Days of Our Lives - Fri., Dec. 21, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December 21, 2018

Hope & Jennifer are supposedly decorating the Horton Christmas tree...Hope apologizing to Jen for asking her to lie for her, explains it was Ciara, asks if she is overprotective mother, then says Ciara is getting closer to Ben Weston. Jen understands, tis o.k. Doug comes in looking for his car keys. Nope, you are not going to hospital without eating first, Hope mentions she cannot cook, so Jen will make him pancakes like Julie's. (Hope, you have raised a family, I would not brag about not being able to cook, shame on you). Doug holds Julie's ornament, smiling, then wolfs down the food & coffee, all ready to go. Hope will drive him, Jen going along.

Abby & Gabi face off in Julie's room, Gabby forcing Abby to admit the Gabby thing is all an act, and yes, she sent Julie to try and find something, the wig, sedatives. Gabi is denying but Abby knows what she did, just has to get proof. Since Kayla uses patient confidentiality to not divulge Gabi got the pills, Abby figures a court order should work. Gabi is yakking about calling Stefan, Abby then will call Rafe. Standoff. Gabi leaves. Abby sits by Julie's bed, is so sorry for all that happened, loves her, appreciates she wanted to help, just come back to us, to all who love you. She gets a text from Mendez to call him, she leaves the room.

Rafe comes to see Stefan, about Ted Laurent, Stefan skips over and around, never admitting a thing, but telling Rafe to tell Ted to keep his ridiculous accusations to himself, and stay away from Stefan, and all will be well. He does insinuate to Rafe this has something to do with Hope & Ted. But Rafe leaves.

He goes to the hospital, where Hope is coming out of Julie's room, seeing her dad with Julie got her too upset, Jen stayed with him. Rafe tells of seeing Stefan, yada, yada.

Chad comes to see Kate, has a gift. She did not buy one for him. He also tells her they both will be out of a job, Victor fired him, tells why. He does say that Sonny talked to Vic, who is letting him & Thomas stay over Christmas. Kate had said she could get him a room there, but he is o.k. For the next couple days. They talk of Julie's fall, he did not see anything, Gabi said blah, blah. She opens the gift, it is Andre's watch, she is very touched. Says she has a wonderful gift for him, he will love it. After he is gone, she sits, writes him a letter, telling him he is Charlotte's father, not Stefan. She reads it aloud, puts it in the envelope. Then crushes it all up, into the waste basket.

Abby comes home, has a wrapped gift, the one for Stefan. He is glad she is back, he has been doing all the prep work alone. (he hung an ornament on the tree which says Charlotte's first Christmas. He cannot wait to open his gift, she smiles, cannot wait for him to see it.

JJ comes across a nurse, sprawled out on the floor, a pill bottle near her hand. Another nurse goes for something, JJ is trying to revive her. The other nurse brings the item, gives it to JJ, who evidently injects it into the unconscious nurse's leg. She comes to, sits up for a second, goes back to being unconscious. The other nurse helps JJ get her up on a bed, I guess in the lounge, will be keeping an eye on her. Finally the woman comes to, chastises JJ for saving her, should have let her die. No, he could not do that. You don't understand, she says. Oh, he does.....(Kudos to Casey Moss/JJ here, as these scenes best today). He tells of being in the same place a year ago, was going to kill himself, not with pills, a gun. He explains about shooting Theo, how guilty and despondent he was, depressed, only solution would be if he was dead. How his friend saved him, refused to leave him. And how the next morning, Theo woke up, was going to be fine. A Christmas miracle. His story does bring tears to her, but she says the meaning falls on deaf ears. She goes to sleep. JJ calls the other nurse, his shift over, he is going home, Merry Christmas, etc. He gathers his things, starts towards the door, turns, looks at the gal, sits down on the recliner...he is not leaving.

Gabi is back at Kmansion, reading the DNA results, trying to figure how she can get Chad to see these without involving herself. He walks in, they Merry Christmas Eve each other, both mentioning having more Christmas wrapping to do. He walks over.....what do have there?

Stefan is excited about them having Christmas together, wonders what is in his gift. Abby (still in the Gabby wig) thinks it doesn't hurt to open one gift on Christmas Eve. He gleefully opens his box, expression changing to puzzlement, there are papers. He picks them out of the box, what is this? They are divorce papers you SOB!

Doug sits by Julie's bedside, talking to her, of celebrating Christmas, her favorite holiday, how he now is taking his turn at pressuring her (Jen listens to him, smiling) because he cannot enjoy this without her with him. So she has to come back, wake up. He pleads........& Jen looks startled, Doug smiles, as Julie's eyes flicker open.
I still don't understand why Abby married Stefan in the first place. If she didn't want to be committed, why not just get a quickie divorce from Chad on her own? Anyway, I also don't understand why she isn't getting an annulment. Didn't she get one from Dario? Tis Salem.

