Days of Our Lives - Fri., Dec. 27, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December 27, 2019

Brady is outside the Kmansion, Nicole comes out, talks of Holly being in Christmas heaven, Maggie went overboard on gifts. Brady did not want to run into Victor, so he stayed out, now Nik wants a drink, they go to the Pub, he has ginger ale, she has vodka martini. She asks Roman about Mickey, is so sorry she is ill, & she kept the secret from Eric. Roman is fine, that is between her & Eric. Nik & Brady sit and chat.

Earlier, Kate had come in, learned Roman had hired Hattie, and that she went upstairs to see Kate. She now rushes up there. But Hattie already had seen Patch, as she called him. He thinks she is Marlena, is happy to see her, says he is not Patch, well, she is not Marlena either, just Rolf turned her into lookalike on Stefano's orders. She is glad he is dead. Steve-ano gets angry, but in comes Katie to the rescue, and between her & Steve-ano they create a tale of how Steve is undercover for ISA, working on important case, using Kate as cover, Hattie should not tell anyone. They even say Roman knows, but all lips are sealed, she must not even slip & say anything in front of Roman. (Gad this is dumb). Hattie agrees, leaves, and promptly tells Roman thank you, she has seen Kate, all is well, and her lips are sealed.

Kristen & Lani arrive in town square, and are then in a hotel room, unpacking suitcases. Kristen has packed their nun clothes, telling Lani everyone is Salem thinks they are nuns, so they can take their time. She calls Chad, makes arrangements to meet in park area, talk of the DiMera shares. She departs, telling Lani to stay put. But Lani tells herself, like hell I will, puts up her hair.

At DiMansion, Chad, Abby, Eli & Gabi are having drinks, talking of the kids' reactions to their gifts (yes, it is still Christmas), some nonsense about Ari cutting the hair of Charlotte's doll or something, causing Abby & Gabi to exchange snarky, insulting comments to one another, Eli puts a stop to it, as does Chad. He gets the call from Kristen, pretends it is Jen, makes up some excuse about Charlotte wanting her doll with the special haircut, he & Abby leave.

Eli & Gabi begin to make out, go to get Ari to bed, offering Lani time to come in via the DiMera tunnel door. She comments she is glad she remembered how to access. She begins looking around, wants to find info about that app on Gabi's phone. She hears them returning, hides. They come in laughing, talking of Ari falling asleep so fast, start getting cozy, but talking of how Gabi helped him get thru Lani dumping him at the altar, telling each other they love each other, with Lani hearing every word. You can see the steam rising from her head, lol (she is in nun's outfit, too). Gabi & Eli decide to take their party upstairs in case Chad & Abby return, leave the room. Lani is furious, says loudly how much she hates “her”.

Chad & Abby meet up with sister Kristen, hugs, Kristen's conversation is filled with God, prayers, good thoughts, peace, good will, etc. etc. She has not decided on whether she will sell the shares to Chad, or to Gabi. Chad pleads that Gabi intends to fire him, force him from the house, get rid of the entire board once she has control. Kristen is talking of family, (considering Gabi is family now) Chad doesn't think Father would approve of the shares going to Gabi. Uh, oh, he let it slip, so now admits Father has been in touch, urging him to get those shares, etc. Kristen is surprised, the Phoenix is alive and well. She has to leave, will be in touch later.

Lani is walking thru the square....stops as she notes the Gabi Chic store. She stands, stares, walks over, picking up a heavy vase of flowers off a table, throwing it at the window, which shatters it completely. Alarms go off, she stands there, staring at her handiwork.

Chad & Abby sit, with Abby hopeful after Kristen is gone. Figures she will make the right decision. Chad says no........there is more to what Kristen said. She is up to something else, too.

Brady has seen Nicole to her door, she thanks him for seeing her home, (she has had more than one of those martinis). She opens the door, thanks him, impulsively pulling him into a kiss, they both practically fall into the room, door closes. Here comes Kristen, who has followed them from the Pub, standing at the door, nasty expression.
Oh, and wearing the nun's habit, she throws the huge vase thru the shop window!!

What else I found really off-putting.......was it was still Christmas Day, and all the parents had shuffled their kids off to relatives. Chad & Abby's kids were with Jen & Jack, while they were at home downing the booze. Nicole's daughter was with Maggie, while Nicole goes to the Pub to drink. And lucky for them, Roman actually was open on Christmas! Then Gabi's daughter is upstairs, playing alone, or maybe with the nanny, who knows? But Mom is downstairs, yep, having a drink with, and getting all smoochy with Eli, so much so, they hurry to get the kid off to dreamland so they can roll around in the sack.
Wow, Abigail's hair looked really dark. At the beginning when they drinking I thought it was Gabi but then they showed Gabi. Are we going to see Gabby again?

Good lord, that window smashed into a million pieces.

I can't stress enough how much I do not like Kristen and Brady together. Worries me how much he seems to love her. Why?!

Nicole, Nicole, Nicole. Do you think bedding Brady will get Eric back? Though I do like Nicole and Brady.

Tired of the dumb Stefano story. Hate that Hattie is back. I wish they would show that yes Stefano is dead. Killed by Hope. She killed him in cold blood and disposed of his body. Rolf just created this essence from his own crazy mind.
So the big picture for this show is awful. The stories are dumb and the characters are somehow dumber.

But some of the little things are better. The dialogue is pretty sharp, there are nice little "Easter eggs" and nods to the past for fans, and the clip of the show is better. (I really liked Thursday how Xander flashed back to surprising Sarah on Tuesday, since Wednesday had brought a new Salem day.)
Jason, sadly dumb and dumber seems to be the order of the day.

Steve-ano: His idiotic career as the pseudo-Phoenix hit a new low today. The whole preposterous plan now depends on Hattie keeping her mouth shut. How dumb is that?

Gabi: Why does she think that getting her greedy paws on Kristen's shares will put her in the driver's seat? Since Stefano was never officially declared dead all the stock he held as the majority stockholder is still controlled by himself or whoever is in charge of his affairs. Forgetting this little detail is another flub by the writers.

Kristen: Her year as a nun is looking dumber and dumber. She's still the same greedy, conniving, jealous creature that she always was. If Brady has now taken up with Nicole, it's the fault of the Salem witch for joining an order of nuns.

Lani: How totally dumb of her to torment herself by lurking in the DiMansion so she can overhear Gabi and Eli engaging in extracurricular activities. It accomplishes nothing. And pitching a vase through the window of GabiChic was not too slick either. How will she feel if Salem's best-known window-smasher from the past, JJ, gets blamed for her vandalism?

Eli: He's another one who's been hit by the stupid stick. Doesn't he realize how dumb it is to hitch his star to a second-rate conniver's effort to usurp control of DiMera Enterprises? If he'd do a little reading up on Salem history, he'd realize that when it comes to the family company, the DiMeras don't fool around and don't lose. Gabi is headed for the unemployment line and her foolish boy toy won't be far behind her.
Thanks, Poirot.

Why did Lani and Kristen still have their nun outfits? And who paid for them? If the
convent did, why not leave them behind instead of stealing them?

It was interesting to see Lani pop out of the wall from the tunnel. But she couldn't
get back in from that room.

It's official. Rolf gave Stefano "stupid" juice. Stevano had no idea it was Hattie,
not Marlena.

It was sort of funny when Kristen called Alice and Tom the Martha and George
Washington of Salem.
Lani's wide-legged stance after she chucked the vase through GabiChic's window reminded me of the way Marlena stood when she was the Desecrator and admiring her work after setting a church on fire.

For the record...

They had to "steal" the habits. No way they let you take them. You are sent to change in a special room leaving behind anything you received while a member of the Order. Believe me, you sign all kinds of paperwork and they return the dowry (without interest) required when you entered the Order/Congregation. They go over everything meticulously.

There are some hateful nuns; quite a few in fact. I had a friend overhear one in a labor room tell a woman in labor to "shut up" that she had her fun and now has to pay for it. However as much as I could go on about it, the swearing, using God's name casually, throwing things, high fiving etc is not realistic behavior. Absolutely NOTHING about this story of the year in a nunnery rings true. It is so poorly represented for the good or the bad. It really is offensive and extremely insensitive; a mockery.
Thanks for the summary!

Gabi: Why does she think that getting her greedy paws on Kristen's shares will put her in the driver's seat? Since Stefano was never officially declared dead all the stock he held as the majority stockholder is still controlled by himself or whoever is in charge of his affairs. Forgetting this little detail is another flub by the writers.
Good call! I hadn't thought of this.:wink::shocked:
I wonder how Abe will react, and what Lani will have to say about it, when he finds out what she's done. Is she going to stand there and wait until the cops come and Abe is called? She doesn't sound like a very smart criminal to me. (I haven't watched yet).
Lani has been devoid of any brain cells for a long time. She didn't have any as a cop, don't know how she made detective, did not have any when Gabi blackmailed her, none when she entered the convent & became friendly with the evil Kristen, and certainly not standing in middle of square having thrown the heavy pot and smashing the window into zillions of tiny bits.
Although I am not Catholic, I also found the bit with Lani committing a crime while dressed as a nun in poor taste.

****Sigh**** If only this was the only crime Catholic church was guilty of.

Lani has been devoid of any brain cells for a long time. She didn't have any as a cop, don't know how she made detective, did not have any when Gabi blackmailed her, none when she entered the convent & became friendly with the evil Kristen, and certainly not standing in middle of square having thrown the heavy pot and smashing the window into zillions of tiny bits.

Yup, so right. Just like Rafe was quick to sniff out a lie (Example.....How Rafe didn't let Sami get away with her lies in the safe house), he left or was fired from the FBI and joined Salem P.D.

Yup, just like Eli, who also left a high paying job that required defined sleuthing skills, left the FBI to take a lower salary with Salem P.D. and has become lazy in his detective skills.
****Sigh**** If only this was the only crime Catholic church was guilty of.

The church did was Lani who did. Giving refuge to someone, or accepting a person in who professes to wanting to become a nun is not a crime.