2019

Eli & Lani come into the club to find Julie rockin and rollin, happy, very happy. She turns off the music, going on and on about being free at last, having got her emancipation!. Turns out she is thrilled Chloe is gone, the club is all hers, yes, Doug's too, but day to day things are hers. She makes a few cracks about Chloe singing Wagner, but Eli gets serious, wants to talk to her, doesn't think it wise for her to talk inappropriately the way she does. Though he is careful in his conversation, Julie feels he is calling her a racist. No, he isn't, but she sometimes makes comments, well, she should choose her words more wisely. He notes names she has called Gabi, Julie says she just speaks her mind. But she eventually gets his point, says she will try to be more careful, is glad he told her. Now she talks of huge engagement party for them, but Eli & Lani don't want a party for them at the club, citing other parties that turned out badly, even John & Marlena's anniv. party. Bad mojo. Julie understands, says she will give the place a smudging........(this is getting rid of the bad vibes, burning candles, chanting, etc.) Lani says she saw a kit from some coven in Salem Massachusetts, at the store, Julie runs out to get it, has to be a sign, Salem! She leaves. Eli worries that he may have upset her, but Lani feels Julie is fine.

Kate comes to see Kristen in the interrogation room (egads, how long is she going to be in there??), tells her she is now CEO of DiMera, Shin appointed her. Kristen finds it hard to believe, but Kate says she is no longer a threat to Kate, who told the cops all Kristen did, and the threats, etc. In comes Jack, Kate leaves. Jack wants to know the last time Kristen saw Rolf, Kristen smiles, says when we were all together at the warehouse. He knows everyone got out, so where is Rolf now. Kristen claims he is babysitting Nicole & Holly. She isn't telling where without her deal, he says she got it. They spar quite a bit, as she is not telling unless she is out of there, free, he won't give her that unless he knows she is telling the truth. She swears, he disbelieves. She won't sign until she is out of there. Jack says ..then no deal, your choice. You want your freedom. I want to make sure no lies.

Stefan & Gabi talk of Kate's CEO appointment, how they can change Shin's mind. Stefan calls him, but no dice. Gabi says o.k., we are a team , we will work together. They start kissing, Kate walks in, disgusted that they are making out again. They both are still on payroll, be careful how you talk to your boss. Working with me, will get the company to greatness again. Stefan gets ticked, tells her to leave his house. Nope, she is moving in.

Jennifer talks to JJ about Jack, tells him how she & Hope talked, think Rolf alive. JJ wonders if it turns out he is, dad gets his memory back, but remains the same person he is now. They go over what has happened, Jack's personality, that Jack was not the best person in the past, but was always trying to be a better man.

Eric talks with Sarah, who knows Nicole may be alive, and if so, it will mean a lot to Eric. She figures that even if it doesn't work out, he will still have her in his heart, so wants to break things off. Eric doesn't know what will happen, Jack is trying, but Kristen has been adamant. His phone rings.

Jack is knocking on JJ's door, he opens, Jack glad both there, he got an address from Kristen, is going there now. (I swear he said Chicago). He is going alone, Jen insists she go along, and they pick up Eric (Jen had called him)& next scene all 3 are outside a door, each insisting on being first to get in. Jack & Eric argue, Jen just opens the door, all 3 go in, shocked looks, jaws dropped.

Stefan walks into living room, he has Harold unpacking Kate's things. She thanks him. He pulls a gun from his pocket, found it among her undies. Kate berates him looking thru her things, he says this was his mother's gun, you shot her with her own gun. I want it, Kate says to take it. He points it at her, says he is going to give her what she gave his mother. Kate takes a couple steps forward.

Julie rushes out of a store, bumps into Gabi, both sorry, but Gabi is going on her way. Julie stops her, Gabi won't be bothered, hurries off. Julie chases after her, catching in private area of the park. Julie is out of breath, but gasping out that she is sorry for anything negative she may have said to her in the past. Gabi is listening, says Drop dead....Julie has been holding her left arm, her eyes widen, she drops down. Gabi sort of rolls her eyes.
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Julie chases after her, catching in private area.
I almost choked on my muffin, when I read this. Isn't this sexual harassment? :tsk:

Kate comes to see Kristen in the interrogation room (egads, how long is she going to be in there??)

That was exactly my reaction when I read that statement. I guess no time has passed since yesterday's episode???
No, yesterday they took her out of the interrogation room to the cell that was now ready, so the fact that she is BACK in the interrogation room is just more bad editing. Ridiculous. Was she wearing different clothes? (Hasn't been on here yet.)
Impeachment now!!: Wacky Mayor Jack should be removed from office for putting his own selfish interests ahead of those of the whole Salem community. Giving creepy Kristen a deal that sets her free is totally irresponsible. Salem needs a mayor who puts it citizens needs first, such as Abe, Rory, or Benchie.

Unseemly glee: Whether Julie is truly culturally obtuse is debatable, but what's undeniable is that she can be rather nasty. Her extreme pleasure over the departure of the long-suffering diva was truly unkind.

Sincere apology: Cue Salem's flying pigs. They're now scheduled to fly some loops around the city hall tower tonight; Kate actually apologized for something.

Make a phone call: it was pointed out today that Kristen committed crimes in Nashville. If so, Commissioner Eli has an obligation to notify authorities there so they can file for the extradition of the Salem witch. It would be a fine joke on the psycho if she's about to leave the police station only to have some Nashville cops appear and slap the cuffs on her.
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm glad after all these months, Eli talked to Julie about using the right words. She did
say she only said those things to Gabi.

Kate talked to Stefano's picture and something about DiMera mansion. Maybe
the mansion needs to be "smudged" too.

I like Jen Jen's hair.

What cliffhangers at the end.

We saw Jen, Jack and Eric with a surprised look on their faces. Are we to supposed to
assume Kristen gave Jack the location after all?

Will Stefan shoot Kate with his mother's gun?

Julie sort of apologies to Gabi and Gabi tells her drop dead. Then Julie falls, grabbing at
her chest. Will Julie die?
Unseemly glee: Whether Julie is truly culturally obtuse is debatable, but what's undeniable is that she can be rather nasty. Her extreme pleasure over the departure of the long-suffering diva was truly unkind.

Exactly. She's mad because of what Stefan did to Abigail? How about what Nick did to Gabi? Not everyone knows that he raped her, but everyone knows he was forcing her into a marriage and into making him Ari's father. He wouldn't leave her alone. Julie has never acknowledged how off his rocker Nick was and how he had a history of obsessive, stalking, abusive behaviors. That's always driven me crazy.

And Gabi was in the middle of doing terrible things, but she didn't push Julie down the stairs. She lost her balance and fell after they struggled. They've changed Julie from a spirited defender of her family to an overzealous shrew. Today, I thought her comparing working with Chloe to slavery (which she kind of did with the whole "free at last" thing) was in extremely poor taste. She just didn't like Chloe. Chloe never did anything to her to justify being compared to a slave master or an oppressor.

There are plenty of circumstances on this show with people actually kidnapping and forcing people into things. Julie was being really melodramatic. I cringed when she said it--never mind saying it to her black grandson and his black fiancee--and was surprised when it turned into a whole discussion. She's pretty awful generally these days, racism or no racism.
When the club was up for auction, both Julie & Chloe were bidding for it, plus another..a man. He seemed to be able to outbid each of them, thus (and I think it was Julie's suggestion) they decided to join forces and monies, thus won the bidding. Also, if I remember right,, the club was given a different name, til Julie decided on changing it to honor her husband, to "Doug's Place". So, seems she has had a huge say so in a lot of things to do with the club........that happy dance over Chloe being gone was unnecessary......well, except as an excuse for Eli to let her know that "speaking her mind" was fine, but her choice of words was not.
I give kudos to Days for addressing the way that Julie makes racist remarks! It is something that has bothered me and some other viewers. The exchange between Julie and Eli was done well. Thanks writers.
Thanks for the summary Poirot! You rock!

Julie chases after her, catching in private area
I almost choked on my muffin, when I read this. Isn't this sexual harassment? :tsk:
WOW! Good one Lil0! I didn't catch it until you pointed it out! Bravo! I'm still laughing!

Make a phone call: it was pointed out today that Kristen committed crimes in Nashville. If so, Commissioner Eli has an obligation to notify authorities there so they can file for the extradition of the Salem witch. It would be a fine joke on the psycho if she's about to leave the police station only to have some Nashville cops appear and slap the cuffs on her.
I would so love that - she certainly should NOT be set free! This is just stupid, lazy writing! (In my opinion)

In case you missed it, GabiChic has a store on the Horton Square now.
I saw that and was surprised. Is this the first time we've seen it?
Make a phone call: it was pointed out today that Kristen committed crimes in Nashville. If so, Commissioner Eli has an obligation to notify authorities there so they can file for the extradition of the Salem witch. It would be a fine joke on the psycho if she's about to leave the police station only to have some Nashville cops appear and slap the cuffs on her.

I would love to see this scenario. That has happened a lot on Law and Order where the perpetrator makes a deal and gets out of the crime only to be arrested for something else. Unfortunately, Eli has inherited the Salem PD incompetence that his former commissioners have done before.
I was shocked that Eric didn't slap Sarah when she said she wished Nicole would stay dead. I would have but no, he hugs her and says she's human. She wants a woman that means a lot to Eric, hell Holly's mother, to stay dead!!

I hope the shocked looks at the end are for Nicole and Holly and/or Rolf. But hell it's DOOL could be Kristen!!

I didn't see Gabi Chic but I still can't believe THAT is the top earner in all of Dimera!! Stefano would be so proud!! I can just see him a Gabi Chic scarf.