Days of Our Lives Fri., Dec. 6, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December 6, 2019

Going to apologize in advance, as although this episode was standard 1 hour, at times it felt like 2. That is how it seemed to drag. Brady is with John, notices the flowers with the card saying from “S”, John says no, not from Sami, thinks maybe they came from Stefano. Brady thought him dead, John feels maybe his way of letting them know he is alive. Yep, Brady agrees is his M.O. They talk of Brady losing his little baby girl, And we get flashback to Kristen sitting on edge of hospital bed, all antsy, Brady wondering where is Nurse Chen with the baby, Haley coming in, giving the blanket wrapped infant to Kristen, oohing, aahing, happy smiles, etc. Back to Brady talking to John about if his baby had lived. Also thanking him for sticking by him, that John could have reacted differently when Brady was with Kristen, but did not. Nice father/son bonding there.

Eric brings Mickey to see his mother, who admires, then looks a bit worried, baby seems lethargic, checks, she has fever. They take her to hospital, Kayla checks, fever 103°, probably virus, will run tests. Eric has only recently been with the baby, doesn't know if baby acting any differently of late. Will call Sarah.

Replay of Xander beginning to leave, Sarah grabbing him, planting the kiss. Xander says he thought she had something to say, Sarah replies she said it.....more kissing, they are getting hot and heavy, Sarah talking of how much he has cared about her & Mickey, his shirt nearly off, her cell goes off, tis Eric. Uh oh, she will be right there, Xander says he will drive her.

At the hospital, Eric is going to take Sarah to Mickey, Xander begins to follow, Eric stops him, doesn't want him anywhere near his daughter, Sarah promises to come out and let him know. Xander worried, they leave, Marlena comes out, Xander notes he is the one who has been with Mickey since day 1. Marlena notes that Eric would have been if his paternity had not been kept from him. Kayla comes out, is taking blood tests to lab, will let them know soon as possible.

In her office, Gabi on phone with Eli, ranting away about Chad, DiMeras, Kristen's shares, etc. Chad walks in, she hangs up, Chad wants to know why she let Eli take the jet to Rome, aborting his trip to Paris. She tells him take commercial, he can't because of storm. (Gabi is in another “hooker” outfit, bare midriff, her idea of corporate attire, I guess) . She & Chad go at it tooth & nail, she knows he wants to get Kristen's shares, but she is there first, will offer more, convent gets nothing, but will understand. She fires Chad, he says she can't, Shin & board would not allow it, she claims she can get whatever she wants. More threats back & forth, with Chad bringing up Abby telling all about what Gabi did to her, and tho she did not press charges, could change her mind. Even write article in paper, Arianna sure to find out/hear what her mother has done. Gabi is angered at this, but agrees he has job back, but once she gets those shares from Kristen, he will be toast.

In Rome, Eli hangs up on her, calls his hotel to see if room ready, wants drive & car 20 min. after he arrives. He gets up to go there, JJ steps out of the shrubbery, commenting about following Eli to Rome, finding Kristen. He turns, there is Haley, yes he is hallucinating as she questions what he is doing, urging him to forget it. No, he is determined to make Kristen pay for killing Haley.

And over to the convent........yes, we will all eyeroll here. Seems Lani has talked with Mother Superior, about forgiveness as final vows to be said tonight. And therein ensues more rehashing of what brought each of them to the convent, the decision to be nuns. (both nuns wearing lipstick, lol) Long and drawn out. Kristen wonders if Lani is just hiding, she wishes she perhaps did something different......visual of what might have been ...her telling Eli before the wedding, what Gabi was up to, him angered & vowing to get Gabi, arrest her. But Lani feels Gabi could still do Julie damage, Kristen urges her to tell Eli the truth.

Eli in his room, on phone, will need the driver in about 20 minutes. Goes to shower, JJ opens the door. (don't you wonder how?) He goes thru some stuff of Eli's, finds a gun, pockets it. When Eli comes out, he grabs a couple things, decides no gun, diplomacy, out the door. JJ steps out from wherever he was hiding, looks thru Eli's things (am guessing for location).

Kristen has left Lani to pray a bit more, both agreeing that Brady & Eli will be their past, this convent and this life their present & future. Lani is praying aloud for guidance to do the right thing, help her to decide what is right, she is sobbing, in comes Eli, who asks Sister to help, he is looking for.......Lani turns around. Starefest.

Kristen in garden, before statue of Blessed Mother Mary. She says a few lines of a prayer, JJ steps out, pointing the gun at Kristen. Another staredown.
Marlena looks at Mackenzie for 2 seconds and can tell she's lethargic? But daddy Eric didn't notice anything?

It was nice to see a birth that happened but it made me physically ill with Brady all over Kristen.

