Days of Our Lives - Fri., Dec. 20, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December 20, 2019

Tis morning in Salem, Gabi & Eli waken, she apologizes for getting mad at him, he is sorry he did not get Kristen's shares. She notes the voicemail from Kristen. Eli leaves. Gabi calls Kristen back. That woman is sitting with Lani, drinking wine, showing Lani her new Phoenix tattoo, which she just had done. Ahhh, Gabi is calling, she puts her on speaker phone so Lani can hear, then has a dumb conversation with Gabi, wherein she talks of selling Gabi her shares, pretending she is still in the convent. Lani is grinning, as Gabi inquires about her, did she confide anything to Kristen, blah, blah. Kristen claims Lani did not talk to her, not that good friends, just sisters together. Gabi wants to come to Rome to sign the papers, make the donation to the convent, no, spend Christmas with your family, we will talk after the holiday.

Kate wakes up, as Steve-ano is caressing all indignant. You can share my room, not my bed. He wants to get close with his Katerina, she refuses, no way, he has the face of a man she detests. He says he isn't too happy when he looks in the mirror either. Roman is pounding on the door, where is she, a waitress quit, customers downstairs (Chad & Abby). She first claims she overslept, then, because he heard her talking (she shagged Steve-ano & his clothes into another room) she claims watching TV. Roman gets ticked, now she says she is sick, but then he finds a man's shoe on the floor. She says she uses it to swat bugs, Roman says fly swatter cheaper, since it is a man's shoe, he knows what is going on. He leaves, Steve-ano comes out, Kate argues with him, wanting him to leave, he can't, tells her to go see if the loft is safe now. And bring back lunch.

Chad & Abby chat away, he realizes his father probably lied to him, hoped he had changed, obviously not. Rolf is involved, APB out on him, no, won't trust him any more. Next they are in the square, Eli comes along, telling them they are going to lose, Gabi got a call from Kristen, who is willing to sell her shares to Gabi. Chad goes to see Gabi.

John tells Marlena to close her eyes, as he finishes tying ribbon on her gift. They are so happy to finally be alone, he tells her she was right about Hope having feelings for him, she makes him tell her all that happened.

Rafe & Hope are searching the loft. She flashes back to last night, clearing the place of any trace of anything, including the portrait which is in the trunk of her car. Rafe is claiming to be going over every inch of the place. Abe arrives, gets filled in, tells them he thinks Stefano has been there, Marlena got flowers with a card signed only S. He decides to go see John & Marlena, then leaves. Rafe now finds a tiara, figures Stefano had it for his “queen of the night”. Gina is looking upset, Rafe bags it, takes it to check for fingerprints. He is gone, Gina is upset, what do I do now?

Abe arrives at John & Marlena's, tells them they think Stefano was or is in town. He has an idea, calls Celeste, asks if she can get any vibes about Stefano. When he finally gets off the phone, he is a bit perplexed, as Celeste did all her stuff......then told him Stefano was not in town.............but yet, he is. This puzzles both John & Abe. Weird. Abe says that no matter what, Celeste always has a kernel of truth in what she says.

Kristen & Lani are grinning, Lani complimenting Kristen, who reeled Gabi in like a striped bass.

Kate comes to the loft, asking Gina when Steve-ano can come back. He can't, crime scene. Kate asks exactly what is Gina the Princess of......Hoboken? They get into an argument, Gina slaps Kate! As Kate holds her cheek, she comments you just b* slapped the wrong person. You will pay for that. In comes Rafe.

Chad has shown up, chats with Gabi, who brags about getting Kristen's shares, and when she does, Chad will be out of there. Chad's cell rings. It is Kristen, with a proposition for him.

Abby decides to go check on JJ, he is not answering her calls, messages, etc. Eli stops her, he was supposed to keep it a secret, but he knows where JJ is.

Marlena had come to the Pub, as Roman puts up a help wanted sign, a waitress quit, and Kate is sick. Steve-ano sits in Kate's room, waiting her return. Knocking at the door. Kate, it's Marlena, Roman said you were sick. Steve-ano looks startled.......He murmurs..........MARLENA!
This is all getting old. Time for Gabi to be caught. It's sad, I use to like Gabi and Eli but now Gabi is just so, so I don't know what. Eli is going to feel like such a fool. And in true soap fashion, I am sure Gabi will have a miracle pregnancy if he reunites with Lani.

Kate. I am sure she will actually have sex with Stefauxno even though he has Steve Johnson's face and body. I was surprised that Roman didn't hang around her door since he knew she wasn't alone. Part of me wishes they would let Stefano and Joe Mascolo rest in peace. He was a great character. Caused all sort of problems but no one can be Stefano besides Joe Mascolo. Make another villain. I still say Stefano's brother.

Everyone is so dense with Princess Gina. Especially Marlena and John. With Hope having a thing for John, neither one of them have said this is like when she was Princess Gina? I don't think Rafe ever knew Princess Gina, did he? I'm sure he's going to find Hope's prints then she'll be all "I remember I did pick it up even though I didn't act like it when you found it." Should be interesting how Kate and Gina explain to Rafe what is going on.
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Gabi: Good sense in Salem is often a rare commodity, but Gabi is well on the way to earning the title of Monumental Fool of the Twentieth Century. She actually thinks that she can conduct honest business with Kristen? She really thinks that Kristen would sell her shares to a scheming, sketchy non-DiMera? Gabi really should go back to designing fashions for young women with no taste and stop trying to play in the Salem major leagues. As for her paramour, Eli, he ought to start looking for a new job in law enforcement because his boss's tenure at DiMera is headed for an inevitable ugly end.

Steve-ano: Once again he showed how he's a pale imitation of the real Phoenix. Stefano never would have made snarky remarks about unpleasant aspects of his Catarina's past. As for his "inbred moron," the Princess of Hoboken, she shouldn't mess with Kate. She'd eat her alive.

Roman: So he's short of help because of Kate -- big surprise. If he wants employees who'll keep the customers happy, he ought to hire the mellow Rory or the always cheerful T. Another possibility could be Big Boy Sonny. He ought to find employment before Victor gives him a dirty look and growls that it's about time he got a job and quit sitting around the K-Mansion
Bet customers would squirm seeing their waiter at the Pub in a suit, white shirt & tie! I don't think Sonny has casual clothes. Then again, Kate, with her hair hanging down the sides, and jangle jewelry, flowery attire, is really not much better.
don't think Sonny has casual clothe
Not this faux Sonny who returned from Paris when Will was dead, but previously he detested the button-down overpriced K-suits his kin wore.

Generally the show's terrible. But I appreciate that they're skipping things and showing us quick flashbacks of stuff we didn't see - even if it's stupid and wouldn't fit into the time allotted (all of Gin-ope's maneuvers covering her Phoenician tracks). It's at least a different way to lay out the terribly bland and unoriginal stories.
Thanks, Poirot.

A new day in Salem

There were some funny lines on today's show.

Thank goodness, Stevano and Kate didn't do it.

Why can't Stevano go to the DiMera tunnels to live?

It was strange to hear Marlena say Katie.

I laughed when Marlena responded to John about "Hope" telling him
she had feelings for him. Marlena told John "I'm good, huh?" Not really,
hasn't figured out it's not Hope.

John told Abraham that Celeste is a "Fortune Teller, Salem's own CSI"
Well, if John couldn't tell for over a year that Gina was not Hope and was making plays for him, he wouldn't need much to believe that Hattie is Marlena - which I hope does not happen! I think she will come back as Hattie and work in the pub for Roman. At least, I HOPE so.