Days of Our Lives Fri., August 2, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, August 2, 2019

FIREWORKS...and not even the 4th of July! Kate is visiting Xander, wanting to talk to Kristen, she is worried that Kristen will come after her or her family. Xander is shirtless, remains so throughout their scenes, as they go back and forth with why she should not be worried, have to watch her back, she ends up storming out.

Ted makes up all his excuses for the money, how he like to keep spare cash on hand, and other baloney. Hope is calm, questioning. He admits most of his clients are the bad guys, even pretending he will get rid of the money. She stops him. He finds the basil he had purchased earlier, in the trash, realizes she wanted to get into his apt., and be alone, needed excuse.She has questions about the kidnapping, his story doesn't add up. She tells how Will looked at footage, he & Xander not there. Ted knows Will hates him, could not have seen every single dock, etc. They go back and forth, but in the end, Hope removes the necklace and gives it back to him. He is claiming how much he loves her (lots of flashbacks today, for different characters.) but she leaves the apt.

And there is Sarah, trying to explain away her saying “I love you, too, Eric”. She talks of them just having dinner with Eric, feeling sorry for him, yada yada. She babbles a lot. Rex is not buying any of it, she finally admits she & Eric had developed feelings for each other, were going to tell him, but Nicole came back, & Eric …..well, she knew he loved her. Rex asks why she married him, she goes on about wanting to be a good wife, blah, blah. He talks of all the times he found them together, how cozy they were, how when she hugged Eric, it was overly long. Finally, he asks her if she is in love with Eric. She hesitates, but says yes, she is. He storms out. She runs after him, finding the shirtless Xander enjoying a drink. No, he did not see Rex, heard a door slam, tho. Is there trouble in Paradise? You might say that, she replies, and goes back upstairs.

Eric is at the Pub, all downhearted as usual, telling Roman how Nicole is now married. Roman assumes it is Brady she married, rants a bit about his brother betraying him, but Eric finally says, no, it is Tony DiMera. Roman says, he is dead. No, he is not. Evidently Kristen had him in Nashville, he was there and rescued Nicole from the fire, both injured, in hospital long time recuperating, bonded. Roman cannot fathom how that could make her fall in love, and want to marry the guy. Eric bemoans how the two women he cared about......Nicole & Sarah......married other guys, wonders what is wrong with him. Roman thinks he has to look elsewhere, Eric agrees.

And over to DiMansion, where the two Mrs. DiMeras try to convince Mr. Shin each of them would do the better job of running the company. They argue, throw digs and insults at each other, fake Nicole makes a pretty strong reason for choosing her, claiming Gabi would only be a puppet, Stefan would pull the strings, and the company would continue downwards. Gabi talks of how she created Gabi Chic from scratch and built it into the companies biggest money maker, and how Nicole did not even show up first day of work. She finally says she will strip Stefan of all power, he wants to talk to her privately. They go out to the foyer, argue a bit. Gabi points out that they have better chance this way, Nicole had made valid statements, blah, blah. He agrees, they go back in. Now fake Nicole had eavesdropped, realized Gabi might persuade Shin with this latest, tries her best to discount it all, but Stefan announces he agreed to sign everything over to his wife. Shin chooses Gabi as CEO, fake Nicole has big meltdown, tries bringing up losing her child, but doesn't work. Tony finally pulling her off, they should leave. Shin will have paperwork drawn up, but reminds Gabi she is on a short lease, and if she disappoints, she will be out as fast as she came in.

Eric arrives back at his apartment, finding Rex sitting on the sofa. What are you doing here? Wanting to know why you broke up my marriage.

Ted calls Kate, needs her help, everything has ended with Hope.

Fake Nicole is with Tony at her room. Pulls out a gun, she knows how to deal with Gabi Hernandez. Will take care of her.

Stefan pours champagne, bragging to Gabi how “they did it”. Gabi is flashing back to telling Kate it was not about love, but about money, & power. Stefan gives her a glass, clinks, then suggests they go celebrate upstairs. Gabi says no, instead , how about you packing your bags and getting out of MY house!
Yes glad something is happening with the Rex/Eric/Sarah garbage. Poor Rex. Is Eric going to listen to Roman or is he now going to go after Sarah? Were she and Rex in the same room, the same bed that she boinked Xander in?

Gabi certainly found a way around that prenup. I would have thought Stefan would be smart enough to put in a clause that she needs to stay married to him. I still can't see Gabi as a legitimate CEO. Still don't really know what Gabi Chic is.

Geez the timing. Hope walking by as Kate says Hope Brady is not my problem.

It is beyond time for Kristen to be exposed!!
deleted unnecessary quote - no need to quote the post directly above your own post - JS

All you can do is shake your head at this foolishness. What I can't understand is why they can't find something else for Nicole than this stupid story.
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And if Days was filming just 2 or 3 months ahead, this would have ended already, as they would have seen the story was not going over at all. Actually, the story might have been o.k. for a short run, 3-4 weeks. But when you drag any story out for months and months, needing to use filler scenes to fill the gaps, etc. you are not making your audience happy at all.
Mr. Shin: PIty this poor man who was presented with a choice of two self-serving upstarts with criminal records. When he finishes his stiff drink, he should really speak to Abe about getting Theo SORASed and arranging for him to get a quickie MBA degree from Salem University Business School.

Stefan & Tony: Both of these fools should seek immediate annulments of their marriages. This would leave Tony free to marry his beloved Anna and give Zero the satisfaction of blowing up Gabi's revenge plot.

"Nicole": Was it really wise to bring up Tony's "history" as a DiMera? It consists largely of being held captive by Stefano on some secret island, hating Stefano so much that he refused to call him "Father," and then spending years in a Dr. Rolf-induced state of suspended animation.

Xander: He really shouldn't sit shirtless in Victor's sacred chair. He might leave behind sweat stains and the scent of his hated body wash. It would make for a good scene if Victor plopped down in his chair, wrinkled his nose, exclaimed: "Confound it, this chair smells like Xander," and then call for Henderson to disinfect his chair of all traces of the X-Man.

Ted: His claim of being a changed man had no chance with Hope. The whole idea of self-redemption was ruined in Salem by Sami's years of claiming that EJ had "changed."
Roman says, he is dead.
Yeah, and so are you, 3x by my count.
Wanting to know why you broke up my marriage.
Eric is so unlikable, but he's really not guilty here. Sarah likes him better, but made the mistake of marrying the cheating Rex. It's OK, Rexy boy - I'm sure Melissa could use
What I can't understand is why they can't find something else for Nicole than this stupid story.
Hear, hear. I'd rather Arianne Zucker (Nicole) be playing another role than this dreck. I know actors like to stretch, but this is disgusting and only looks to be getting worse.
Thanks, Poirot.

I know robin loved this episode since Xander didn't wear a shirt.

Eric finally figured out why Nicole is acting so strange because she
is "a completely different woman"

Will Stefan leave the house after Gabi told him to? Will Gabi take
down Stefano's portrait?

Finally, Rex understands why Eric and Sarah give those looks to each
other all the time. Will he beat up Eric on Monday's show?

Kate asked a good question about who hit her over the head? Kristen
or Nicole? Xander should have said both.

Kristen really lost it at the mansion when she didn't get the job. She's going
to have to be careful acting that way wearing the mask.