I was surprised Abby didn't remove the wig at the end. When Stefan was staring at her, that's what I thought was happening.

The Rafe/Stefan stuff was pointless.

I didn't understand the point of the past 2 days if Gabi was just going to relapse into a witch today.

JJ and Nurse Haley already seems boring and forced. I may be in the minority but still think they should have put him back with Gabi. There's automatic tension with the Abby stuff and they still have great chemistry.
Another nurse goes for something, JJ is trying to revive her. The other nurse brings the item, gives it to JJ, who evidently injects it into the unconscious nurse's leg.
He asked her to bring him Narcan, the drug that is used to revive someone who has overdosed.

Didn't she get one from Dario?
I had completely forgotten about that.

It was funny when Abby referred to Charlotte as "Baby Power Lungs".
I didn't understand the point of the past 2 days if Gabi was just going to relapse into a witch today.

I agree. At the end of yesterday's show, I thought Gabi would break down, cry, tell the truth. Maybe even need some kind of sedative following a panic attack, horrified at her actions of the last months. But nooooo.

It's like the "writers" cannot remember what they wrote 5 minutes ago. I can imagine them "Must write... must write". A voice in their heads saying "But it doesn't make sense". Then the "writers" keep on writing, not listening to the voice of reason. "Must write, must be six months in advance or we're in trouble... must write". :angry::angry::angry::angry:
Then crushes it all up, into the waste basket.
Every time I start to like her...she does something like this. Can we get rid of her yet?

Some people on twitter are feeling sorry for Stefan0's coming fall. NOT ME. Rarely have I wanted to see a Salemite take a fall as badly as I want to see Stefan0's. Today was a good start.

I'm curious to see where Haley/JJ go, but so far, not a great start.
I still don't understand why Abby married Stefan in the first place. If she didn't want to be committed, why not just get a quickie divorce from Chad on her own?
If she did, then her mother could easily commit her, as next of kin. She knew Stefan would not, if he could have his Gabby back, and that is who Gabi worked on to have everyone believe Abby had turned into, alter back. She married him, kept out of Bayview, but then Chad made sure she went anyway. So, they way out , was to pretend to be Gabby full time.
Not sure, but maybe she had to "divorce" Stefan this way, because of it being out of the country, and on the sly. ? She told Mendez to go back to his country and end it.
Gabi: This one just doesn't know when to pack it in. One moment, she's in despair because Julie will reveal all and the next, she's talking trash to Abigail.

Doug: If Hope wanted her father juiced up for a visit to Julie, she should have asked Jenny to whip up a batch of her special donuts. They'd make Doug feel as if he was eighteen again.

Abigail; She's single-handedly rewriting the law of marriage and divorce. Anywhere but Salem, she couldn't have divorced Chad without his knowledge, and if she had then tried to marry McPerv, she'd have been committing bigamy. (Imagine Jenny's reaction if she picked up a copy of her rival paper, the Intruder, and saw a screaming headline saying, ABIGAIL DEVERAUX IS A BIGAMIST, And if her marriage to Slimy O. McSlime was valid, again she couldn't divorce him without his knowledge, even with a document in a box that's nicely wrapped and tied with a bow.)

Ted: Rafe will probably receive a case of beer from the grateful Horton Cabin Raccoons. With Ted no longer in danger from Creepy O. McCreep, they won't have to tolerate his odious presence in the cabin any longer (especially because as Hope once noted, Ted is a slob).
Today was a decent episode the ending was the best part I think we all can agree, no sympathy for Stefan. Abby is starting to go towards Sami Brady status with as many marriages and divorces taking place in her life. We all know eventually she will likely marry Chad again.

I also feel Haley and JJ is also suddenly a forced storyline much like Eric and Sarah. Usually, a brand new character is slowly introduced kind of like how Jordan was somewhat in the background, in the beginning, some even thought she was working for the DiMeras back then. With Haley, the writers rushed into her storyline with her troubling phone call the day prior now her attempting to commit suicide. I somehow see this Haley girl going psycho stalker eventually.
I still just don't understand all this supposed love between Kate and Chad! I hope he finds out that she lied about seeing Gabby and that she knew he was Charlotte's father. Ugh.

I just knew it was gonna be divorce papers in the present. That was great.

Haley so far doesn't seem like she's going to be interesting. Overdosing in a hospital? If she really didn't want to be saved she should have gone anywhere else. Would be nice if new character was strong, confident woman and not another damsel in distress.
Thanks, Poirot.

Yippee, Julie is awake. Will she remember what happened and she
found out the big secret that Chad is Charlotte's daddy?

Will Gabi tell Chad he is the Charlotte's daddy first? Or will Kate
write him a new letter?

I think Haley said she was pregnant. Will we know who the baby daddy
of her baby is?

How many times did Hope call Doug daddy :)

I was surprised Jennifer knows how cook. Alice probably taught her.