Boy everyone sure is mean to Xander when he has apparently been a wonderful father to Mackenzie since her birth and loves that little girl!!

I still can't wrap my head around Gabi being a high powered business woman.

I totally expected the end to be Eli coming in but Lani not turning around, then she did!! And if that's not a sign from God, Lani, I don't know what is!! I hope they resolve some things soon. Eli and Lani. Eric and baby. Gina and Hope. Please movement!!
That time jump must have happened at warp speed! I am Catholic and, although I don't know much about the process involved in becoming a nun, this is ridiculous! I seriously doubt that any nun takes her final vow after one year. A young woman from our parish entered a convent and it was at least three or four years before she was ready to take her final vows. Of course, it could very well depend on the order they entered, but one year is ridiculous.

Neither one has a true calling. The convent is an escape for them and has nothing to do with their religious beliefs. Now, I know that many of our saints were notorious sinners who underwent a miraculous conversion. Kristen, not so much. I'm surprised that Mother Superior has allowed those two to get as far as they did. It won't take much for Kristen to turn into a whackado again and she'll wreak her special brand of havoc on Salem.

Lani needs a whole heap of forgiveness. Not just what she did to Eli (and that was bad) but by not outing Gabi and her app, she is putting Julie's life in constant danger. Remember when Gabi flopped on the phone while she and Eli were doing a little boot knocking? Yeah, that could happen again and Lani would be just as much to blame. She could have put a stop to it a year ago. OK guys, rant over!
That time jump must have happened at warp speed! I am Catholic and, although I don't know much about the process involved in becoming a nun, this is ridiculous! I seriously doubt that any nun takes her final vow after one year. A young woman from our parish entered a convent and it was at least three or four years before she was ready to take her final vows. Of course, it could very well depend on the order they entered, but one year is ridiculous.
As noted in other threads, no different than a character becoming a doctor in less than year, or a barely-graduated-high-school character running an international corporation, or a heart transplant patient bopping around a week after surgery (with no scar), etc.
Here is a thought for Kristen. If you truly want to make amends for Haley's death and your innumerable other crimes, turn yourself in. Wave your dubious pardon. Go to prison rather than hiding away in a place where you get to decide your own fate. Heck, if you truly feel repentant, you can give your money to your victims or their families or the charities of Salem.

Next, up Angry Eric is angry and more vindictive than ever. I'm shocked by how he treated Xander by putting his own feelings ahead of Mickey (like it or not, Xander is the only father the baby has ever known). :sarcasm: What a piece of crap.

Finally, we have Lani the vengeful novice nun. Not only is Lani still full of hatred but she is also putting Julie's life in constant jeopardy by her in-action. Another former Salem resident who needs to change her wicked ways.
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Procedural quackery involving this nun-sense on Days? Say it ain't so!

I mean, it's not like the very same episode just accepts Eric's word that he's the father of the baby, when all legal records would indicate either no father or Xander as the father.

Come on, Days: Surprise me! Kill Kristen.
I'm shocked by how he treated Xander by putting his own feelings ahead of Mickey
To be fair, while many of us like Xander and see him as a big teddy bear wrapped around baby Mickey's little finger, he's still the guy who tried to kill Eric, Nicole and Marlena. If I were Eric or Marlena, I wouldn't want him around my supposed child/grandchild, either.
I'll agree with Jungle Madness. They've dumbed down Kayla so much, it's hard to take her seriously. Granted, some of her integrity was due to Rolf's miraculous meddling, but still - as I've said numerous times...competence isn't rewarded in Salem. (And it doesn't give characters screen time because it's not "soapy".)
Actually, Kayla is Chief of Staff, and as such, is bound by HIPAA, and the rules. Mickey's birth Certificate lists Xander as the father, not Eric. Just because Kayla knows Eric, and Marlena, doesn't mean she can violate the law. That said, she is pretty high up the medical chain, with years of experience, yet says it is just a goes to her for making sure via "tests". And shame on Sarah, for not insisting Xander be also allowed in.

An aside, but many families consist of a parent and a step-parent, & I sure hope in real life, those step-parents are not shunted aside during an emergency of any kind.
Thanks, Poirot.

Wow, Gabi has an office.

Nice to see Brady and John together.

JJ talking to Haley was a good thing because we found out he
stowed away on the DiMera plane.

Lani asked God for a sign if she was supposed to take her vows. Then Eli
walked in. And they're not even in Salem :)
I got a kick out of .......Eli is already in Rome, talking to Gabi on phone. Chad had the plane ready for himself, did learn that Gabi had changed things, and now he was flying Eli. So Chad waits 8 or 9 hours before confronting Gabi????? Because that is how long it takes to fly from mid-U.S. to Europe........except of course, from Salem, which only takes a few minutes. :sarcasm: