Days of Our Lives - Fri., Aug. 5, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, August 5, 2016

A very well acted episode. Chad is on the phone, at home, with Mr. Shin, telling him to sell all the holdings in some division of DiMera. Harold brings in an envelope just brought by messenger. Chad reads the 3 sheets of paper within, the disbelief showing on his face. He calls someone, which verifies the info he has received. The woman matching Abby's description who boarded a plane in Miami that went down, crashed, no survivors, is identified as Jen Thomas, with the driver's license I.D. photo revealing it to indeed be Abby. Chad dissolves into tears.

In the square, Adrienne & Lucas sit with Jen & JJ, exchanging news, with JJ explaining about the woman in Miami matching Abby's description. They all figure it is a mistake, then talk of the Lucas & Adrienne's upcoming wedding....which they put off until Abby was found, but Jen is convinced she will be found soon, and be back home.

With Chad in tears, Jen arrives, and reads the papers that Chad received. She breaks down, JJ comes in, gets the news, reads, rages at Chad (blaming him) is going to call the airline. He returns, all is confirmed by the airline. He rages at Chad again, who gives it right back that they wanted to put her in a state institution, but everyone is crying, Jen tells JJ to just stop it, don't make it worse. JJ storms out, will never believe his sister is gone.

Jennifer is in the private area of the square, crying, totally upset, can't deal with this, won't be able to get thru it, cannot bear it, she is no alone. A hand touches her should, no you aren't, I am here. Jen rushes into Jack's arms, crying, sobbing, so glad he is there. She tells him that when he was gone, she thought it was the absolute worst, nothing could be worse. But this is. Jack is comforting, holds her, tells her she has Maggie, JJ, other family, friends, she is not alone. She talks of him not being real, she knows that, she just needs him so much so is imagining he is there. Jen is inconsolable, feels so much pain, cannot bear this, how will she get thru it all. Jack tells her that pills are not going to do it, she argues the point. He tells her that he will not stay if she contemplates that being the answer. He has moved away from her, her back is to him, a few feet away, She is crying, he vanishes. She turns, sees he is gone, and cries even more.

Rafe has gone to visit Hope, with a sack of Jason Bourne movies, figuring they will do a Bourne marathon, mentioning Flix & chilling. She laughs, evidently it means something else, she whispers it in his ear. He never hears of that, she laughs, they settle down to begin watching the movies, the lights go out. Power outage. He goes out, returns, whole block is out, a neighbor called power company, they said so many had zapped up their a/c, that the generator went out.

So, what shall they do? He figures they can dance, brings out his phone, and they dance to a lovely song. Soon, they are kissing, kibbitzing, and yep, before you know it, they are upstairs, in her bedroom, yes, she is sure, kiss, and down on the bed. Later, under the covers, naked, exchanging I love you, the lights go on. Hope says they could watch the movie now, Rafe says Jason Bourne can wait. Round 2. (and isn't Salem water wonderful? Seems Hope just got home after that very serious surgery, and no pain, all healed, etc.)

Andre calls Aiden, tells him that he has learned Roman & Justin are meeting at the club, that roman wanted to talk to Justin before but they could not connect, so now it is at the club (how convenient), tells Aiden to go see what is going on.

Roman meets with Justin, at the Club, tells him of this ex-cop, who claims to have seen what happened with that evidence that went missing. He will give it up, wants his job back. Justin convinces Roman to let him go talk to the guy alone, at the Mandalay Club. If the guy will only talk to Roman, Justin will call him, but thinks as D.A. he may get more out of the fellow.

Aiden heard it all, sitting at a nearby table, hurries out, sees the guy, convinces him he is there on behalf of the P.D. & gets the info. Aiden calls Abe, meets with him at the Pub, tells him the story. (seems the guy saw Justin coming out of evidence room with big box, thought it odd, took a picture). Now Justin is called to the cop shop by Roman, tells him the fellow did not show up, but Roman says Abe wants to talk with him. Into the interrogation room they go.

Andre is on the phone with his mole, confirming that Chad got the envelope, that JJ called the airline, was told exactly what Andre instructed to be told. He grins. Good. They all think Abby is dead.

Chad is sitting with Thomas (adorable) on his lap, Belle arrives, one look at Chad, what is wrong. He hands her the papers, Belle says, Oh, no. Chad is sobbing, stroking Thomas's head, kissing him.

Aiden arrives, Andre asks how did it go. Big grin from Aiden.

Lucas & Adrienne run into Justin, who looks devastated. She says, Justin, what is wrong.

Rafe & Hope are all snuggled on the sofa, watching a Bourne movie, kissing, she asks him to pause it, tells him how wonderful this evening was, teases about him probably knowing what flix & chill meant, he says no. They kiss, knocking at door. Tis Roman. Both button their shirts a bit more, she lets Roman in, he has news, glad Rafe is there, affects him as well. He finally spits it out. The dept. received some disturbing information, and Justin Kiriakis is no longer the D.A. effective immediately. He has been replaced by Aiden Jennings.
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The show sounds good to me, with or without a cliffhanger. Although in some ways the Abby news might qualify.
The Rafe/Hope scenes were truly "filler" with all the other emotional things going on. Except at the end. Plus it was daytime in one part of town, night in another......but overall, really, a good show. I loved, absolutely LOVED seeing Jack.

I just cannot imagine how the blazes Aiden managed to be appointed D.A. I mean, wouldn't the Asst. D.A. usually take that position, even if temporary, instead of some atty. who was contemplating murdering a police officer?

I checked the writers, Josh Griffith name still heading it.
I thought the non Rafe/Hope stuff was good but I agree with the others that there should have been more action today. I would have expected to have seen a glimpse of Abby at the end since we know Andre set up the crash stuff as well as a major clue as to who has Tate. Very meh ending for a show heading into a 2 week break. For those of us who follow spoilers, I hope we get a good preview. Right now I'm very underwhelmed.

Billy Flynn (Chad) is one of the few actors who can carry a scene on his own. He did very well today. Nice to see pop up Belle at the end. I do hope Chad figures out that this is a setup. I don't want to see him romancing anyone else for a while.

I'm guessing this was a new day in Salem but once again JJ was in the same red shirt as the previous day but everyone else appears to have changed. Bad editing again.

LOVED seeing Jack. I was hoping he would turn out to be real. Oh well.
I wonder if Abe made a deal with Aiden regarding the DA job in return for not causing bad press about Justin's misdeeds (destroying evidence). As mayor (is he still mayor??), he would probably want to keep it quiet. If he made such a deal, add Abe to the list of Salem government/law enforcement personnel I'm disappointed in.
I just cannot imagine how the blazes Aiden managed to be appointed D.A. I mean, wouldn't the Asst. D.A. usually take that position, even if temporary, instead of some atty. who was contemplating murdering a police officer?
Exactly. When our county D.A. was elected to Congress back in 2014, her chief assistant was named to the job and later was elected to the position in a special election. Abe should be impeached for for appointing the likes of Aiden to this position. If this was anywhere but Salem, the entire staff of the D.A.'s office would flee for other positions. Apart from the absurd appointment of as ex-officer Dozer put it, "the shyster lawyer who came back from the dead." Other surprises included Lucas actually getting screen time and Harold answering the DiMansion door. Maybe he was close to the front door because he now spends his days relaxing in the now never-seen DiMansion living room smoking Stefano's cigars, drinking his liquor, and reading the latest issue of the Salem Intruder. Finally, it's always good to see Jack, but now Belle has another argument against custody for Jenny -- she imagines that she sees her dead husband.
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I looked up Flix and Chill. They changed the one word on the show, but I'm sure
that's what they us to think....

Until I saw JJs shirt, I thought it was another night since Jen had something different on.

So Aiden is DA. How did Abe let that happen? Salem needs to get more lawyers, pronto.

Good scene with Chad and Jennifer comforting each other about Abby. I hope they remember
that if they Jen still tries to get custody of Thomas.

Nice to see Harold today. It's been awhile since we've seen him.

I'm glad Hope and Rafe found her bed. Anyone can peep in front door window and watch
if they did
it on the couch :)

Nice scene with Jack and Jen... will Jennifer try to find the bottle she threw away on yesterday's show.